℡ 、I am a schoolgirl cute girl ╰﹀

  • 1、Start to be particularly good for you, then you are getting worse and worse, the man is in love with you, start to do you get better and then the man who wants to marry you.
  • 2、走到哪都想你,这是我背着你干的最肉麻的一件事。
  • 3、我一定要在你平庸无奇的人生里,做一个闪闪发光的神经病。

  • 4、她说我的眼泪,是因为绝口不提的伤。
  • 5、遇见了,不能不让我相信这是宿命。梦见了,才知这份深情。无力抗拒,我不求天长地久的美丽,只求生生世世的轮回里有你有我。
  • 永永远远,永无止境。
  • 6、永永远远,永无止境。
  • 7、想要的人生,无人赐予。想爱的人,与别人相守。
  • 8、突然发现,看着你幸福,其实自己的内心在纠结。
  • 9、So your those commitments, just about。
  • 10、想念不如怀念,怀念不如祭念,祭念不如不念。
  • 11、想念不如怀念,怀念不如祭念,祭念不如不念。
  • 12、没有哪一种**像嫉妒那样深植人心。
  • 13、I didn't want to leave you that just love the backseat force。

  • 14、生有两个方向很重要:一个是出门,一个是回家。
  • 15、生有两个方向很重要:一个是出门,一个是回家。
  • 16、你知道的,失去你,我会失去活着的意义。
  • 17、很多人不需要再见,因为只是路过而已,遗忘就是给彼此最好的纪念。
  • 18、That formerly how to pick, time flies straight forward。
  • 19、我爱的不多, 一分钟只爱了你六十秒。
  • Forever is a long time, but I wouldn’t mind spending it by your side。
  • 20、Forever is a long time, but I wouldn’t mind spending it by your side。
  • 21、你说,爱是唯一,我们那么幸运,我们矢志不渝。
  • 22、Every one of the people, with a certain mood to convey to a person, but some people do not understand.
  • 23、Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes。

  • 24、Autumn leaves fall, fall; my heart a dead heart.
  • 25、青春如同奔流的江河,一去不回,来不及道别。
  • 26、谢谢祢把硪从云端推落,我才能看清整个天空。
  • 27、有多少人谈恋爱为的只是感觉,而并不是真的为了这个人。
  • 28、I must be in your ordinary life, do not have a strange life, to do a sparkling mental.
  • 29、给我一个理由忘记,那么爱我的你。
  • 30、No love, no eternal life, we can have, may be just ordinary life.
  • 31、There is no love queen of the world。
  • 32、我深深地想念著你。
  • 33、很多人不需要再见,因为只是路过而已,遗忘就是给彼此最好的纪念。

  • 34、曾经以为是自己不够好,后来才发现是你没眼光。
  • 35、Forever is a long time, but I wouldn’t mind spending it by your side。
  • 36、That formerly how to pick, time flies straight forward。
  • 37、So deliberately to disguise, but still can not deceive his heart.
  • 38、When fifty years later, my grandson asked me what Porsche was, and I would tell him that it was a car, and took the best of the world's best.
  • 39、秋叶飘飘,落落地;我心恍惚,死了心。
  • 40、开始对你特别好,后来越来越差的男人是在跟你谈恋爱,开始对你好后来对你越来越好的男人是想跟你结婚。
  • 41、Time, it is the most fair thing in the world.
  • 42、I love you not for anyone.
  • 43、I must be in your ordinary life, do not have a strange life, to do a sparkling mental.

  • 44、我将给你全部的爱。
  • 45、突然觉得身边有一个关心自己的人,是多么难得的。
  • 46、I want you to hold me, I want to be in your arms.
  • 47、The best way to forget a relationship is another new beginning a relationship。
  • 何必拿自己的柔情,换取你的绝情呢?
  • 48、何必拿自己的柔情,换取你的绝情呢?
  • 49、我没有安全感,是因为我太爱你。
  • 50、And forever has no end。
  • 51、当你的脑子说着要放弃,希望在轻语,再试一次。
  • 52、我只想和你白头到老。爱永远在我们的心中,在我们的眼中。和你共度所有痛苦与快乐的时光!我爱你所有的优点与缺点!
  • 53、Miss as miss, miss read as offering, the chief read do not read。

  • 54、When you are not happy, you can use your hand to hold up a smile.
  • 55、大多旳求爱都是奋不顾身,最后旳结局都是粉身碎骨。
  • 56、You know, you lose, I will lose the meaning of living。