
  • 1、静静消失在人海里面,不让谁看见!想念是会呼吸的痛,瞬间蒸发,就让不可能的是也随至分散!
  • 2、The dust has settled, Xijinqianhua, who for her sleeve the hands and the dumping of the world and who embrace the beauty, accompany her side by side and travels to the horizon.
  • 3、不埋怨谁,不嘲笑谁,也不羡慕谁,阳光下灿烂,风雨中奔跑,做自己的梦,走自己的路!
  • 4、千补万补,不如食补。

  • 5、The person who always swears is always the one who likes to withdraw from panic.
  • 人生至少要有两次冲动,一为奋不顾身的爱情,一为说走就走的旅行。
  • 6、人生至少要有两次冲动,一为奋不顾身的爱情,一为说走就走的旅行。
  • 7、阳光落在陌生的城市,未来的爱情在谁的怀抱。
  • 8、爱情是:当感觉、热情和浪漫统统拿掉之後,你仍然珍惜对方。
  • 9、如果我爱上你的笑容,要怎么收藏要怎么拥有。
  • 10、The person who always swears is always the one who likes to withdraw from panic.
  • 11、Some say love, it is a hunger, an endless aching need.
  • 12、向阳而开的花开起来就像阳光般灿烂颜色,向日葵失去了太阳就是失去了旋转地目的和方向。
  • 13、We can lose it, because it can make us less melancholy; we might as well be less satisfied, because it can make us more conscious.
  • 14、车到山脚下,上万株桃树缀成粉红与雪白相间的花潮,沿着绿色的田野,向我们眼前奔涌而来。

  • 15、无论你走到哪里,我都会在你身后。
  • 16、Encounter and waiting is the fate of a miserable, not everyone, when suddenly look back can see the dim lights of the people.
  • 17、Better cry out and suffer from poverty than teach illness.
  • The whole point of living up to now is to meet you at this moment.
  • 18、The whole point of living up to now is to meet you at this moment.
  • 19、You are my oxygen, without you I will suffocate.
  • 20、To live every day as the last day of life.
  • 21、My heart is stable, the fickleness of the world, love you again!
  • 22、What you love most is you, and what you like best is you too!
  • 23、It's a waste of time to spend more than perfect performance.
  • 24、Do a good job of not being busy and idle, and live a wonderful life of not being salty and not being light.

  • 25、Walk hand in hand in the afternoon sunshine trail, daylight on the ground cast mottled shadows, your smile is the most beautiful scenery here.
  • 26、有个懂我的人,是最大的幸福。
  • 27、做梦梦到的人,醒了就应该能抱到他。
  • 28、邂逅和等待都是宿命式的凄凉,不是每个人,在蓦然回首时,都能看到灯火阑珊处的那个人。
  • 29、当眼泪溢出眼眶,我才知道自己已彻底受伤。
  • 总爱发誓的人,往往最爱撤慌。
  • 30、总爱发誓的人,往往最爱撤慌。
  • 31、Smile is the most beautiful business card, listening is the most sincere communication, careful is the most important insistence.
  • 32、Love is a growth in the precipitous rock faces and sheer cliffs on the edge of the flower removal must have the courage.
  • 33、White jade grows in the earth, and gold comes out in the earth.
  • 34、If your tool has only one hammer, you may think that all the problems are nails.

  • 35、心里有了你,再好的我都没兴趣了,想想你自己是有多么迷人啦。
  • 36、You never see my most lonely time, because only you are not around me, I was the most lonely.
  • 37、I left the last drop of tears, do not leave any missing.
  • 38、有静有动,无病无痛。
  • 39、People under the eaves have to bow their heads.
  • 40、故事中,重逢时过于惊喜得总以为在做梦。现实中,重逢之后睁开眼睛才发现真的在做梦。
  • 41、承认自己的恐惧毫不可耻,可耻的是你因害怕而裹足不前。
  • 好马不停蹄,好牛不停犁。
  • 42、好马不停蹄,好牛不停犁。
  • 43、你是我的女人,你的眼睛和下体只能为我而湿。
  • 44、我之所以活到现在的全部意义,就是为了此刻能与你相遇。

  • 45、No matter where you are, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you.
  • 46、我自是年少,韶华倾负。
  • 47、If your tool has only one hammer, you may think that all the problems are nails.
  • 48、分手后不可仪做朋友,因为彼此伤害过,不可以做敌人,因为彼此深爱过,所以我们变成了最熟悉的陌生人。
  • 49、The food is light and the body is strong.
  • 50、那刺穿云块的阳光就像根根金线,纵横交错,把浅灰蓝灰的云朵缝缀成一幅美丽无比的图案。