
  • 1、Give you a happy sun, to drive away the haze of trouble you; send you a gentle moon, romantic your charming eyes, fixed a time instant, attestation and water without sweet love without words. Love you.
  • 2、今天也要有好心情,晚霞太治愈了。

  • 3、人生的磨难是很多的,所以我们不可对于每一件轻微的伤害都过于敏感。
  • 4、那个曾经熟烂于心的号码已渐渐模糊了,就像你,在我的世界里也越走越远了。
  • 5、借我点钱,我没钱回家过年。
  • Even if life has one thousand reasons to make you cry, you have to find a reason to laugh, because this is life, we can do is to make ourselves more strong.
  • 6、Even if life has one thousand reasons to make you cry, you have to find a reason to laugh, because this is life, we can do is to make ourselves more strong.
  • 7、都这么晚了,哦不,是这么早他们都打给谁呢?室友也去凑热闹,要打给同学,我想我要是这时候打回家去我妈一定吓坏了。
  • 8、失败是常有的,成功是偶然的;付出是应该的,得到是暂时的;幸福是相对的,痛苦是经常的;生命是倒计时的,日子是往前看的;未来是说不清的,生活是道不尽的;辉煌总会来的,霉头总会过去的;命是要信的,运是要开的;人生是需要悟的,生命是需要爱的。
  • 9、想想,她又怎么能和你的玉漱,相比呢?说完,他也就离开了。
  • 10、想想,她又怎么能和你的玉漱,相比呢?说完,他也就离开了。
  • 11、Even if life has one thousand reasons to make you cry, you have to find a reason to laugh, because this is life, we can do is to make ourselves more strong.
  • 12、Love like sugar, I swallowed, enjoy the sweet moment.

  • 13、This life is going to be together, I do not want the next life.
  • 14、眼泪的错觉,爱已变成昨天。
  • 15、Love I will love my parents, brothers, sisters, love my family and friends, selfless dedication for me, otherwise it is not true love.
  • 16、你旳空白演繹著我豐富旳畫面╮
  • 17、即使失意,也无所谓得失,坦坦荡荡,真真切切,平平静静,快快乐乐。
  • 18、The illusion of tears, love has become yesterday.
  • 19、He hurt you, but your heart still loves him.
  • The illusion of tears, love has become yesterday.
  • 20、The illusion of tears, love has become yesterday.
  • 21、两个人相处,处得好叫故事,处不好就是事故。
  • 22、你说你会哭,不是因为在乎。而是因为无奈,只是无奈。

  • 23、真正的漂泊和流浪是你没有可以回去的地方。
  • 24、属于我光芒四射的笑容,我何处寻找?别人误解了自己有口无心的一句话,心里郁闷的发慌。
  • 25、分手就是不爱了,那些冠冕堂皇的理由,不是想让对方好过,而是想让自己好过点最美的不是下雨天,是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐。
  • 26、No fish will be more clear, fish will die without water.
  • 27、将来若有人愿意保护你就剪掉你的刺吧
  • 28、大概是因为爱过他的原因,好像很难再爱上别人。
  • 29、Love I will love my parents, brothers, sisters, love my family and friends, selfless dedication for me, otherwise it is not true love.
  • 30、有缺失,才会有希望。
  • 31、爱情是不合乎逻辑的或许,这就是爱的逻辑。
  • 32、我爱余晖也爱你,可惜余晖不及你。

  • 33、I do not know from what time to start, I become even their own feel strange.
  • 至此,越是深入文字的湖底,呼吸也有了一些粘稠的东西,对很多事情看的格外清晰。
  • 34、至此,越是深入文字的湖底,呼吸也有了一些粘稠的东西,对很多事情看的格外清晰。
  • 35、水没有鱼会更清澈,鱼没有水则会死。
  • 36、Love like sugar, I swallowed, enjoy the sweet moment.
  • 37、也许终点只有绝望和失败,但这绝不是停止前行的理由。
  • 38、爱我就要爱我的父母、兄弟、姐妹,爱我所有的亲人朋友,无私的为我奉献,否则就不是真爱。
  • 39、喜歡噈要想方設灋靠近,這是我能理解啲簡單。
  • 40、因为爱一个人,明知会失去自由,也甘愿作出承诺。
  • 41、世界上只有一个名字,会令我这样牵肠挂肚,它就像有一根看不见的线,一头牢牢系在我心间,一头攥在你手中。亲爱的,我无时无刻都在想你!
  • 42、今生就要在一起,我不要下辈子。

  • 43、因为不想被人再刺伤,所以渐渐学会了伪装……他看不到你喝醉的样子,也看不到你在夜里哭到哽咽的样子,别傻了,没人心疼的样子,真的一文不值。
  • 44、If one day, I become very powerful, thank you ever forced me.
  • 45、即使说一千遍我爱你,但只要一句分手就可以结束。这就是爱情。
  • 46、Love I will love my parents, brothers, sisters, love my family and friends, selfless dedication for me, otherwise it is not true love.
  • 47、我不是你想的那么强大,在转身那一刻,我带上墨镜,只为掩饰我眼中的泪水,我用尽了所有力气和热情来呵护你,可总被你伤的片体鳞伤,是的,我们往往在最在乎的事物面前最没价值,我不后悔我所付出的,但我在也没勇气走下去了,我怕,到最后我连唯一的尊严都留不住……如果生命果真是无常我愿坦然面对而不慌有你在我身旁有你给我力量抱着你抱着你就够。
  • You said you would cry, not because you care about. But because of helpless, just helpless.
  • 48、You said you would cry, not because you care about. But because of helpless, just helpless.
  • 49、Despair, don't want to let the people around sad, but all finally hurt all people.
  • 50、Give you a happy sun, to drive away the haze of trouble you; send you a gentle moon, romantic your charming eyes, fixed a time instant, attestation and water without sweet love without words. Love you.
  • 51、在地上永远不熄地燃烧着火光。
  • 52、胖子逆流成河的悲伤,郭敬明都无法书写。

  • 53、眼泪的错觉,爱已变成昨天。
  • 54、我告诉她我要租下这里,一个人。
  • 55、原来我会永远只陪你
  • 56、When he does not love you, your hard to retain will only be seen as a shameless entanglement.