Accustomed, one day、

    1、I did not make the love, but I have let me proud of the friendship.

  • 2、Love life all childish, disguise the love and innocence.
  • 3、The world is full of the chance that we meet, but I still can't meet you,
  • 4、Lips dry tell me, I kiss you, do not always let lip balm for your cheap.
  • 5、我不知道你为什么突然对我忽冷忽热,但我知道你一定喜欢上了别人。
  • Today's sweet sadness, is the motivation of tomorrow.
  • 6、Today's sweet sadness, is the motivation of tomorrow.
  • 7、Each section of love has a romantic beginning, and a cold end.
  • 8、I'd rather be your beast, so that I can overcome all difficulties.
  • 9、人不怕死,但是最怕不知道怎么活。
  • 10、无条件的付出,没前提的信任,我所理解的深爱。
  • 11、I want you to hold me, I want to be in your arms.

  • 12、满园花菊郁金黄,中有孤丛色似霜。白居易《重阳席上赋白菊》
  • 13、辕门菊酒生豪兴,雁塞风云惬壮游。王琼《九日登花马池城》
  • 14、我们抱着宁缺毋滥的态度,自由着,孤单着。
  • 15、爱就一个字,可读懂爱,却需要万语千言。
  • 16、我不是不能原谅,只是没有信任的爱情就成了一幕荒诞剧。
  • 17、The most painful of life is to know that you want to lose, but it's not happening.
  • 18、兰佩紫,菊簪黄。晏几道《阮郎归天边金掌露成霜》
  • 19、世界上最幸福的事,就是有人对你耍流氓,一耍就是一辈子!
  • 弱者才会诉苦,强者永远找方法!
  • 20、弱者才会诉苦,强者永远找方法!
  • 21、嘴唇干了告诉我,我吻你,别总让润唇膏占你便宜。

  • 22、I want to be a single-cell organisms, heartless creature alive.
  • 23、人生最痛苦的就是:明知要失去,但还没发生。
  • 24、Time won't let me forget you, but let I used to have no you.
  • 25、I'm just used to having you, and not without you.
  • 26、The happiest thing in the world is that someone is playing a trick on you!
  • 27、Sometimes, we fall in love is not he, but memories.
  • 28、**开了,像一个个小姑娘绽放了笑容。
  • 29、你又不是他女朋友,他几点睡和他喜欢谁和你一毛钱关系都没有。
  • 30、筋疲力尽的时候,请至少让我保留沉默的权力,这是我心疼自己最后的方式。
  • 31、No love, no eternal life, we can have, may be just ordinary life.

  • 32、嘴唇干了告诉我,我吻你,别总让润唇膏占你便宜。
  • 33、话多不如话少,话少不如话好。
  • 男人的谎话排行榜第一句:我不在乎你的容貌。
  • 34、男人的谎话排行榜第一句:我不在乎你的容貌。
  • 35、In fact, we are the same, the love of the people regardless of personal danger.
  • 36、你给我的爱已不在,可我还在等着你回来。
  • 37、近种篱边菊,秋来未著花。皎然《寻陆鸿渐不遇》
  • 38、今日甜蜜的忧伤,是明日的激励。
  • 39、A man who truly loves you, but he can see your pain in your eyes.
  • 40、很多人不需要再见,因为只是路过而已,遗忘就是给彼此最好的纪念。
  • 41、九日龙山饮,黄花笑逐臣。李白《九日龙山饮》

  • 42、Only do the first, I don't do the second who.
  • 43、Love is a word, love to read, but need thousands and thousands of words.
  • 44、Why take their tenderness, for your unfeeling?
  • 45、Make up their own minds, is a wonderful life.
  • 46、她说我的眼泪,是因为绝口不提的伤。
  • 47、每道伤口的背后,有多少的回忆痛到窒息。
  • 九日龙山饮,黄花笑逐臣。李白《九日龙山饮》
  • 48、九日龙山饮,黄花笑逐臣。李白《九日龙山饮》
  • 49、我只想和你白头到老。爱永远在我们的心中,在我们的眼中。和你共度所有痛苦与快乐的时光!我爱你所有的优点与缺点!
  • 50、A person, life, there is always a love to lose control.
  • 51、只因那时年少,总把未来想的太好。

  • 52、Already died in your heart, and then how to toss and can not afford to waves.
  • 53、很多人不需要再见,因为只是路过而已,遗忘就是给彼此最好的纪念。
  • 54、No love, no eternal life, we can have, may be just ordinary life.
  • 55、People are not afraid dead, but the most afraid of don't know how to live.