3、信心能战胜人生道路上所有的障碍,也许连死亡它都不会放在眼里!Faith can overcome all obstacles on the road in life, maybe even death it in your eyes!
4、挫折也有好的一面,它教给我们真理。The setback also has a good side, it teaches us the truth。
5、统治这个世界的是想像力。Rule the world is imagination。
6、从某种程度来说,坚持也许会是个错误,但坚持时间过短或根本就不坚持则是更大的错误。To a certain extent, it would be a mistake to stick to, but time is too short or does not keep on keeping on is making a bigger mistake。
7、中国是一头睡狮,一旦醒来将震憾世界。China is a sleeping lion, once woke up will shock the world。
8、一旦确定了目标,就应尽一切可能努力培养达成目标的充分自信。Once established goals, we should be doing everything we can to achieve full confidence。
9、苟活比牺牲需要更多的勇气。It requires more courage to suffer than sacrifice。
10、君主不应以统治为目的,而应传播道德,教化和福泽。Monarch should not be for the purpose of rule, and should be spread moral indoctrination and blessings。
21、世界会证明你的付出没有白费,在未来的某一天,它会全部回报给你!The world would prove your efforts were not in vain, in the future one day, it will all return to you!
22、生命是无止境的,不能仅以年龄去衡量;有些人在瞬间过了一生,有些人则在朝夕之间却突然衰老。Life is endless, not only with age to measure; Some people for a lifetime, in an instant suddenly aging between others in the morning and night。
24、人生之光荣,不在永不失败,而在能屡败屡战。The glory of life lies in never falling, but in can often hurt often war。
25、如果你相信你能够做这件事,你就能完成它。If you believe you can do it, you can finish it。
26、君主不应以统治为目的,而应传播道德,教化和福泽。Monarch should not be for the purpose of rule, and should be spread moral indoctrination and blessings。
27、一个失去了记忆的人落入了最为可悲的境地,他就像一个没有哨兵的城堡,一座没有卫戍部队的城。A man lost his memory of falling into the most sad situation, he is like a sentry castle, without a garrison town。
28、命运是个女人。她给我做的事越多,我对她的要求也就越大。Fate is a woman。 She gave me to do, the more I to her request。
30、没有人能逃脱自己的命运。No man can escape his destiny。
32、应该蔑视一切政党,心目中只有广大民众。只有依靠广大民众的支持,才能建立伟业。Only the general public should disdain for all parties, mind。 Only relies on the support of the general public to greatness。
33、命运是个女人。她给我做的事越多,我对她的要求也就越大。Fate is a woman。 She gave me to do, the more I to her request。
36、一个失去了记忆的人落入了最为可悲的境地,他就像一个没有哨兵的城堡,一座没有卫戍部队的城。A man lost his memory of falling into the most sad situation, he is like a sentry castle, without a garrison town。
37、害怕被征服的人,注定要失败。Who fears being conquered is doomed to failure。
39、世界上最广阔的是海洋,比海洋更广阔的是天空,比天空更广阔的是人的胸怀。The world's most broad is sea, wider than the ocean is the sky, wider than the sky, is the person's mind。
45、不会从失败中寻求教训的人通向成功的道路是遥远的。Not seek lesson from the failure of the path to success is far away。
46、个人的计划与实践存在太大的落差即是疯狂的表现。Plan and practice of personal existence is too large gap is crazy。
47、正确的思维方法就是最好的提高效率的方法。The correct thinking method is the best method of improving efficiency。
52、**像是一匹无人能驯的脱缰野马,我凭借自己的冷静和宽慰的言语安抚了这匹战马,却没有让它却步不前。Revolution like no one can tame runaway horse, a horse with my own calm and comfort words soothed the horse, but I did not let it go back。