
  • 1、I never meet you, you never know me。 This is the fate coincidence。 I meet with you together。 Isn't love in the steep cliff, but happiness is in your my fingertips。 Behind the screen, you know I miss you in?
  • 2、不要让未来的你,讨厌现在的自己。我正在努力变成自己喜欢的那个自己。
  • 3、施予时不必求回报,接受时不要吝啬感激。

  • 4、有压力,但不会被压垮;迷茫,但永不绝望。
  • 5、Last night I had a mosquito to find you, let it tell you that I miss you, and please it for me to kiss you, if you ask how much I miss you? If you ask how much I love you? Look, bag stands for my heart。
  • 不要让未来的你,讨厌现在的自己。我正在努力变成自己喜欢的那个自己。
  • 6、不要让未来的你,讨厌现在的自己。我正在努力变成自己喜欢的那个自己。
  • 7、Believe you can do it, you will have to do it.
  • 8、发奋识遍天下字,立志读尽人间书。
  • 9、明天、明天、明天,还有明天,我们应该把握住今天,让每个今天都大于小时。
  • 10、Like singing, love travel, no pursuit, collecting stamps, around work, specially make software, wages generally, less than four thousand, immediately rush three, no affection, for an object, interest can together, work together, happy tomorrow。
  • 11、昨晚我托蚊子找你,让它告诉你我很想你,并请它替我亲亲你,你若问我有多想你?你若问我爱你有多深?看,大包就代表我的心。
  • 12、Be like bamboo every step forward, to do a summary.
  • 13、成功需要成本,时刻也是一种成本,对时刻的珍惜就是对成本的节约。

  • 14、Do not think that effort is to do your own thing, don't forget to give your life a spring!
  • 15、你我的相知是缘分,你我的相恋是情分。对你的爱无需太多的语言,因为缘分早已经将你我相牵。亲爱的这一生,惟愿今生能够与你相依相偎到永远!
  • 16、明天、明天、明天,还有明天,我们应该把握住今天,让每个今天都大于小时。
  • 17、如果有来世,我不希望再遇到你,别着急,听我说完!我希望变成你的眼睛,变成你身上任何一部分,这样我就可以时刻和你在一起了!
  • 18、Do not think that effort is to do your own thing, don't forget to give your life a spring!
  • 19、人的生命或许是一个不间断的领悟过程,但无需在学校完成。
  • Lifetime have how long, who knows; How long the life, to know; A pair of lovebirds flying high, cloud know; Twinned trunks on how tight, and the wind know; How much love you, I know; Wish to have more real, you know。
  • 20、Lifetime have how long, who knows; How long the life, to know; A pair of lovebirds flying high, cloud know; Twinned trunks on how tight, and the wind know; How much love you, I know; Wish to have more real, you know。
  • 21、Fireworks moment is happy, a shooting star moment is wish, miss moment is moved, I just wanted to let you can see I am at the moment of see information sincerely bless you!
  • 22、不要着急,最好的总会在不经意的时候出现。
  • 23、I spell I beat, pay will have return. For the revival of Chinese, shi read a famous university.

  • 24、Fireworks moment is happy, a shooting star moment is wish, miss moment is moved, I just wanted to let you can see I am at the moment of see information sincerely bless you!
  • 25、I miss swirling Yang a loose sand grains to bring me to your blessing, I shed a ladle ripple water drops floating sea currents to your heart, love you, this life without regret, holding your affection, love you of person, I will try to care for you。 Whole
  • 26、奋斗者在汗水汇集的江河里,将事业之舟驶到了理想的彼岸。
  • 27、世上没有绝望的处境,只有对处境绝望的人。
  • 28、如果有来世,我不希望再遇到你,别着急,听我说完!我希望变成你的眼睛,变成你身上任何一部分,这样我就可以时刻和你在一起了!
  • 29、If too many vulnerable trauma, friends, pursuit is heal your wound is the best medicine.
  • 30、Clockwork SMS solemnly tell you: I didn't like you! You smooth skin, clear eyes, your slender legs, your moist lips, your lovely black hair, your everything I don't like! Because I have been deeply in love with!
  • 31、我拼我搏,付出定有回报;为复兴中华,誓读名牌大学。
  • 32、I never meet you, you never know me。 This is the fate coincidence。 I meet with you together。 Isn't love in the steep cliff, but happiness is in your my fingertips。 Behind the screen, you know I miss you in?
  • 33、Brain thinking, thinking by heart, confirmed by action.

  • 34、一辈子有多久,天知道;人生路有多长,地知道;比翼鸟飞多高,云知道;连理枝靠多紧,风知道;爱你有多深,我知道;祝福有多真,你知道。
  • 35、Last night I had a mosquito to find you, let it tell you that I miss you, and please it for me to kiss you, if you ask how much I miss you? If you ask how much I love you? Look, bag stands for my heart。
  • 36、以爱之心做事,感恩之心做人。
  • 37、明天、明天、明天,还有明天,我们应该把握住今天,让每个今天都大于小时。
  • 38、Work with the heart of love, gratitude to be human.
  • 39、Only you turn your complaints of environments into the strength to strive for the better is the guarantee of success.
  • 40、Vigorous knowledge all over the world, to read all books in the world.
  • 41、Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.
  • 42、以爱之心做事,感恩之心做人。
  • 43、我不曾认识你,你不曾认识我。命运本就是巧合。我与你相遇在一起。不是爱情在悬崖陡峭,而是幸福就在你我的弹指之间。屏幕后面的你,知道我在想你么?

  • 44、Clockwork SMS solemnly tell you: I didn't like you! You smooth skin, clear eyes, your slender legs, your moist lips, your lovely black hair, your everything I don't like! Because I have been deeply in love with!
  • 45、Clockwork SMS solemnly tell you: I didn't like you! You smooth skin, clear eyes, your slender legs, your moist lips, your lovely black hair, your everything I don't like! Because I have been deeply in love with!
  • 46、Like singing, love travel, no pursuit, collecting stamps, around work, specially make software, wages generally, less than four thousand, immediately rush three, no affection, for an object, interest can together, work together, happy tomorrow。
  • 47、一辈子有多久,天知道;人生路有多长,地知道;比翼鸟飞多高,云知道;连理枝靠多紧,风知道;爱你有多深,我知道;祝福有多真,你知道。
  • Believe you can do it, you will have to do it.
  • 48、Believe you can do it, you will have to do it.
  • 49、喜欢唱歌,最爱旅游,没啥追求,四处集邮,工作一般,专搞软件,工资一般,不到四千,马上奔三,没有情伴,求一对象,兴趣能合,一起努力,幸福明天。
  • 50、人的生命或许是一个不间断的领悟过程,但无需在学校完成。
  • 51、If you want to fly, you have to chase; To be successful, hard work.
  • 52、Life easy, any matter all hope for the best and the worst.
  • 53、Life easy, any matter all hope for the best and the worst.

  • 54、人的生命或许是一个不间断的领悟过程,但无需在学校完成。
  • 55、Do not think that effort is to do your own thing, don't forget to give your life a spring!
  • 56、如果有来世,我不希望再遇到你,别着急,听我说完!我希望变成你的眼睛,变成你身上任何一部分,这样我就可以时刻和你在一起了!
  • 57、Clockwork SMS solemnly tell you: I didn't like you! You smooth skin, clear eyes, your slender legs, your moist lips, your lovely black hair, your everything I don't like! Because I have been deeply in love with!
  • 58、冬天太冷了,手指都僵了,我的身体冬眠了,可心儿却醒着,它要我告诉你:我想你了!我是炽热的,可以温暖你,来我的身边,让我抱抱你。