
  • 1、As long as you progress today than yesterday, then you are the first.
  • 2、In desire without hope, life is the greatest sorrow of failure.
  • 3、To learn that love yourself, because it is live for yourself.
  • 4、只要我们能善用时间,就永远不愁时间不够用。
  • 5、停止拜访就是停止呼吸,停止增员就是消灭生机。
  • If you occasionally looked up, will see a warm window.
  • 6、If you occasionally looked up, will see a warm window.
  • 7、往事留下我温婉的笑容,覆盖的灰尘早已死去。
  • 8、原谅别人,就是给自己心中留下空间,以便回旋。
  • 9、什么叫做失败?失败是到达较佳境地的第一步。
  • 10、Accustomed to you for my good, think that everything is granted.

  • 11、The real managers must have not the spirit of responsibility.
  • 12、活着的时候开心点,因为我们要死很久。
  • 13、成长是场蓄谋已久的阴谋,错了便是错了。
  • 14、能用钱解决的问题都不是问题,可问题是我没钱。
  • 15、忍耐是对一切困难的最好治疗。普拉图斯
  • 16、Don't regret the past and have confidence in now, is filled with hope for the future.
  • 17、舌头虽然柔软,但它有时比刀子的威力更大。
  • 18、I not only good luck, beriberi is good too!
  • 19、对不起,我做不到讨沵欢喜,只能做我自己。
  • 20、总是珍惜未得到的,而遗忘了所拥有的。

  • 21、人生恰恰像马拉松赛跑一样只有坚持到最后的人,才能称为胜利者。池田大作
  • 22、I'm right, what created the results to our life?
  • 23、Smile for too long, a cry of contact will also allow yourself to collapse.
  • 24、生命苦短,只是美德能将它传到遥远的后世。
  • 25、汗水能浇出成功的鲜花,拼搏能赢来胜利的喜悦。
  • 26、永开不败的诚信之花,永不消逝的中华美德。
  • 27、不要沉湎于昨天,不要等待明天,一切从现在开始。
  • 28、We learned to cherish happiness in pain.
  • 29、任何一件事情,只要心甘情愿,总是能够变得简单。
  • 30、When the tears streaming down, just know, separate is another understand.

  • 31、Have you found? Many people we can't disturb.
  • 32、因为受过伤,才对感情变得更加小心翼翼。
  • 33、Only experienced the hardships of life, can realize the value of life.
  • 34、Weeds more local crops, less talk more than wisdom.
  • 35、每场悲剧都会在平凡的人中造就出英雄来。
  • 学习可以改变一切。行动可以解决一切问题。
  • 36、学习可以改变一切。行动可以解决一切问题。
  • 37、My highest principle is: to any difficulties, never give in.
  • 38、Since a one-way street, we have much dream floating in the sea of time.
  • 39、When suffering, is also a good idea to choose beliefs.
  • 40、Shiva kind daughter-in-law good daughter in-law as mother and daughter, green tea DanFan delicate cate.

  • 41、默默地关怀和祝福别人,那是一种无形的布施。
  • 42、你发现了吗?好多人我们已经打扰不起了。
  • 43、Give up shouldn't regret, lost shouldn't recall.
  • 44、青春是人生之花,是生命的自然表现。池田大作
  • 45、There are some things that don't need to argue, surface obedience, secretly.
  • 46、我迷失在你的城里,找不到回家的路。
  • 47、Don't regret the past and have confidence in now, is filled with hope for the future.
  • 48、什么叫作失败?失败是到达较佳境地的第一步。
  • 49、一旦一个人停止寻求知识和信息,就会变得无知。
  • 50、过去的是回忆,现在的是拼搏,未来的是目标。

    Desire to enhance the enthusiasm, perseverance in order to smooth the mountain.
  • 51、Desire to enhance the enthusiasm, perseverance in order to smooth the mountain.
  • 52、人生就像钟表,可以回到起点,却已不是昨天!
  • 53、大自然把人们困在黑暗之中,迫使人们永远向往光明。歌德
  • 54、帮助别人不希望得到回报的人,心里不感到失落。
  • 55、失败对强者是逗号,对弱者则是句号。
  • 56、Before others, best before DianDian his own weight.
  • 57、Whatever things sell, sell yourself first.
  • 58、把过去抱得太紧,你会腾不出手来拥抱现在。
  • 59、Good at to master their time, is really great.
  • 60、Henceforth, it is the personality of the magnificent, is the beaming of the soul.
