2023-04-14 02:45:59
1、聪明的爱人珍惜的是爱人的爱,而不是爱人的礼物。 2、爱情中的苦与乐始终都在相互争斗。 3、I have been searching for years, for that beautiful dream, but now, I find it in my arms, you are all to me. 4、Even if you were a cactus, I'd endure all the pain just to hug you. 5、Never stop smiling, not even when you're sad, someone might fall in love with your smile. 6、得成比目何辞死,愿作鸳鸯不羡仙。 7、Initiative, because of care, do not contact, because feel that they are redundant. 8、Love is a beautiful song, but it is not easy to write success. 9、New love, old love to go. 10、Love and hatred are blind. 11、标了价的爱情是虚假的。 12、Love is the fruit that everyone can get all year round. 13、万里何愁南共北,两心那论生和死。 14、爱过后的遗忘?那是我们不可更改的宿命,所有的一切都像是没有对齐的图纸,从前的一切回不到过去,就这样慢慢延伸,一点一点的错开来,也许错开了的东西,我们真应该遗忘了。且行且珍惜。 15、没有谁和谁是天生一对,如果大家都不肯多付出一点,多包容一点,谁敢保证爱情能走到最后? 16、If there is no you, in my lonely lonely, who will give me the warmth of need. 17、Love is a carefully designed lie. 18、有时候,生命的确让人感觉空洞。 19、有一种幸福叫平淡,有一种快乐叫相守,有一种思念是对你永远的关怀,不管在哪样的生命,你总是我最在乎的最爱! 20、Who love palaces is the virtue of the foundation and walls with wealth, with beautiful light, Top Glory shop, who is the happiest people. 21、Without flowers in spring and love in life, what kind of world would it be? 22、Love looks not with the eyes, but with the heart. 23、要做的事情总找得出时间和机会;不要做的事情总找的出藉口。 24、Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 25、珍惜身体,多锻炼,早睡早起,不停学习,不停旅行,即使腿脚未在路上,也要让心在路上。 26、Love is easy to believe. 27、A pair of shoes is worthless without one, so the other half is very important. 28、勇气如爱情,需要希望来滋养。 29、在爱情里,二个人的坚持才是幸福,如果只剩下一个人坚持,那叫做痛苦。 30、恋爱不是慈善事业,所以不能慷慨施舍。 31、The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them。 32、When a person really loves, he may not even think that he is in love with each other. 33、一饭之恩一世情,一夜夫妻百日恩。 34、To love a person means to help him return to himself and make him himself more. 35、A pair of shoes is worthless without one, so the other half is very important. 36、The longer true love lasts, the less rusty it becomes. 37、爱情是理想的一致,意志的融合。 38、我什么都没了,可是我有了你的真心陪伴,这真的好好。 39、爱容易轻信。 40、Sudden love takes the longest time to heal. 41、从前初识这世间,万般流连,看着天边似在眼前,也甘愿赴汤蹈火去走它一遍。如今走过这世间,万般流连,翻过岁月不同侧脸,措不及防闯入你的笑颜。 42、就算世界荒芜,总有一个人,他会是你的信徒。 43、婚姻从来不能用来挽救一段破碎的爱情,破碎的爱情只能得到破碎的婚姻。 44、He worries about life and death. 45、Couldn't hold back my tears, still strong smile. 46、未经失恋,不懂爱情,未经失意,不懂人生。 47、爱情是发生在两个人之间的一种共同的经验。 48、一颗秋心,漾动寂寞的笙箫。临水听箫,一轮明月,数株斜柳,便有无穷诗情画意。 49、Love is a feeling even if the pain will feel happy. Love is a kind of experience, even if the heart will feel sweet. Love is a kind of experience, even if it is broken, it will feel beautiful. 50、He never leaves his mother-in-law, nor does he leave his scales. 51、闲人把爱情当作正事,忙人把爱情当成消遣。 52、Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 53、想你想的睡不着觉,念你念的心怦怦直跳;恋你恋的鬼迷心窍,爱你爱的肉直往下掉! 54、想你想的睡不着觉,念你念的心怦怦直跳;恋你恋的鬼迷心窍,爱你爱的肉直往下掉! 55、就算世界荒芜,总有一个人,他会是你的信徒。