2023-01-22 00:00:36
- 1、一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。
- 2、刀在石上磨,人在世上练。
3、People go up and water flows down.
- 4、埋麦露豆,提耧耩谷。
- 5、运动使人健康长寿,静止使人衰弱短寿。
- 6、芒种南风起火,北风送芒种雷雨多(冀)
- 7、遥知兄弟登高处,遍插茱萸少一人。
- 8、Not afraid of not knowing the goods, but afraid of comparing the goods.
- 9、The sharper the knife, the brighter the strength.
- 10、节气不饶苗,岁月不饶人。
- 11、芒种前,忙种田;芒种后,忙种豆芒种不种,再种无用。
- 12、Fear of choosing the wrong man, fear of choosing the wrong line.
13、Pride comes from shallowness, arrogance comes from ignorance.
- 14、当金钱开始说话,事实就闭上嘴。
- 15、芒种芒种,连收带种。
- 16、锲而不舍,金石可镂。
- 17、Wives and good husbands have fewer calamities, while sons and fathers are filial and generous.
- 18、喝了人家的酒,跟着人家走。
- 19、Coarse tea and light rice can support people, ragged clothes and pants can cover the cold.
- 20、Things often go against people, things are always man-made.
- 21、水源能保险,可以提前串。
- 22、听话听音,看人看心。
23、Man errs for a moment and for a year.
- 24、宁肯给君子提鞋,不肯和小人同财。
- 25、老牛肉有嚼头,老人言有听头。
- 26、听话听音,看人看心。
- 27、Knives are ground on stones, and men practice in the world.
- 28、时间如雨后的彩虹,缓缓悄悄的消逝于蔚蓝天际。
- 29、If you want to live a good life, diligence, thrift and saving are three treasures.
- 30、The sharper the knife, the brighter the strength.
- 31、病从口入,祸从口出。
- 32、Once bitten by a snake, three years afraid of straw rope.
33、Do things according to the law and speak out to the people.
- 34、学好千日不足,学坏一日有余。
- 35、芒种南风起火,北风送芒种雷雨多(冀)
- 36、人误地一时,地误人一年。
- 37、Close to the mountains, close to the water, close to the fish.
- 38、骨肉之亲,析而不殊。
- 39、A gentleman's acquaintance is as light as water, and a villain's acquaintance is as sweet as lick.
- 40、With the spirit of hard work, things are half done.
- 41、谷雨种棉花,能长好疙瘩。
- 42、晚种一天,秸矮粒扁。
- 44、如果惧怕前面跌宕的山岩,生命就永远只能是死水一潭。
- 45、时间如雨后的彩虹,缓缓悄悄的消逝于蔚蓝天际。
- 46、人心不足蛇吞象,贪心不足吃月亮。
- 47、湿麦进仓,烂个净光。
- 48、灯不亮,要人拨;事不明,要人说。
- 49、聪明在于学习,天才在于积累。
- 50、迟干不如早干,蛮干不如巧干。
- 51、芒种无雨汛来早(冀)
- 52、久雨夜晴无好天,明朝还有雨连绵。
53、Grain rain planting cotton, can grow good pimples.
- 54、A well-managed pond of fish can reach ten mu of grain.
- 55、People are united and Mount Tai is moved.
- 56、In August, thunder sounded, and there was a terrible drought.
- 57、People should rely on themselves, others can not help you for a lifetime.
- 58、Business is often done by perseverance and destroyed by impatience.
- 59、人应该靠自己,别人帮你一时,不能帮你一世。