
  • 1、一份喜悦让你天天快乐;一份问候让你没有烦恼;一份真心不要回报;一份真情让你样样都好;一份爱只要你幸福!
  • 2、天使没有了翅膀,就不能飞翔,我,失去了你,就等于天使没有了翅膀!

  • 3、每个说不想谈恋爱的人,心理都装着一个不可能的人。
  • 4、Indulge in your smile.
  • 5、It's not being in love that makes me happy, but being in love with you makes me happy.
  • Maybe you have forgotten us you may have a solemn pledge of love; we forget the past; perhaps I may allow thousands, but does not allow you to completely forget me.
  • 6、Maybe you have forgotten us you may have a solemn pledge of love; we forget the past; perhaps I may allow thousands, but does not allow you to completely forget me.
  • 7、I do not want to be short of tenderness, as long as you accompany me.
  • 8、长长的思念,就像风筝断了线,飘啊飘啊,飘到你的身边。
  • 9、世人都说哀莫大于心死,可是我觉得哀莫大于心不死。
  • 10、親愛的,寶貝詠遠愛妳。
  • 11、Don't be too promise to me, don't insist on missing me, avoid miss is a kind of beauty, promise is not unintentionally, must not let me feel your light.
  • 12、It's not being in love that makes me happy, but being in love with you makes me happy.

  • 13、The road of life is very long, let me accompany you to go together. I would like to build a sky of our own with you.
  • 14、想把你留住,和你一直幸福,想把你抱住,和你一直温暖,想和你恩爱,直到末日终点,想和你知心,互相珍惜每一天,想和你浪漫,不管死亡和时间,想和你幸福,直到世界的永远。
  • 15、别说你的天空什么都没有,若是没有,我把我的天空都给你--只要让我在你的天空中驻足。
  • 16、Met you, my life is happy.
  • 17、Ice and snow can not cool my love for you, the typhoon blows away my yearning for you, the noise can not drown my voice to you, the dark can not cover my deep feelings for you.
  • Baby, baby, I love you.
  • 18、Baby, baby, I love you.
  • 19、花在美,也没你在我心里美。
  • 20、My greatest happiness is that I have met someone I love.
  • 21、陪你到你想去的地方,用心走完我们人生的余下的旅程。
  • 22、親愛的,寶貝詠遠愛妳。

  • 23、Love is not a goal, but a journey; love is desire, loyalty.
  • 24、你问我为什么对别的女孩不感兴趣,我想说因为有你。
  • 25、遇见你是命运的安排而爱上你是我情不自禁。
  • 26、每个说不想谈恋爱的人,心理都装着一个不可能的人。
  • 27、我望着圆月,像在凝视着你:亲爱的,就在那明亮的月镜中,我看到了一个同样凝神我的你。
  • 28、我想有个家了,属于我们两个的家。
  • 29、闭上眼睛,安静的想念一个人,想念一张脸。而在他们心里,能够有这样一个人可以想念,或许就够了。
  • I would never give up, and you will never change until death.
  • 30、I would never give up, and you will never change until death.
  • 31、你想要飞翔,我做你的避风港。
  • 32、I love you, for your happiness, I am willing to give up everything including you.

  • 33、You are the person I want to talk with most before I go to bed at night. I love this feeling.
  • 34、爱不是一种目标,而是一段旅程;爱是渴望,是忠诚。
  • 35、是你的脚步,羞涩地抬起头,窗外依旧,轻风飞雪,又飘向记忆的深处,于是,我告诉你,娱乐八卦我真地想你!
  • 36、6、有些人用嘴巴去爱,而我是用心去爱,也许我会失去很多,但我不会后悔。
  • 37、你给的在乎,是我开心的理由。
  • 38、I would never give up, and you will never change until death.
  • 39、1我爱的人我要亲手给她幸福别人我不放心。
  • 40、若是你闻过了花香浓,别问我的花儿为谁红,爱过知情重,醉过知酒浓,花开花谢终是空,缘分不停留,像春风来又走,女人如花花似梦。
  • 41、I miss you, even if I see you now, I miss you very much.
  • 你问我为什么对别的女孩不感兴趣,我想说因为有你。


  • 43、你那么讨人喜欢叫我怎么不爱你。
  • 44、I love you from the beginning, check in.
  • 45、轻轻地,不惊你梦;只愿你,梦中有我。
  • 46、你能否把心腾干净只装下我一个人。
  • 47、Can you put your heart into my heart.
  • 48、有人疼才显得多么出众。
  • 49、When I miss you, will you just miss me?
  • 50、不许骗我,如果你骗我我会很伤心的。