If I could choose to live in my past and yours, I would rather not live in the future
2023-05-10 18:17:40
- 1、People say: "love a person is not in return.". But I want you to give me back -- let me give you all my love in my life!
- 3、逝去的岁月,怎么找得回来?你曾经的微笑,在回忆里却散不开。
- 4、我希望你能给我一个机会,照顾你。爱护你。平平淡淡和你一起慢慢变老!
- 5、Change is change, can not be redeemed, even if you try again, there is no crowding in the matter.
- 6、你这个笨蛋,你不懂你不理我的时候我有多难过,你不懂你的忽冷忽热会让我伤到心碎。
- 7、我始终相信:真正在乎我的人,是不会被别人抢走的。无论是友情,还是爱情。
- 8、爱一个人很苦,我却不停付出;爱一个人很累,我却沉迷相思;爱一个人很傻,我却执迷不悟。
- 9、Your information I hate to delete, your smiling face I can't forget, your true feelings I already know, my heart beat sound don't want you to hear!
- 10、Love is like two people pulling the rubber band, and the injured one is always unwilling to let go.
- 11、Time drives not the wine of truth, but distance does not move the hand of longing. Miss you, until forever The end of life.
12、Time drives not the wine of truth, but distance does not move the hand of longing. Miss you, until forever The end of life.
- 13、曾经深爱过,毫不留余地的伤过,现在默然了,不是不爱了,只是累了。
- 14、One of the most consistent things we do is that I don't contact you, and you don't contact me.
- 15、There is Chang Lizhi, there is often a Li Zhi, insist the goal of people most likely to succeed.
- 16、Always thinking of you, though we can't share every minute.
- 17、我想念我的童年时光,无忧无虑,没有责任,没有心碎,没有伤害,没有疼痛。
- 18、我都所有事物都是一时热度,但对你却一直过不了那一时的热度。
- 19、我不知道把一个人从心里割舍需要多久,就如我不知道我还会等你多久。
- 20、太多意外,没想要勉强我感慨。太多困难,会让人害怕看未来。
- 21、人生难得几回搏,此时不搏何时搏。
- 23、Love is a timely rain, suddenly come, listen to the heart, will become infinite transparent.
- 24、有些人,走进你的世界,只是为了给你上一课,上完课,他便离去。
- 25、变了就是变了,也无法挽回,即使你再怎麽努力,也无挤于事。
- 26、日复明日,明日何其多?我生待明日,万事成蹉跎。
- 27、For you would rather not be free!
- 28、有多少人,明明分手了,却还爱着;有多少人,明明还爱着,却说放手了。
- 29、我始终相信:真正在乎我的人,是不会被别人抢走的。无论是友情,还是爱情。
- 30、无志者常立志,有志者立常志,咬定一个目标的人最容易成功。
- 31、就在刚才我还在一遍一遍的想着和他的将来,可是现在他已经和我没关系了,懂我的难过吗。
- 33、无志者常立志,有志者立常志,咬定一个目标的人最容易成功。
- 34、Do not indulge in the past, do not dream of the future, focus on the right now, every minute of every second!
- 35、爱一个人很苦,我却不停付出;爱一个人很累,我却沉迷相思;爱一个人很傻,我却执迷不悟。
- 36、看到你的微笑我就会满足,见到你快乐我会知足,当幸福降临在你身上时,我会默默的为你祝福。
- 37、只有你知我的情绪,也只有你能带给我情绪。
- 38、如果说剪掉头发就是剪掉回忆,那我剪成光头是不是可以失忆。
- 39、如果说剪掉头发就是剪掉回忆,那我剪成光头是不是可以失忆。
- 40、这个世界不是因为你能做什么,而是你该做什么。
- 41、On the stage of life, never give out a medal to the lagging behind.
42、Maybe I'm just one of your accessories, you don't have to throw away anytime.
- 43、逝去的岁月,怎么找得回来?你曾经的微笑,在回忆里却散不开。
- 44、时间冲不淡真情的酒,距离拉不开思念的手。想你,直到地老天荒,直到永久。
- 45、早晚会有人代替你在我心里的位置,别担心别愧疚别说对不起。
- 46、什么是多余,冬天的棉袄,夏天的蒲扇,等我心冷后你的殷勤。
- 47、相遇总是点点头,想说总是难开口,视线相交的一瞬间,我已感觉到你的温柔。
- 48、今夜寂寞如海,今夜相思成灾。对你的爱已化成这片寂寞的海。想你的心已让你的影子在脑中泛滥成灾!
- 49、忙于采集的蜜蜂,无暇在人前高谈阔论。
- 50、Low-key life, and the gas for the expensive, human oriented, to do a calm, deep, subtle, cultured, have fun.
- 51、The fire of love is kindled in our hearts, and from now on we shall be melted together.
- 53、Always thinking of you, though we can't share every minute.
- 54、人生没有理想,生命便只是一堆空架子。
- 55、有时候,那些在白天看似坚强的人正是是在黑夜里哭着睡着的人。
- 56、Originally, there are a lot of things, when turned around, only to find that it has nothing to do with love.
- 57、眼睛里没有追求的时候,一定是心如死灰的时候。
- 58、变了就是变了,也无法挽回,即使你再怎麽努力,也无挤于事。