The future does not call、

  • 1、Do not see the elder sister is not beautiful, the elder sister still can not play you to find the north.
  • 2、我没有安全感,是因为我太爱你。

  • 3、Go go go, don't spoil the word youth, you are already the beginning of autumn.
  • 4、3I have always loved you,but you do not know。
  • 5、看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。
  • 爱一朵花就陪它绽放,爱一个人就陪他流浪。
  • 6、爱一朵花就陪它绽放,爱一个人就陪他流浪。
  • 7、我的爱人会发光。
  • 8、Smile like you have never been hurt。
  • 9、Lost In dreams and reality。
  • 10、The only people who can not get through the world, there is no way to go through the road.
  • 11、I want to be your tooth, at least, I am sad you also hurts.
  • 12、Every time a good night, feeling each other's feelings。

  • 13、如果你要考验我的耐心,请先把你的耐心准备好。
  • 14、If he loves you, he does not have to please him; if he does not love, he will not have to.
  • 15、他若真爱你,就不会给你任何理由去怀疑。
  • 16、你知道的,失去你,我会失去活着的意义。
  • 17、Look at you have a face, who knows but hide the heart of a beast.
  • Ever since I broke up with you, I've found that more and more people are chasing me.
  • 18、Ever since I broke up with you, I've found that more and more people are chasing me.
  • 19、All or nothing, now or never。
  • 20、我们所爱的人,却最具有伤害我们的力量。
  • 21、Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes。
  • 22、外面的世界太凄凉,特别是一个人走在路上。

  • 23、There is no love queen of the world。
  • 24、自己选的路,跪着也要走完。
  • 25、Smile like you have never been hurt。
  • 26、每一次晚安,感受着彼此的情感。
  • 27、A man does not see the male bubble, bubble, treason and heresy; justice.
  • 28、If you love people who do not love you, please remember: love from the heart.
  • 29、Thoughts of you Be like kite segment the line。
  • All or nothing, now or never。
  • 30、All or nothing, now or never。
  • 31、勇敢说出你的想法,哪怕声音会颤抖。
  • 32、俄要的、仅仅想俄们之间暖一点、再暖一点。

  • 33、迩总是那样的宠着莪,迩总是那样的护着莪。
  • 34、3I have always loved you,but you do not know。
  • 35、面带微笑,不是因为快乐太长,是太长的时间忘了悲伤。
  • 36、Their confidence is what I give, you have any questions?
  • 37、迩总是那样的宠着莪,迩总是那样的护着莪。
  • 38、You again how boethius observed all still could not return to the origin。
  • 39、The collision between reality and faith to our young black and blue。
  • 40、我所能适应的温度,都是以两人世界为主。
  • 41、You always spoil me, you always support me.
  • The most hypocritical high-profile, low-key is the most cattle B show off.

    42、The most hypocritical high-profile, low-key is the most cattle B show off.

  • 43、I can adapt to the temperature, are two people in the world.
  • 44、我爱你并不是我需要你。
  • 45、自己选的路,跪着也要走完。
  • 46、我是个坚强的人,彪悍的从来不需要谁担心。
  • 47、我不要你的忽冷忽热,因为这样我会感冒的。
  • 48、在我孤独无助难过的时候从来没有人站在我身后。
  • 49、从现在开始,爱自己,享受生活并且微笑。
  • 50、我爱你并不是我需要你。