2023-03-14 06:37:47
- 1、Why do you worry about the north and the two hearts?
- 2、惜分长怕君先去,直待醉时休。贺铸《眼儿媚萧萧江上荻花秋》
- 3、Don't cry because it came to an end. Smile because it happened.
- 4、你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。
- 5、喜欢是淡淡的爱,爱是深深的喜欢。
- 6、思君如明烛,煎心且衔泪。
- 7、爱上像我这样的一个人。
- 8、尊前拟把归期说,未语春容先惨咽。欧阳修《玉楼春》
- 9、I will dress up for your funeral.
- 11、很多时候,看的太透反而不快乐。
- 12、Sometimes what we can't retain is what we really belong to.
- 13、分开了就不要在联系因为我伤不起。
- 14、He stood behind the north wind. But I can't find it.
- 15、"爱"和炭相同。烧起来,得没法叫它冷却。
- 16、Picking me up when I'm down.
- 17、在我的心头燃点起那休憩的黄昏星吧,然后让黑夜向我微语着爱情。
- 18、The original sweet, can only keep memories now, cherish the memory.
- 19、而我爱夫子,淹留未忍归。李白《赠秋浦柳少府》
20、I will confront the death fearlessly if only I can be with you, and I prefer to share my life with you rather than lead a lonely and immortal life.
- 21、占得杏梁安稳处,体轻唯有主人怜,堪羡好因缘。牛峤《忆江南衔泥燕》
- 22、问别来、解相思否。吴文英《惜秋华七夕前一日送人归盐官》
- 23、I hope we can always meet again after the separation parting.
- 24、谈好恋爱的秘诀在于,不必严肃,但必须正经!
- 25、The bud of love is the end of wisdom.
- 26、爱情无需言作媒,全在心领神会。
- 27、A weak accusation, you think I do not care about it.
- 28、寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。这次第,怎一个愁字了得?李清照《声声慢》
- 29、所谓思念,只是一个人的一厢情愿。
30、Have you, I lose myself. Without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.
- 31、爱情越热烈、越真诚,就越要含蓄。
- 32、You encourage me when I need a shove.
- 33、走路较自在,方便谈恋爱,吃饭谈理想,好好处对象,周末看电影,浪漫围着你,上班发短信,时刻想着你,你就是我生活的灵魂,咱们该考虑结婚了。
- 34、The wise never marry, and the one who is, will not be wise.
- 35、The so-called miss is only one person's wishful thinking.
- 36、Don't cry because it came to an end. Smile because it happened.
- 37、After all, happiness will marry, and happiness will not be permanent.
- 38、我透过时间看透了所有,你终究不属于我。
- 39、**按其本性来说就是排他的。
- 41、夫死战场子在腹,妾身虽存如昼烛。张籍《征妇怨》
- 42、当初的甜蜜,如今只能留着回忆,留着怀念。
- 43、聪明人都是未婚的,结婚的人很难再聪明起来。
- 44、梦断刀头,书开虿尾,别有相思随定。史达祖《齐天乐中秋宿真定驿》
- 45、When drunk, we know that wine is strong and love is important.
- 46、唯将终夜长开眼,报答平生未展眉。元稹《遣悲怀三首其三》
- 47、我们的每次吵架,都是一个故事的开始。
- 48、长相知,才能不相疑;不相疑,才能长相知。
- 49、I love you not because of who you are, but who I am when I am around you who I am.
50、The wise never marry, and the one who is, will not be wise.
- 51、淑女的眼睛是爱情的灿烂的明星。
- 52、他生莫作有情痴,人间无地着相思。
- 53、I love you not because of who you are, but who I am when I am around you who I am.
- 54、爱除自身外无施与,除自身外无接受。