2023-04-15 16:40:10
- 1、Are the people as a father, would be rather baffling vexatious.
- 2、你永远也不会知道,她因为爱你,在你看不到的地方做了什么。《分手合约》
- 3、After the love you are my best love. I remember. But you're not.
- 4、我可以一个人自娱自乐,也可以过得很好。
- 5、So busy streets, but no place to hide.
- 6、Intermittent depression during an attack, strangers if you do not find acquaintances.
- 7、你不懂一直找话题跟你聊天的人有多么喜欢你。
- 9、How are you sick, you feet two ship let me evil.
- 10、Life is like Las Vegas, everyone is a gambler.
- 11、Yours is mine, mine is mine.
- 12、我们曾经爱过的人,都已经失去了。
- 13、来世今生,只想凝望着你的笑脸,仅此而已。
- 14、以前抽中华不习惯觉得味道很重,现在习惯以后,觉得苏烟很淡。
- 15、我以为我们很好,其实我们彼此心里都明白。
- 16、人没有不变的,变了你又能怎么办。
- 17、I scribbled words, describe our bit by bit.
- 19、The story begins we finally we draw further apart a casually met acquaintance.
- 20、在金钱与爱情面前卖弄自尊,是最愚蠢的事。《我的前半生》
- 21、你过得好,我替你高兴,你过得不好,我替全世界高兴。
- 22、Toys also have something to protect, although they do not shed tears in their eyes!
- 23、仅有的一颗心。被你伤的淋漓尽致。
- 24、You sit alone in the corner, surprised to see you in the eyes of loneliness.
- 25、我能遇见你,已经很不可思议了。《不能说的秘密》
- 26、There is no your news. Waiting for your return.
- 27、女人请记住,上了床是一个男人对你的好的终点。
- 29、再回首恍然如梦,再回首我心变动。
- 30、你在墙角独坐,惊见你眼中的寂寞。
- 31、Thank you, let me ever seen heaven is like.
- 32、I am not so generous as you think, I can tolerate you falling in love with someone else.
- 33、Not worth you good to me, I will let people hate.
- 34、你的就是我的,我的还是我的。
- 35、After the love you are my best love. I remember. But you're not.
- 36、玩具也有想要守护的东西,虽然他们那样的眼睛里根本流不出泪水!
- 37、You sit alone in the corner, surprised to see you in the eyes of loneliness.
38、I don't want to love you, because you no longer love me.
- 39、有种疼,你不懂,我可以用微笑掩盖,用冷漠包装。
- 40、人苦;苦在心里。人累;累在心上。
- 41、你爱他,轰轰烈烈最疯狂,我爱你,跌跌撞撞到绝望。
- 42、有些人蜜语千篇却无疾而终,有些人相伴无言却共度百年。
- 43、我用潦草的文字,刻画着我们的点点滴滴。
- 44、女人请记住,上了床是一个男人对你的好的终点。
- 45、握住苍老,禁锢了时空,一下子到了地老天荒。
- 46、间歇性郁闷症发作期间,生人勿扰,熟人勿找。
- 47、There is no your news. Waiting for your return.
- 49、你都不似从前,又何必要求我待你如初。
- 50、从此以后,该走的走,该留的留,一切不强求。
- 51、我要你知道,在这个世界上,总有一个人是会永远等着你的。无论什么时候,无论在什么地方,总会有这么一个人。《半生缘》
- 52、你吻我时,天堂都向我敞开,即使闭上双眼,也能看到玫瑰人生。《瓦力》
- 53、Silence, if you can sink all of my, lonely.
- 54、The story begins we finally we draw further apart a casually met acquaintance.
- 55、Said of a couple is not hair dyed, destroyed several teeth problems.
- 56、You urged me to put sometimes hot and sometimes cold, finally caught you caught breaking.
- 57、如此繁华的街道,却没有我的藏身之地。
- 59、仅有的一颗心。被你伤的淋漓尽致。
- 60、You don't know how much you like to talk to you.