3、所有的自负都会被轻易地识破,都会被看作自卑心理的表现形式。All conceit can be easily see through, is seen as a form of inferiority mentality。
4、优柔寡断让许多人面临不幸,它会使人对一些事情失望,然后把惩罚强加在自己身上。Indecision let many people faced with misfortune, it will make people disappointed about some things, and then impose punishment on themselves。
7、君主不应以统治为目的,而应传播道德,教化和福泽。Monarch should not be for the purpose of rule, and should be spread moral indoctrination and blessings。
8、在爱情的战场上,唯一获胜的秘诀是逃跑。In the love battlefield, the only escape is the secret of winning。
12、个人的计划与实践存在太大的落差即是疯狂的表现。Plan and practice of personal existence is too large gap is crazy。
13、不以小事为轻,而后可以成大事。Not to small for the light, and then can achieve great things。
18、德行之力,十倍于身体之力。Virtue, ten times the force of the body。
20、命运是个女人。她给我做的事越多,我对她的要求也就越大。Fate is a woman。 She gave me to do, the more I to her request。
21、一个人是否谦逊,取决于他对自己的认识与自我努力相结合的程度。A person is humble, depends on his understanding of their combined with self effort。
23、正确的思维方法就是最好的提高效率的方法。The correct thinking method is the best method of improving efficiency。
25、人们常只想到自己的需要,而没考虑自己的能力。People often think only of their own needs, without considering their own ability。
28、**像是一匹无人能驯的脱缰野马,我凭借自己的冷静和宽慰的言语安抚了这匹战马,却没有让它却步不前。Revolution like no one can tame runaway horse, a horse with my own calm and comfort words soothed the horse, but I did not let it go back。
29、我凡事先做好最坏的打算。I do the worst plan in advance。
31、优秀的推销员都具有一个明确的观念:认为自己和所贩卖的商品皆为“卓越的物品。Good salesman has a clear concept: think themselves and selling of goods are "excellent goods"。
34、命运不是丢在地上的废铁,我从泥淖从把它捡起,铸成世界以我为中心的桂冠!Fate is not lost on the ground of scrap, I from the mud to pick it up, making the world crown for the center with me!
35、我不知道有什么极限,只想往一个世界帝国,世界要求我来统治它。I don't know what is the limit, just want to a world empire, the world has asked me to rule it。
37、我不知道有什么极限,只想往一个世界帝国,世界要求我来统治它。I don't know what is the limit, just want to a world empire, the world has asked me to rule it。
38、不会从失败中寻求教训的人通向成功的道路是遥远的。Not seek lesson from the failure of the path to success is far away。
40、所谓军事指挥艺术,就是当自己的兵力数量实际上居于劣势时,反而能在战场上化劣势为优势。So-called art of military command, is the number of troops when oneself actually weaker, but can change disadvantage into advantage on the battlefield。
41、信仰使穷人不至于去谋害富人。Faith makes the poor not to kill the rich。
42、不会从失败中寻求教训的人通向成功的道路是遥远的。Not seek lesson from the failure of the path to success is far away。
43、不以小事为轻,而后可以成大事。Not to small for the light, and then can achieve great things。
44、生命是无止境的,不能仅以年龄去衡量;有些人在瞬间过了一生,有些人则在朝夕之间却突然衰老。Life is endless, not only with age to measure; Some people for a lifetime, in an instant suddenly aging between others in the morning and night。
46、需要解决的疑团,是一个需要回答的问题,或者是一个需要探测的奥秘;总之,它是一个值得追求的冒险。To solve the puzzle, it is a need to answer the question, or a need to the mystery of the detection; In a word, it is a risk worth pursuing。
48、统治这个世界的是想像力。Rule the world is imagination。
49、我的道路上满是荆棘,而我却始终坚持信念,从未践踏过荣誉。My road is full of thorns, but I was always adhere to the faith, never trample the honor。
50、从伟大崇高到荒谬可笑,其间只相差一步。From the sublime to the ridiculous, great in which only a step。