
  • 1、Wait for the morning fire for cooking will not be too full, so back to cremate before the end.
  • 2、My so-called dream is to dream at night and daytime.
  • 3、虚幻大千两茫茫,一邂逅,终难忘。相逢主人留一笑,不相识,又何妨?
  • 4、If dreams can come true, I can take the place of you to bear all the sadness.
  • 5、我真的好想知道,在你的世界里,我到底有多重要。
  • The furthest distance in the world is when I love you, but I can't say I love you.
  • 6、The furthest distance in the world is when I love you, but I can't say I love you.
  • 7、Uncle, I don't believe in love, I only believe in you.
  • 8、In fact, growth is forcing you to be strong.

  • 9、夜寒茅店不成眠,残月照吟鞭。吴激《诉衷情夜寒茅店不成眠》
  • 10、我居北海君南海,寄雁传书谢不能。黄庭坚《寄黄几复》
  • 11、You said let me put you on the blacklist, you know I can't bear it.
  • 12、沧海月明珠有泪,蓝田日暖玉生烟。此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然!
  • 13、Said love me, you say don't love me still is you.
  • 14、在繁忙的工作中请您接受我最真挚的诚意和祝福;愿我的祝福消除一天工作带来的疲劳;愿幸福和快乐伴随着您生活的每一天。
  • 15、Love is also a game, but it controls you, you can't control it.
  • 16、我的选择是爱你或更爱你,你的选择是爱我或不爱我。
  • 17、Love a person, even with a lifetime of time, or will not be enough.
  • 18、直道相思了无益,未妨惆怅是清狂。李商隐《无题六首其三》

  • 19、爱一个人,就算用一辈子的时间,还是会嫌不够。
  • 20、没有星星,就让月亮来点缀寂寞的夜空。
  • 21、人如风后入江云,情似雨馀黏地絮。
  • 22、I wish you and my heart, life brings you countless green hope, take you to the ideal world.
  • 23、很多爱不能轻易说出口,只愿做你背后的依靠。
  • 24、Suddenly would like to think about a person, but found that they only have the right to miss.
  • 25、Illusion is not true, why was holding the final a glimmer of hope to fall.
  • 26、The world for you, no you no this world, after the destruction can be born again!
  • 27、爱情交错在时间与空间的距离,牵手就要走到永远。
  • 28、牵挂是一颗心对另一颗心的深情惦记,一缕相思一种幸福一份温情,醉了两人的心扉,绽放了两朵心花。牵挂是刻骨铭心的思念,就象我漫长的等待。

  • 29、The furthest distance in the world is when I love you, but I can't say I love you.
  • 30、其实,成长就是逼着你一个人去坚强。
  • 31、Would rather believe that we have a previous life, this life's love story will not change.
  • 离堂思琴瑟,别路绕山川。陈子昂《春夜别友人二首其一》
  • 32、离堂思琴瑟,别路绕山川。陈子昂《春夜别友人二首其一》
  • 33、My lungs out for you heart, you will only see my heart!
  • 34、不是玩不起,只是输不起,不是不认真,只是怕伤心。
  • 35、所以,我们亦只能看见眼前,然后简单的生活。
  • 36、有些爱情,注定要因为天时地利人和而去违背。
  • 37、Thought you will always accompany me to see the sunrise, I didn't think our love is the sunset.
  • 38、牵挂是一颗心对另一颗心的深情惦记,一缕相思一种幸福一份温情,醉了两人的心扉,绽放了两朵心花。牵挂是刻骨铭心的思念,就象我漫长的等待。

  • 39、你不用多好,我喜欢就好。我没有很好,你不嫌弃就好。
  • 40、说爱我的是你,说不爱我的依旧是你。
  • 41、Love is like a gust of wind, although you can't see it, but you can feel it.
  • 42、忘不掉的是什么我也不知道.
  • 43、If I hadn't met you, I would still believe in love as always.
  • 44、当一个人出现在你的梦里,是因为那个人想见你。
  • 待到黄昏月上时,依旧柔肠断。
  • 45、待到黄昏月上时,依旧柔肠断。
  • 46、We are used to consider once a faith, because today there is no worthy of our faith.
  • 47、我有两颗心,一颗用来享受痛苦,一颗用来对你的原谅。
  • 48、Having been liked by you, it's really hard to feel that others like me so much.

  • 49、我落日般的忧伤就像惆怅的飞鸟,惆怅的飞鸟飞成我落日般的忧伤。
  • 50、说不出你哪里好,就是想看你洗澡。
  • 51、我有两颗心,一颗用来享受痛苦,一颗用来对你的原谅。