
  • 1、爱一个人太深,心会醉;恨一个人太久,心会碎。
  • 2、看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。
  • 3、从前的我没学会哭泣,现在的我时常泪流满面。
  • 4、别让我度日如年的等候,等到那时看到你恐怕我已经语尽词穷。

  • 5、The rain beautiful copy from rolia. Rain's departure is not also means that we should end up!
  • 如果你回来,如果我还在,如果你回来,但愿我还在。
  • 6、如果你回来,如果我还在,如果你回来,但愿我还在。
  • 7、Is there a kind of forever, never change.
  • 8、悲伤的秋千总有微风陪伴,孤寂的夜,总有繁星点点,蓦然回首,而你却不在我身边。
  • 9、The deepest and heaviest love must grow up with the time.
  • 10、The total of the story is not necessary to endure, how tragic fiction.
  • 11、I want to meet people who can not see the place.
  • 12、Some people are doomed to wait for others, some people are doomed to be waiting for.
  • 13、我们一直在寻觅,寻觅,那个我们都有的结局。
  • 14、就算你留恋开放在水中娇艳的水仙,别忘了山谷里寂寞的角落里野百合也有春天。

  • 15、There is a city in my heart, there is a pain in the city.
  • 16、想你的时候,我会望着天空,可我却望得发了呆。
  • 17、Even if you miss the fresh Narcissus blooming in the water, don't forget the valley lonely corner of wild lily in the spring.
  • 18、每个成功男人的背后,都有一个女人。每个不成功男人的背后,都有两个女人。
  • 19、每个成功男人的背后,都有一个女人。每个不成功男人的背后,都有两个女人。
  • I didn't cry, but suddenly learned to miss it.
  • 20、I didn't cry, but suddenly learned to miss it.
  • 21、Just because someone doesn't love you as you wish, it doesn't mean you're not loved with all his being.
  • 22、前世五百次的回眸,才换来今生的擦肩而过。
  • 23、躲开的是身影,躲不开的却是那份默默的情怀。
  • 24、You've made my life complete, but I'm just one chapter in your life.

  • 25、如果梦想能够成真,愿我能代替你承受全都悲伤。
  • 26、等待你的关心,等到我关上了心。
  • 27、Feelings are fresh, even if put into the refrigerator, coated with preservatives, to the end will expire.
  • 28、Sad Swing wind along, lonely night, always have the stars, suddenly look back, and you are not on my side.
  • 29、Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
  • 30、借鉴昨天,活在今天,憧憬明天。
  • 31、Don't look back, just haven't found the reason to leave.
  • 32、那场雨美得催人泪下。雨的离去是不是也意味着,我们该结束了!
  • 33、爱上一个人就是把自己的心交给对方,且确信他不会让自己伤心。
  • 我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。


  • 35、别让我度日如年的等候,等到那时看到你恐怕我已经语尽词穷。
  • 36、The rain beautiful copy from rolia. Rain's departure is not also means that we should end up!
  • 37、有了我你是否什么都不缺,心再野也知道该拒绝。
  • 38、I didn't cry, but suddenly learned to miss it.
  • 39、We have been looking for, looking for, that we all have the outcome.
  • 40、我没有哭泣,只是突然学会了思念而已。
  • 41、Don't be too good to me, I am afraid that one day I will not quit.
  • 42、Away from the figure, can not hide is the share of the feelings of silence.
  • 43、当你真正去等待一个人的时候,那个人永远都不会出现。
  • 44、Don't go, please stay, don't let me heartache, don't you think I'm not enough?

  • 45、To keep someone around you is not love, love can let people leave, one is love.
  • 46、The memories that used to be in my memory. After all, I love you.
  • 47、Incomplete heart, can give you is reduced to fragments.
  • 看过了太多的挫折,连自己都不会哭了。
  • 48、看过了太多的挫折,连自己都不会哭了。
  • 49、No matter where you go, I'll be right behind you.
  • 50、总在为没必要的剧情忍耐,虚构的多么悲哀。
  • 51、你说,爱是唯一,我们那么幸运,我们矢志不渝。
  • 52、You've made my life complete, but I'm just one chapter in your life.
  • 53、等待,一直等待一个没结果的结局。
  • 54、如果梦想能够成真,愿我能代替你承受全都悲伤。

  • 55、Even if you miss the fresh Narcissus blooming in the water, don't forget the valley lonely corner of wild lily in the spring.
  • 56、你嫣然的微笑是我每日享受到的魅力。