
  • 1、愚人节到真热闹,处处都是欢声笑。朋友之间会恶搞,捉弄之人到处跑。别人欺骗也不恼,开开心心快乐绕。祝你愚人节开心一笑!
  • 2、喜欢一个人太累了,所以我喜欢了十个。
  • 3、遇见你是无意,认识你是天意,想着你是情意,不见你时三心二意,见到你便一心一意,如果某天我们有了退意,至少还有回忆!
  • 4、April fool's day to really lively, everywhere is cheers and laughter。 Between friends can parody, playing tricks on people around。 Deceive others also not angered, open happy heart happiness around。 I wish you a happy April fool's day a smile!
  • 5、愚人节,你是爱,你是永恒。
  • 为了你,我不在乎世俗的眼光,不顾所有流言蜚语,只要能拥有你,哪怕是世界末日我也在所不惜,我要大声向全世界宣布:我爱你,人民币!
  • 6、为了你,我不在乎世俗的眼光,不顾所有流言蜚语,只要能拥有你,哪怕是世界末日我也在所不惜,我要大声向全世界宣布:我爱你,人民币!
  • 7、为了你,我不在乎世俗的眼光,不顾所有流言蜚语,只要能拥有你,哪怕是世界末日我也在所不惜,我要大声向全世界宣布:我爱你,人民币!
  • 8、收短信的人听着:你已经被包围了!幸福要与你熊抱,快乐要把你绊倒,甜蜜将对你绑票,好运要对你实施偷袭,美女想跟你学习接吻技巧,你已经无处可逃!
  • 9、愚人节,是开着玩笑说真心话的日子。

  • 10、什么叫浪漫,明知道她不爱你,还送她99朵玫瑰。什么叫浪费,明知道她爱你还送她99朵玫瑰。愚人节快乐!
  • 11、你若给我玩儿愚人节,我给你玩儿清明节。
  • 12、One live really tired! Get on the bus line, unrequited love really suffer, eat no fragrance, drink drunk, go to work very tired, not robbery, earn money to pay tax, even send a text message to the pigs have to charge。
  • 13、我说別人性格内向,别人说我性格抽象。
  • 14、What is romantic, know she doesn't love you, also send her 99 roses。 What is waste, know she loves you also send her 99 roses。 Happy April fool's day!
  • 15、一岁半斤二锅头,两岁情场是老手,三岁吃喝嫖赌抽,四岁坑蒙拐骗偷,此人年少有出息,长大以后智商低,明知此人就是你,仍然坚持看到底。佩服!佩服!
  • 16、One and a half jins spirit erguotou, love is two years old veteran, food and drink piao wager smoking three years old, four're incapable to steal, the man in a rare promise, low IQ, when I grew up knowing that the person is you, still see the bottom。 Admi
  • 17、愚人节要到了,一大堆真心话要浮出水面了。
  • 18、You will go to other travel, sincere friends to see you off。 The cold wind stop our friendship; I hold your hand say: good reformation, fight for commutation! Happy April fool's day!
  • 19、你让姐过愚人节,姐让你过清明节。

    Tell you a story, once upon a time there was a fool, he is very stupid, others ask him what problem he would only shake head or answer "no", have you heard of the story?
  • 20、Tell you a story, once upon a time there was a fool, he is very stupid, others ask him what problem he would only shake head or answer "no", have you heard of the story?
  • 21、愚人节那天,整死一个是一个,反正清明节也就要到了。
  • 22、再回首的时候,她已经变成了你爱的人。
  • 23、愚人节后是清明节,这什么节奏啊!
  • 24、周六,愚人节,到底上不上班?
  • 25、遇见你是无意,认识你是天意,想着你是情意,不见你时三心二意,见到你便一心一意,如果某天我们有了退意,至少还有回忆!
  • 26、从来没有什么两全其美,只有两败俱伤。
  • 27、你就要去他方远行,真诚的朋友为你送行;凛冽的寒风,挡不住我俩的友情;我握住你的手说:好好改造,争取减刑!愚人节快乐!
  • 28、人活着真累!上车得排队,单恋真受罪,吃饭没香味,喝酒容易醉,上班特疲惫,抢劫还不会,挣钱得交税,就连给小猪发个短信还得收费。
  • 29、遇见你是无意,认识你是天意,想着你是情意,不见你时三心二意,见到你便一心一意,如果某天我们有了退意,至少还有回忆!

  • 30、To receive the SMS to listen: you have been surrounded! Happy happy to bear hug with you, to trip you up, sweet for your ransom, good luck to you sneak attack, beauty want to talk to you learn kissing skills, you have nowhere to run!
  • 31、愚人节后是清明节,这什么节奏啊!
  • 32、离开的时候请不要回头,以后活着也不要来找我。
  • 33、我们想住的是爱情公寓,想去的学校,是终极一班!
  • 别再去打扰那些连回你话都带敷衍的人。
  • 34、别再去打扰那些连回你话都带敷衍的人。
  • 35、爱笑的女生一般运气都不会太差,一般都是成绩差。
  • 36、遇见你是无意,认识你是天意,想着你是情意,不见你时三心二意,见到你便一心一意,如果某天我们有了退意,至少还有回忆!
  • 37、April fool's day to really lively, everywhere is cheers and laughter。 Between friends can parody, playing tricks on people around。 Deceive others also not angered, open happy heart happiness around。 I wish you a happy April fool's day a smile!
  • 38、告白都在愚人节说,分手都在七夕节说。
  • 39、明知山有虎,那就不要去明知山。

  • 40、我可以给足你面子,也可以煽你嘴巴子。
  • 41、你让姐过愚人节,姐让你过清明节。
  • 42、愚人节,只愿余生少些蠢。
  • 43、In order to you, I don't care about the secular vision, in spite of all the gossip, as long as you can with you, even I'm at the end of the world, I want to loudly announced to the world: I love you, yuan!
  • 44、愚人节是怎么过的呀!当清明节过呗。
  • 45、愚人节是畸形的高智商,我们需要理性的愚乐。
  • 46、为了你,我不在乎世俗的眼光,不顾所有流言蜚语,只要能拥有你,哪怕是世界末日我也在所不惜,我要大声向全世界宣布:我爱你,人民币!
  • 47、愚人节就是开着玩笑说真心话的日子。
  • 十字开头的我们还太年轻,谈不起永远。
  • 48、十字开头的我们还太年轻,谈不起永远。
  • 49、What is romantic, know she doesn't love you, also send her 99 roses。 What is waste, know she loves you also send her 99 roses。 Happy April fool's day!

  • 50、现在的孩子分手专挑情人节告白专挑愚人节!
  • 51、我们想住的是爱情公寓,想去的学校,是终极一班!
  • 52、什么世道啊这是,人活的不如狗,狗活的比人牛。
  • 53、离开的时候请不要回头,以后活着也不要来找我。
  • 54、遇见你是无意,认识你是天意,想着你是情意,不见你时三心二意,见到你便一心一意,如果某天我们有了退意,至少还有回忆!
  • 55、我不怕愚人节有人向你告白,我怕你会答应。