
  • 1、有一瞬,想要伸手去碰的念头。来自光的久远的温柔。
  • 2、你在北极,我在南极。相隔一万九千九百九十八千米,我顺着地轴的方向,只为走到你的心里。
  • 3、我们的生活有太多无奈,我们无法改变,也无力去改变,更糟的是,我们失去了改变的想法

  • 4、Life with love is happy, life for love is foolish.
  • 5、爱神奏出无声旋律,远比乐器奏出的悦耳动听。
  • 爱情不是花荫下的甜言,不是桃花源中的蜜语,不是轻绵的眼泪,更不是死硬的强迫,爱情是建立在共同语言的基础上的。
  • 6、爱情不是花荫下的甜言,不是桃花源中的蜜语,不是轻绵的眼泪,更不是死硬的强迫,爱情是建立在共同语言的基础上的。
  • 7、爱情,就像咖啡,苦中有甜,甜中带苦,令人回味无穷。
  • 8、选择你所喜欢的,爱你所选择的。
  • 9、To cultivate love, we must use harmony and whisper.
  • 10、The chaos and reality, can let my thoughts as to write.
  • 11、If I know how to give up, how good it is.
  • 12、当爱情承载更多的希望,它也会幻灭得更快。
  • 13、婚姻是难度最高的爱情,因为必须边啃面包边谈它!

  • 14、莪想到那条路上去,可以看见开的正盛的彼岸花很凄美。
  • 15、想你想你好想你,找个画家画下你,把你贴在杯子里,每天喝水亲亲你。
  • 16、Love is a common experience between two people.
  • 17、一刹真情,不能说那是假的,爱情永恒,不能说只有那一刹。
  • 18、我能想到最甜蜜的事,就是在喜欢你的每一天里,被你喜欢。
  • 19、You said you want to go along with the road, the results you quit, leaving me a person how to go down.
  • No matter how much her mistake, she began to cry for a moment that I was wrong.
  • 20、No matter how much her mistake, she began to cry for a moment that I was wrong.
  • 21、The one who really love you won't say much to love you, but will do a lot of things that love you.
  • 22、You can't do it, why do you want to cheat a heart already belongs to you.
  • 23、女性在所有礼物中,认为花朵最有价值的原因:是因为男性在送花给女性的时候必须克服那种把花拿在手上走在街道上的羞涩感觉。

  • 24、Love is a disease, I'm infected. You are my drug, I'm addicted.
  • 25、日里想着你,夜里念着你,梦里绕着你,眼里望着你,手里握着你,心里爱着你!
  • 26、岁月。首先是爱情使你忘记时间,然后是时间使你忘记爱。
  • 27、不求情意浓,但愿情长久。
  • 28、无论她有多大错,她开始哭的一刹那就是我错了。
  • 29、春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。
  • 30、My heart is a meandering stream, innumerable twists and turns, twists and turns, will eventually flow to you.
  • 31、人并不是美丽才可爱,而是因为可爱才美丽。
  • 32、只缘感君一回顾,使我思君朝与暮。
  • 33、我这个人啊,一向视金钱如粪土,嫁给我后,你生活上也不会有后顾之忧-我承包了城里十三座公共厕所,保证咱不愁吃不愁喝。

  • 34、哪怕轻靠你的肩膀我都会哭着笑出来!
  • 35、我的心是一条弯弯曲曲的小溪,千回百转,兜兜转转,最终都将流向你。
  • 36、真正恋爱过的心永不遗忘。
  • 37、The ring finger broke up, like, I love you.
  • 38、我想和你在一起,靠近你的身边,感觉你散发的诱人气息,点点滴滴萦绕在心头,洋溢着幸福的滋味。我想牵着你的手,一直走下去。嫁给我,可愿意?
  • 39、Tomorrow is the fastest of the world's fastest piece of land, it is full of hope.
  • 40、First love is just a fool and nine curiosity.
  • 41、On high, we'd be two birds flying wing to wing. On earth, two trees with branches twined from spring to spring.
  • 42、不要离我太远,我无法承受那样的痛!
  • 43、缘是爱的开始,情是爱的过程,就让我们共同在缘和情的海洋里寻找爱的结果吧!

  • 44、因为喜欢你,借着你的光,瞧见了从未预见的世界。
  • 45、做一道多选题,但是答案都是迩。
  • 46、It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of sweet, sweet, kind, which can't be expressed with any choice of words.
  • 47、爱情,就像咖啡,苦中有甜,甜中带苦,令人回味无穷。
  • 因为喜欢你,借着你的光,瞧见了从未预见的世界。
  • 48、因为喜欢你,借着你的光,瞧见了从未预见的世界。
  • 49、Think you think you miss you, find a painter to paint you, put you in the cup, drink water every day to kiss you.
  • 50、当你在我身边快乐时,幸福在我身边,当我听到你笑声时幸福已经在我身边。
  • 51、我的眼睛必定有问题,由于我的视线始终无奈从你的身旁移开。
  • 52、男女朋友无法迁就,越拖越久越想分手。
  • 53、Huahuachangzi not too much, there will be no marriage crisis.

  • 54、爱情是自由自在的,而自由自在的爱情是最真切的。
  • 55、The sea is not dry, the stone is not bad, my love, as long as you happy, I will and they all change to come over.
  • 56、Love is the most luxurious pleasure, but the end is often sad.