
  • 1、The past is a memory, now is a struggle, is the target in the future.
  • 2、不准你胡思乱想,我心就这麽大,装的全是你。
  • 3、有些事情无须争辩,表面服从,偷偷反抗。

  • 4、谁捧起花的脸庞,让岁月美的黯然神伤。
  • 5、光线能使大地成熟,但不是太阳的光,而是人类灵魂的光!裴多菲
  • 决定放弃的那一刻我哭了,闭上眼睛我以为可以忘记,流下的泪却骗了自己,我爱伱。又怎能轻易说放弃。
  • 6、决定放弃的那一刻我哭了,闭上眼睛我以为可以忘记,流下的泪却骗了自己,我爱伱。又怎能轻易说放弃。
  • 7、生命苦短,只是美德能将它传到遥远的后世。
  • 8、天没降大任于我,照样苦我心智,劳我筋骨。
  • 9、往事留下我温婉的笑容,覆盖的灰尘早已死去。
  • 10、Industrious, open for myself; The lazy man, such as open to others.
  • 11、每场悲剧都会在平凡的人中造就出英雄来。
  • 12、因害怕失败而不敢放手一搏,永远不会成功。
  • 13、The fate of modern, lofty and bold and unrestrained passion depends on young people.

  • 14、只要你今天比昨天进步,那么你就是第一。
  • 15、Love is not a magnificent and victorious oath, but flatly light company.
  • 16、In any occasion in life shall all stand before the first line in the ranks of the soldiers.
  • 17、Memories left me wen wan smile, dust covered already dead.
  • 18、There are some things that don't need to argue, surface obedience, secretly.
  • 19、有的人走了就再也没回来过,所以,等待和犹豫才是这个世界上最无情的杀手!
  • 20、定期去检查身体吧,别等最后别人送你去。
  • I'm sorry, I can't do for you, can only be myself.
  • 21、I'm sorry, I can't do for you, can only be myself.
  • 22、在人生的任何场合都要站在第一线战士的行列里。
  • 23、Fail - is a comma to the strong, for the weak is a full stop.

  • 24、人和动物的真正区别,在于他内在的、无形的力量和价值。泰戈尔
  • 25、善于掌握自己时间的人,是真正伟大的人。
  • 26、为什么要那么痛苦地忘记一个人,时间自然会使你忘记。如果时间不可以让你忘记不应该记住的人,我们失去的岁月又有甚么意义?
  • 27、熟悉的地方没有风景;不熟悉的地方有陷阱。
  • 28、Because of injury, feelings of being more careful.
  • 29、Good at to master their time, is really great.
  • 30、花香飘渺,一如往昔的爱恋,尘封时间的沧桑。
  • 31、现代的命运,取决于青年人崇高而奔放的**。
  • 32、When the tears streaming down, just know, separate is another understand.
  • 33、什么叫做失败?失败是到达较佳境地的第一步。

  • 34、The fate of modern, lofty and bold and unrestrained passion depends on young people.
  • 35、有些事情本身我们无法控制,只好控制自己。
  • Learning can change everything. Action can solve all problems.
  • 36、Learning can change everything. Action can solve all problems.
  • 37、你发现了吗?好多人我们已经打扰不起了。
  • 38、To defeat their own is far more than beat than others.
  • 39、生命里建造在痛苦之上的,全部生活贯衣着痛苦。
  • 40、Every day begins with a smile, and wanted to hold out until the day of the past.
  • 41、当你寻找出路的时候,千万不要忽略了黑夜。米克沙特·卡尔曼
  • 42、Every life is beautiful, even a small flower also won't refuse.
  • 43、Day didn't spirit for me, so my mind, my bones and muscles.

  • 44、失败对强者是逗号,对弱者则是句号。
  • 45、Walking on the rugged road, will know ahead of hardships.
  • 46、Every dream, is the patience to achieve in reality.
  • 47、或许注定的,只是拥有你的背影,看着你的背影消失无踪迹,我故作洒脱,但你的笑容,还在我心底。我不知道自己应该做些什么,继续前进还是往回走,而我是这样地舍不得你的影子。
  • 48、当眼泪流下来,才知道,分开也是另一种明白。
  • 49、What called failure? Failure is the first step to something better.
  • 50、You mustn't entertain foolish ideas, my heart is so big, is full of you.
  • 艺术与科学既不同而又互相关联;它们在审美的方面交会。克罗齐
  • 51、艺术与科学既不同而又互相关联;它们在审美的方面交会。克罗齐
  • 52、在人生的任何场合都要站在第一线战士的行列里。
  • 53、Are contained in the difficult victory, failure breeds success.

  • 54、因为受过伤,才对感情变得更加小心翼翼。
  • 55、Nature has no ups and downs, the earth would not be fruitful achievements.
  • 56、只有经历人生的种种磨难,才能悟出人生的价值。
  • 57、Only a thankful heart, to experience the taste of happiness.
  • 58、每一个生命都是美丽的,再小的花也不会拒绝。
  • 59、I'm sorry, I can't do for you, can only be myself.
  • 60、I'm sorry, I can't do for you, can only be myself.