

  • 2、只有先让学生喜欢你,学生才会喜欢你上的课。
  • 3、Life is a precious thing in the world, death is the greatest sin.
  • 4、Life is movement, can let the children have fun in the activity is my biggest wish.
  • 5、你要知道,我们并非只为现在而生活,而是为将来而奋斗!
  • 寿命的缩短与思想的虚耗成正比。
  • 6、寿命的缩短与思想的虚耗成正比。
  • 7、The process of education is to encourage personal development, the essence of which is to guide students to explore, to discover yourself.
  • 8、作为一名园丁,我坚信每一朵花都有盛开的理由。
  • 9、如果你热爱自己的工作,那么想要出类拔萃并非难事。
  • 10、Holding the hand of the children, happy to meet every day!
  • 11、On the voyage of life, moral, wisdom, and business go hand in hand, it will rain or shine, colorful appearance!

  • 12、没有等出来的辉煌;只有走出来的美丽。
  • 13、The teacher ShiAiYi in tough love and love between wide.
  • 14、教师最大的幸福就是把一群群孩子,送往理想的彼岸。
  • 15、As a gardener, I believe that every flower is in full bloom.
  • 16、What the teacher has produced what kind of students.
  • 17、To do simple things thoroughly, the classic, do the common things to do every little thing.
  • 18、教育是鼓励个人发展的过程,其实质是引导学生自己去探索,自己去发现。
  • 19、教育加赞赏等于教育的平方。
  • 即使道路坎坷不平,车轮也要前进;即使江河波涛汹涌,船只也航行。
  • 20、即使道路坎坷不平,车轮也要前进;即使江河波涛汹涌,船只也航行。
  • 21、你要知道,我们并非只为现在而生活,而是为将来而奋斗!

  • 22、Life is movement, can let the children have fun in the activity is my biggest wish.
  • 23、我们向来喜欢崇拜自己的人,但我们不一定喜欢自己崇拜的人。
  • 24、Only let students like you, would like you in the class.
  • 25、生命在闪耀中现出绚烂,在平凡中现出真实。
  • 26、记得三个尊:尊重自已,尊重别人,保持尊严,对自已的行为负责。
  • 27、对所学知识资料的兴趣可能成为领悟动机。
  • 28、在人生旅途上,有道德、智慧与事业相伴,便会风雨无阻、光耀七彩!
  • 29、I leave uncultivated today, was precisely yesterday perishes tomorrow which person of the body implored.
  • 30、Life is movement, can let the children have fun in the activity is my biggest wish.
  • 31、You are the author of your life, why should you write the screenplay.

  • 32、The square of education plus appreciation education.
  • 33、勤于给一棵棵稚嫩的幼苗松土浇水捉虫施肥的园丁终将迎来争奇斗妍的春天。
  • 能够管住自己是你将来成功的保障。
  • 34、能够管住自己是你将来成功的保障。
  • 35、整!往死里整!一定要整出个人样来!
  • 36、生命只有一次,对于谁都是宝贵的。
  • 37、即使道路坎坷不平,车轮也要前进;即使江河波涛汹涌,船只也航行。
  • 38、怎样的老师造就了怎样的学生。
  • 39、Life in the shining in gorgeous, in the ordinary real.
  • 40、Life is real, life is sincere, the grave is not his endpoints.
  • 41、Holding the hand of the children, happy to meet every day!

  • 42、我荒废的今日,正是昨日殒身之人祈求的明日。
  • 43、让学生张扬个性,放飞想象的春天。
  • 44、I leave uncultivated today, was precisely yesterday perishes tomorrow which person of the body implored.
  • 45、把简单的事情做彻底,把平凡的事情做经典,把每一件小事都做得更精彩。
  • 46、Life is real, life is sincere, the grave is not his endpoints.
  • 47、懂得生命真谛的人,可以使短促的生命延长。
  • Life can't have two times, but many people not even a good at spend.
  • 48、Life can't have two times, but many people not even a good at spend.
  • 49、The teacher ShiAiYi in tough love and love between wide.
  • 50、We always like the person who adore ourselves, but we not necessarily like the person which ourselves worship.
  • 51、Teachers should have more ability to learn faster. Ability to be good at learning than others.

  • 52、To give students the opportunity to the unveiling of wisdom, to appreciate the attention to each student.
  • 53、To give students the opportunity to the unveiling of wisdom, to appreciate the attention to each student.
  • 54、在人生旅途上,有道德、智慧与事业相伴,便会风雨无阻、光耀七彩!
  • 55、Life in the shining in gorgeous, in the ordinary real.