
  • 1、大抵观书须先熟读,使其言皆若出于吾之口;继以精思,使其意皆若出于吾之心,然后可以有得也。——(宋)朱熹
  • 2、我读书总是以少为贵,从不贪多。不怕读得少,只怕记不牢。徐特立

  • 3、At any time, I will not meet, the more reading, the more deeply felt not satisfied, the more feel their knowledge is poor。 Science is extre mely subtle。 -- Marx
  • 4、读书可以培养一个完人,谈话可以训练一个敏捷的人,而写作则可造就一个准确的人。培根
  • 5、读书时,我愿在每一个美好思想的面前停留,就像在每一条真理面前停留一样。爱默生
  • The real purpose of the book is to induce the mind to think。 -- Mo Li
  • 6、The real purpose of the book is to induce the mind to think。 -- Mo Li
  • 7、Books make people become masters of the universe。 Pavlovo -- even Ke
  • 8、了解一页书,胜于匆促地阅读一卷书。——麦考利
  • 9、读书足以怡情,足以傅彩,足以长才。——培根
  • 10、勤劳一日,可得一夜安眠;勤劳一生,可得幸福长眠。达·芬奇
  • 11、立志是读书人最要紧的一件事。孙中山
  • 12、学习是劳动,是充满思想的劳动。乌申斯基

  • 13、数学是锻炼思想的体操。加里宁
  • 14、Reading does not taste, as it's a silly fish beam; for example, all the food dregs。 -- Yuan Mu
  • 15、you should be careful all false knowledge, it is more dangerous than ignorance。 -- Bernard Shaw
  • 16、一日无书,百事荒废。陈寿
  • 17、学者的一天比不学无术的人一生还有价值。阿拉伯
  • 18、能读千赋,自能为之。杨雄
  • 19、Read ten thousand books, traveling thousands of miles。 -- Liu Yi
  • Determined to be one of the most important things to read。 -- Sun Zhongshan
  • 20、Determined to be one of the most important things to read。 -- Sun Zhongshan
  • 21、No poetry, no words。 -- Kong Zi
  • 22、我读书越多,书籍就使我和世界越接近,生活对我也变得越加光明和有意义。——高尔基

  • 23、真正的知识使人真正地、实实在在地胜过他人。艾迪生
  • 24、Instead of decorating yourself with a fancy dress, you use your knowledge to arm yourself。 -- Marx
  • 25、读书有三到,谓心到,眼到,口到。朱熹
  • 26、Only in the letters, words, and the text of the book. Reading and memorizing -- not reading. You should feel, to have a sense of beauty, for others to mastery, invaluable advice, and make them. -- Ba Jin
  • 27、Read a good book, like making a good friend。 -- Zang Kejia
  • 28、沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春。刘禹锡
  • 29、现在,我怕的并不是那艰苦严峻的生活,而是不能再学习和认识我迫切想了解的世界。对我来说,不学习,毋宁死。罗蒙诺索夫
  • 30、读书人不一定有知识,真正的常识是懂得知识,会思想,能工作。徐特立
  • 31、未来将属于两种人:思想的人和劳动的人。实际上这两种人是一种人,因为思想也是劳动。
  • 32、不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。荀况

  • 33、光阴给我们经验,读书给我们知识。奥斯特洛夫斯基
  • I always read less is expensive, never too much。 Not afraid of reading less, I remember。 -- Xu Teli
  • 34、I always read less is expensive, never too much。 Not afraid of reading less, I remember。 -- Xu Teli
  • 35、Only in the letters, words, and the text of the book. Reading and memorizing -- not reading. You should feel, to have a sense of beauty, for others to mastery, invaluable advice, and make them. -- Ba Jin
  • 36、作为一只扫帚,你别无选择,要么学会飞,要么永远和垃圾在一起。徐明达
  • 37、Reading is the best study。 The idea of following a great man is one of the most interesting and interesting science。 -- Pushkin
  • 38、I'm on the books, like the hungry man on the bread。 - Golgi
  • 39、Reading is my only pleasure。 I don't waste my time in the hotel, gambling or any kind of bad game; and I for the diligence of the business is still in accordance with the necessary, tireless patience. -- Franklin
  • 40、自然赐给了我们知识的种子,而不是知识的本身。寒涅卡
  • 41、读万卷书,行万里路。——董其昌
  • 42、Reading is to the mind, like the movement of the body。 -- Addison

  • 43、Books are friends, although there is no enthusiasm, but very faithful。 -- Hugo
  • 44、读书,这个我们习以为常的平凡过程,实际上是人们心灵和上下古今一切民族的伟大智慧相结合的过程。——高尔基
  • 45、学习本无底,前进莫徬徨。报摘
  • 46、与其用华丽的外衣装饰自己,不如用知识武装自己。马克思
  • 47、和书籍生活在一起,永远不会叹气。——罗曼罗兰
  • Bright as is fond of studying。, buchixiawen。 -- Kong Zi
  • 48、Bright as is fond of studying。, buchixiawen。 -- Kong Zi
  • 49、运用一分知识,需要十分积累。伊朗
  • 50、学习是为自己,不是为了别人,因为,别人没有义务为你的前途负责。饶佳
  • 51、欲速是读书第一大病,功夫中在绵密不间断,不在不速也。陆珑
  • 52、理想的书籍是智慧的钥匙。托尔斯泰

  • 53、读书是在别人思想的帮助下,建立起自己的思想。鲁巴金
  • 54、喜爱读书,就等于把生活中寂寞无聊的时光换成巨大享受的时刻。孟德斯鸠
  • 55、Reading is the best study, followed by the idea of the great people, is full of interesting things ah。 -- Pushkin
  • 56、读书以过目成诵为能,最是不济事。——郑板桥