
  • 1、Expect love, but do not force love, will not love, full of expectations waiting for you, in order to hope that the rest of your life is you.
  • 2、爱情是自由自在的,而自由自在的爱情是最真切的。
  • 3、如果你不快乐,那就出去走走,世界这么大。风景很美、机会很多、人生很短,不要蜷缩在一处阴影中。
  • 4、不能摆脱是人生的苦恼根源之一,恋爱尤其如此。
  • 5、I know I am not perfect, but my love is the most pure. I am not afraid of hardship or fear of fatigue. Love you is my most brilliant intoxication, and strive to create bright life. I really regret no love for you.
  • 在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。
  • 6、在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。
  • 7、The mood is very depressed, the heart's suffering is far more than the injury on the body! Don't want to cry, even if bitten lips! I hope you can bear it!
  • 8、[违心话说得太多连自己都听得发呕.]

  • 9、在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。
  • 10、Love should be a solemn pledge of love, only one, true to the core of love, is the true love.
  • 11、忍不住流下的眼泪,忍不住决堤的爱,忍不住回想和你在人在的时候,以为来日方长什么都有机会,其实人生是减法,见亲家是避风的港湾,朋友是鼓风的海岸。家遮挡了苦雨风霜,朋友送来艳阳里如果自己不努力,谁也给不了你想要的生活。
  • 12、若总被忽视,又何必作贱了自己;若不被珍惜,又何必苦苦去维系。
  • 13、最好的朋友是你们静坐在游廊上,一句话也不说,当你们各自走开的时候,仍感到你们经历了一场十分精彩的对话。
  • 14、Expect love, but do not force love, will not love, full of expectations waiting for you, in order to hope that the rest of your life is you.
  • 15、这个世间有许多我们无法控制的事情。
  • 16、幸福其实真的很简单:有人爱; 有事做;有所期待。
  • 17、If they are always neglected, why should they be humiliated? If they are not cherished, why should they suffer to maintain.
  • 18、一只乌鸦叼着一块肉从狐狸头上飞过,狐狸为了骗到她嘴里的肉,便对乌鸦说道:“都听说你唱歌十分好听,是不是真的,你能唱一句给我听吗?”乌鸦停在树上一口把肉吞了,冲着狐狸说道:“忽悠,接着忽悠。”

  • 19、贞操是从丰富的爱情中生出来的资产。
  • 20、如果你不快乐,那就出去走走,世界这么大。风景很美、机会很多、人生很短,不要蜷缩在一处阴影中。
  • When life changed in seconds to calculate, you will feel like a second life as a hurry, when life changed by day to calculate, you will feel like a life long day long.
  • 21、When life changed in seconds to calculate, you will feel like a second life as a hurry, when life changed by day to calculate, you will feel like a life long day long.
  • 22、女人心是只盛水的玻璃瓶,明明已经装的满满的,却又好像什么都没有。
  • 23、美能激发人的感情,爱情净化人的心灵。
  • 24、女人心是只盛水的玻璃瓶,明明已经装的满满的,却又好像什么都没有。
  • 25、这辈子最大的幸运就是遇上了你,而最大的不幸却是不能拥有你。
  • 26、A jewel, a romantic orator, a man knows it can move a woman's heart.
  • 27、这个世间有许多我们无法控制的事情。
  • 28、Like a person, is happy together; love a person, even if not happy, also want to be together.

  • 29、用高傲冷漠的眼神看待世人つ
  • 30、心情很沮丧、心里的难受远远超过了身上的伤!不想流泪、就算咬破嘴唇!都希望能强忍着!
  • 31、用心计较般般错,退步思量事事宽。有意栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成萌。此之为成事之理也。
  • 32、When life changed in seconds to calculate, you will feel like a second life as a hurry, when life changed by day to calculate, you will feel like a life long day long.
  • 33、Love can not be bought, but money will inevitably stifle love.
  • 34、The happiest people have everything that is not the best, but they will enjoy what they have.
  • 35、骄阳如火:象火火辣辣的太阳撕开了大地的皮。
  • No woman in the world is not fluttering, if someone is pursuing it. That's why women are so dead.
  • 36、No woman in the world is not fluttering, if someone is pursuing it. That's why women are so dead.
  • 37、By calculating a from wrong, backward thought everything wide. Are flowers open, unintentional Liu Chengmeng. This is the reason you are.
  • 38、Why is it that the better for a person, the less that person knows how to cherish?

  • 39、还是很喜欢彼此独立彼此守护,投入却又清醒的爱情。我想,我还是有点期待爱情。
  • 40、爱情是自由自在的,而自由自在的爱情是最真切的。
  • 41、Wait till the flowers are gone, and the water flows with you.
  • 42、恋爱是结婚的过程;结婚是恋爱的目的。
  • 43、最快乐的人所拥有的一切东西并不都是最好的,但他们会充分享受自己已有的东西。
  • 44、爱情是理想的一致,意志的融合。
  • 45、心情很沮丧、心里的难受远远超过了身上的伤!不想流泪、就算咬破嘴唇!都希望能强忍着!
  • 46、伤感的经典语段大全
  • 47、真正的爱,在放弃个人的幸福之后才能产生。
  • 48、When you were away from me, I was afraid, I thought I wouldn't care, but the tears could not deceive myself!

  • 49、女人心是只盛水的玻璃瓶,明明已经装的满满的,却又好像什么都没有。
  • 50、By calculating a from wrong, backward thought everything wide. Are flowers open, unintentional Liu Chengmeng. This is the reason you are.
  • 不能摆脱是人生的苦恼根源之一,恋爱尤其如此。
  • 51、不能摆脱是人生的苦恼根源之一,恋爱尤其如此。
  • 52、当人生换上用秒去计算时,你会觉得人生过得象秒针一样匆忙,当人生换上用天去计算时,你会觉得人生长久的象一天一样漫长。
  • 53、当你离我远去的时侯,我很害怕,我以为我不会在乎,但流下的眼泪却骗不了自己!
  • 54、在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。
  • 55、爱情不仅不能买,而且金钱必然会扼杀爱情。
  • 56、When you were away from me, I was afraid, I thought I wouldn't care, but the tears could not deceive myself!
  • 57、Love can not be bought, but money will inevitably stifle love.
  • 58、Time is indifferent to memory, saved strangers, tore heart and lung in the past, but not as good as the present quiet strangers.

  • 59、爱情应当山盟海誓,只有专一的、忠贞不渝的爱情,才是真正的爱情。
  • 60、不能摆脱是人生的苦恼根源之一,恋爱尤其如此。