2023-02-16 13:21:14
- 1、只要不放弃努力和追求,小草也有点缀春天的价值。
- 2、笑是一种没有副作用的镇静剂。
- 3、只有脚踏实地的人,大地才乐意留下他的脚印。
- 4、未遭拒绝的成功决不会长久。
- 5、快乐,是人生中最伟大的事!
- 6、The warriors fight the hack flow without destruction, coward will drown in in smooth water.
- 7、珍惜时间可以使生命变的更有价值。
- 8、胸有凌云志,无高不可攀。
9、A little more distraction to pay attention to others, less a distraction to reflect on their own.
- 10、人生的价值,即以其人对于当代所做的工作为尺度。
- 11、快乐的秘诀是:让兴趣尽可能地扩张,对人对物的反应尽可能出自善意而不是恶意的兴趣。
- 12、你要做的就是让成功的速度大于父母老去的速度。
- 13、人生所有欢乐是创造的欢乐;爱情、天才、行动,全靠“创造这一团烈火迸射出来。
- 14、沉湎于希望的人和守株待兔的樵夫没有什么两样。
- 15、The number of things in your head is related with your future prospects.
- 16、Believe is the starting point for success, persistence is the end of success.
- 17、People have to know, since not to die, it is fun to live.
- 18、勇士搏出惊涛骇流而不沉沦,懦夫在风平浪静也会溺水。
- 20、One of the heart, desire is narrow, desires is wide.
- 21、To strike and defeat is a stepping stone to success, rather than a stumbling block.
- 22、眼睛里没有追求的时候,一定是心如死灰的时候。
- 23、所谓快乐,是指身体的无痛苦和灵魂的无纷扰。
- 24、再好的种子,不播种下去,也结不出丰硕的果实。
- 25、海浪为劈风斩浪的航船饯行,为随波逐流的轻舟送葬。
- 26、帆的自豪,是能在风浪中挺起胸膛。
- 27、All the real problems are never solved, but forgotten.
- 28、每个人都有错,但只有愚者才会执迷不悟。
- 30、所有快乐中最伟大的快乐存在于对真理的沉思之中。
- 31、To strike and defeat is a stepping stone to success, rather than a stumbling block.
- 32、尽可多创造快乐去填满时间,哪可活活缚着时间来陪着快乐。
- 33、When the external pressure is increased, the inner motive force should be enhanced.
- 34、The persistent pursuit of the greatest happiness of the people, is the winner.
- 35、别想一下造出大海,必须先由小河川开始。
- 36、往公牛身上再使劲,也挤不出一滴奶来。
- 37、For the best results, let's go crazy for the end.
- 38、每个人都有错,但只有愚者才会执迷不悟。
- 40、当我们爱别人的时候,生活是美好快乐的。
- 41、You can get the whole world with love, you can also lose the world with hate.
- 42、Be kind to others, understand others, love life, and work hard.
- 43、我们曾经为欢乐而斗争,我们将要为欢乐而死。因此,悲哀永远不要同我们的名字连在一起。
- 44、Give people money is the worst, giving the ability Zhongce, giving the concept is the best policy.
- 45、如果可以重新活一次,每个人都将是成功者。
- 46、天赋是埋藏在矿里的黄金,才能是挖掘矿藏的矿工。
- 47、悲观的人虽生犹死,乐观的人永生不老。
- 48、Not only by day, but also by the ground, but also by their own.
- 50、The new road often start is narrow, but it is their extension to broaden the overture.
- 51、不怕苦,吃苦三五年;怕吃苦,吃苦一辈子。
- 52、人最可悲的是自己不能战胜自己。
- 53、没有一回的快乐是无烦扰的。
- 54、I have the good heart of the Xi, although nine still not regret.
- 55、Confidence, perseverance, courage three have, the world did not do anything.
- 56、你脑子里东西的多寡,就关系着你将来的前途。
- 57、不要为已消逝之年华叹息,须正视欲匆匆溜走的时光。