2023-02-27 17:00:27
- 2、Prevention is better than cure。预防胜于治疗。
- 3、如果刀刃怕伤了自己而不与磨刀石接触,就永远不会锋利。
- 4、Since you look for a road, why go to inquire about how long to go.
- 5、Human experience is the life of the ore, the vitality of life in the release of the extract.
- 6、你既然认准一条道路,何必去打听要走多久。
- 7、你既然认准一条道路,何必去打听要走多久。
- 8、Athletes who use your strength, use your spirit to open up, a part of your long-distance running world!运动健将们,用你的实力,用你的精神,去开拓出,一片属于你的长跑天地!
- 9、Water does not rot, a door hinge is never worm-eaten, moving also。流水不腐,户枢不蠹,动也。
- 10、It is not work that kills, but worry。工作不损寿, 忧郁才伤身。
11、The head and feet keep warm, the rest will take no harm。头脚多保暖,身体多健康。
- 12、The Olympic motto is "Higher, Faster, Stronger。" 奥林匹克的格言是更高,更快,更强。
- 13、执着追求并从中得到最大快乐的人,才是成功者。
- 14、Since you look for a road, why go to inquire about how long to go.
- 15、烈火试真金,逆境试强者。
- 16、Life is always a high spirited song for the wise, whose theme is always struggle.
- 17、Since you look for a road, why go to inquire about how long to go.
- 18、One hour's sleep before midnight is worth three after。午夜前一小时的睡眠等于午夜后睡三小时。
- 19、Early to bed and early to rise,makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise。 早睡早起会使人健康、富有和聪明。
- 20、有人能让你痛苦,说明你的修行还不够。
- 22、用尽一切去奔赴一场未知的梦。
- 23、The essence of sport is not fun but continued lasting habit。运动的要义不在趣味而在继续持久,养成习惯。
- 24、当天空黑暗到一定程度,星辰就会熠熠闪光。
- 25、The only proper course to take to gain happiness is to cherish what you have got and forget what you haven't.
- 26、The only proper course to take to gain happiness is to cherish what you have got and forget what you haven't.
- 27、Do the right thing, and do the right thing.
- 28、Do the right thing, and do the right thing.
- 29、教育是人才的娘家,社会是人才的婆家。
- 30、Without great difficulty, there will be no great cause.
31、people are toughened by difficult experiences。 艰苦的环境锻炼人的意志。
- 32、Early to bed and early to rise,makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise。 早睡早起会使人健康、富有和聪明。
- 33、All in all, if we want to be healthy, having healthy eating habits and doing sports are very important。 总之,如果我们想健康,有着健康的饮食习惯和做运动是很重要 的。
- 34、Young man may die but old men must die。年轻人可能会死,老年人难免要亡。
- 35、To lost in something you love is better than to win in something you hate.
- 36、elderly people are worn with age, so it is even more important for them to take part in exercise。 老年人年老体衰更应该参加一些适当的体育锻炼。
- 37、目标的实现建立在我要成功的强烈愿望上。
- 38、不努力怎么对得起千疮百孔的自己。
- 39、对于不屈不挠的人来说,没有失败这回事。
- 40、elderly people are worn with age, so it is even more important for them to take part in exercise。 老年人年老体衰更应该参加一些适当的体育锻炼。
- 42、真正的领导者,其厉害之处不在于能指挥多少君子,而在于能驾驭多少小人。
- 43、不努力怎么对得起千疮百孔的自己。
- 44、The real leader, its powerful place is not to be able to command the number of gentlemen, but to control how many people.
- 45、做正确的事,再把事情做正确。
- 46、Time the study pain is temporary, has not learned the pain is life-long.
- 47、Thinking with the brain, with the intention to consider, with action to prove.
- 48、All to go to an unknown dream.
- 49、流过泪的眼睛更明亮,滴过血的心灵更坚强!
- 50、There is no such thing as failure for an indomitable man.
51、There is no such thing as failure for an indomitable man.
- 52、Someone can let you pain, that your practice is not enough.