When I wake up in the morning, I see only you; when I think of you, you make me happy You are everything I want I look at you, you know, you are everything to me

  • 1、记得在毕业典礼上说来不及说的话。
  • 2、时间不愿停住脚步,只有生活在不断加速。
  • 3、Here, waiting for you, who will understand my loneliness.
  • 4、No matter how long the future, please cherish every moment, no matter how many seasons, we are forever friends.
  • 5、除了奉上无限的深情和耐心,还需要一点点决绝的勇气。
  • I will confront the death fearlessly if only I can be with you, and I prefer to share my life with you rather than lead a lonely and immortal life.
  • 6、I will confront the death fearlessly if only I can be with you, and I prefer to share my life with you rather than lead a lonely and immortal life.
  • 7、All over the sky of champagne, accidentally spread into the Aegean Sea.

  • 8、In fact, everyone's love is just a moment.
  • 9、纵然万人如我意,怎敌你一句我喜欢你。
  • 10、恋人的秘密不可叫对方全部探了去。
  • 11、在这,守候着你,谁会了解,我的孤独。
  • 12、天荒地老:指经历的时间极久远。常用于人们的爱情宣言。
  • 13、离别,能使浅薄的感情削弱,却使深挚的感情更加深厚,正如风能吹灭烛光,却会把火扇得更旺。
  • 14、割断的不只是山河岁月还有无数个漫漫无期的后来。
  • 15、With you, I believe in love!
  • 16、毕业离别时的伤感。互相登上离开车。充满伤感的车站。飞驰而过的站牌。
  • 17、如果你觉得不开心的话,你就尽情的欺负我好了,反正我很喜欢你。

  • 18、你给我的幸福,我会永远记在心里。
  • 19、The ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.
  • 20、Meet and bid farewell to the sail and offshore, is the end of the past happy, the beginning of the future of happiness.
  • 朋友,再会!朋友,珍重!流水匆匆,岁月匆匆,唯有支情永存心中。
  • 21、朋友,再会!朋友,珍重!流水匆匆,岁月匆匆,唯有支情永存心中。
  • 22、Often happy love often needs third proof.
  • 23、记得在毕业典礼上说来不及说的话。
  • 24、有了你,我又相信爱情了!
  • 25、时间不愿停住脚步,只有生活在不断加速。
  • 26、我们的爱像唱一半的歌、断断续续。
  • 27、我们的每次吵架,都是一个故事的开始。

  • 28、踮起脚尖,我们离幸福只有一步。
  • 29、Life is not a one-way street, but a road is blocked. You can turn around.
  • 30、生活不是单行线,一条路不通,你可以转弯。
  • 31、我们最大的错,就是相遇的那一刻、没有擦肩而过。
  • 32、I love youth until I was young.
  • 33、A lady's eyes are the bright stars of love.
  • 34、培育爱情必须用和声细语。
  • 35、风花雪月:原指旧时诗文里经常描写的自然景物。后比喻堆砌词藻、内容贫乏空洞的诗文。也指爱情之事或花天酒地的荒淫生活。
  • The wound is yesterday.
  • 36、The wound is yesterday.
  • 37、有了你,我又相信爱情了!

  • 38、下一个夏天,教室里又会坐满了,可惜再也不是我们了。
  • 39、爱情的萌芽是智慧的结束。
  • 40、见异思迁:迁:变动。看见另一个事物就想改变原来的主意。指意志不坚定,喜爱不专一。
  • 41、Sadness when graduation. Get on each other and get out of the car. A sad station. Fast stop.
  • 42、If you die tomorrow, I will get your love today.
  • 43、整个城市都睡了,只剩我和我的心事不能寐,那个好久不见的你,又占据我的回忆。
  • 44、That day we graduated, each to their own goals and efforts to develop, and make us like the parallel lines will not be the intersection of the.
  • 45、柔情密意:指温柔亲密的情意。
  • 46、If you choose to be near me, please stay with me for a long time.
  • 47、Often happy love often needs third proof.

  • 48、Four years ah, we were together for four years, after class at school after school, a dozen laughing and joking ha ha, ignoring cynicism, everything are the best memories.
  • 49、不要太想念过去,它会给你带来悲伤。
  • 50、如胶似漆:象胶和漆那样黏结。形容感情炽烈,难舍难分。多指夫妻恩爱。
  • Strange dialogues, the most familiar people.
  • 51、Strange dialogues, the most familiar people.
  • 52、We win, lose, there's nothing to be fearful of!
  • 53、Strange dialogues, the most familiar people.
  • 54、只有你的快乐和幸福不依附于任何人或物的时候,你才是自由的。否则,无论你被关在监狱里还是走在大街上,你依然是自己的囚犯。
  • 55、拥有了爱情,就别去碰暧昧。面对弥足珍贵的爱情,我们需要经得起**,耐得住寂寞,唯有这样,才能给予彼此最大的安全感。
  • 56、分道扬镳,留下这残缺旳爱和没有写完旳故事。
  • 57、他站在北风的后面。可我却找不到。

  • 58、我想出去走一走,看看这个大世界,还有太多的梦想等我去冒险。
  • 59、Hot love is soon cold.