
  • 1、即使再甜的糖,也有苦的一天。
  • 2、什么都改变不了我对你的爱。
  • 3、I did not want to be playing with a toy。
  • 4、故事本身就是很透明的,所以我们希望能刻画出它透明的一面,让人简单地喜欢就可以了。
  • 5、The most simple is often the most beautiful, the most simple is often the most fashionable makeup weak wipe always is better than a thick makeup colourful clothes.
  • 如果没有你,我在哪里又有什么可惜。
  • 6、如果没有你,我在哪里又有什么可惜。
  • 7、神决定了谁是你的亲戚,幸运的是在选择朋友方面他给了你留了余地。
  • 8、The highlands far mountains can cut off day, but can not block deeply miss; Fabric can distance, but to resist the sincere emotion; Time can elapse time, again far also can close friends。 The Lantern Festival comes send my blessings every piece!
  • 9、Dedicated to the justice is a simple, dedicated to the evil is complex, and everything changes.
  • 10、神决定了谁是你的亲戚,幸运的是在选择朋友方面他给了你留了余地。

  • 11、when you are gone, who with me from south to north。
  • 12、The moon, the lantern light with your laughter, the fifteenth day of the echoed with your tunes, New Year New Year filled with your busy, at this time my thoughts with you。
  • 13、我怕我抓不住你,留下我一个人孤独。
  • 14、Life is often complicated, simplify complicated life will have no choice but in addition to the violence.
  • 15、Seemingly very simple, simple two word to do simple is not simple.
  • 16、最朴素的往往最华丽,最简单的往往最时髦,素妆淡抹常常胜过浓妆艳服。
  • 17、长大,成为你自己,是件需要很大勇气的事情。
  • 随着时间的流失我一天比一天更爱你。
  • 18、随着时间的流失我一天比一天更爱你。
  • 19、在梦境和爱情里,没有事情是不可能的。
  • 20、I love you more each day as time goes by。

  • 21、山脉能阻隔天高地远,却阻隔不住深深思念;经纬可以拉开距离,却挡不住真挚的情感;岁月可以流逝华年,朋友再远也会亲密无间。元宵节来临送去我的祝福片片!
  • 22、I'm afraid I can not catch you, just leave me alone。
  • 23、恋爱中,干傻事总是让人感到十分美妙。
  • 24、元宵节,送汤圆,多种馅儿任君选:无忧为馅烦恼消,好运为馅事业顺,如意为馅爱情甜,幸福为馅生活美。好友一场全送你,预祝你元宵快乐无限!
  • 25、What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger。
  • 26、I don't have the strenghth to stay away from you anymore。
  • 27、God made relatives;Thank God we can choose our friends。
  • 28、人生往往是复杂的,使复杂的人生简单化除了**就别无他法。
  • 29、你也许已走出我的视线,但从未走出我的思念。
  • Happy, is looks for a warm person for a lifetime。

    30、Happy, is looks for a warm person for a lifetime。

  • 31、Seemingly very simple, simple two word to do simple is not simple.
  • 32、在梦境和爱情里,没有事情是不可能的。
  • 33、战略有很多意义,小公司的战略简单一点,就是活着,活着最重要。
  • 34、我说,对不起已是太迟,太迟。
  • 35、Life is often complicated, simplify complicated life will have no choice but in addition to the violence.
  • 36、ou may be out of my sight, but never out of my mind。
  • 37、Happy, is looks for a warm person for a lifetime。
  • 38、元宵月亮圆又圆,像个圆盘挂屋檐;地上的炮竹圆又圆,来年幸福早来念;娃娃的脸蛋乐得圆,盼早长大建家园;爷爷奶奶眼镜圆,健健康康过大年!
  • 39、元宵月亮圆又圆,像个圆盘挂屋檐;地上的炮竹圆又圆,来年幸福早来念;娃娃的脸蛋乐得圆,盼早长大建家园;爷爷奶奶眼镜圆,健健康康过大年!
  • 40、Even next second we didn't meet, on one second we will meet。

  • 41、I said it's too late to apologize , it's too late。
  • People a year, a year, a year, appropriate for a year, friends for a year, a year, busy year, laugh for a year, a year, sweet for a year, a year, a year, rolling yuanxiao another year, I wish a happy Lantern Festival!
  • 42、People a year, a year, a year, appropriate for a year, friends for a year, a year, busy year, laugh for a year, a year, sweet for a year, a year, a year, rolling yuanxiao another year, I wish a happy Lantern Festival!
  • 43、The secret of success, is very simple, no matter when, no matter what, I never allow myself to have a little bit frustrated.
  • 44、大师兄,你知道吗?二师兄的肉现在比师傅的都贵了。
  • 45、幸福,就是找一个温暖的人过一辈子。
  • 46、What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger。
  • 47、简单,是生命留给这个世界的美丽的形式,而复杂,是生命永远无法打捞的苍凉的梦境。
  • 48、Dumplings stuffed, lanterns look cool, noisy over, people tired, finished section, sit still, get bored, that's ok, it's not, my blessing: I wish after the work is smooth happy every day。
  • 49、Nothing can't be figured out。The past just can't be reached again。
  • 50、Strategy has a lot of meaning, a small company strategy a little bit more simple, is alive, alive is the most important.
