
  • 1、创业百年,败家一天。
  • 2、吃不言,睡不语。
  • 3、If an axe chops down a tree, it is reasonable not to fall.
  • 4、创业百年,败家一天。

  • 5、粗茶淡饭,细水长流。
  • It's better not to spend summer planting melons before and after grain rain.
  • 6、It's better not to spend summer planting melons before and after grain rain.
  • 7、惜衣有衣穿,惜饭有饭吃。
  • 8、有斧砍得树倒,有理说的不倒。
  • 9、吃人家的嘴短,拿人家的手短。
  • 10、Maybe we need to go beyond youth to know how narcissistic youth is.
  • 11、聪明的艄公,不跟坏天气硬碰。
  • 12、The more you play, the lazier you are, the more you eat.
  • 13、The eggs should grow up and the knife should face down.
  • 14、不下水,一辈子不会游泳;不扬帆,一辈子不会撑船。

  • 15、旧情永难忘,往日的爱情难以忘怀。
  • 16、Wisdom is not in old age, but in the brain.
  • 17、蹦蹦跳跳,灵丹妙药。
  • 18、Plant eggplant in summer and eat eggplant in autumn.
  • 19、A wise God, don't touch bad weather.
  • 20、不穿尖头鞋,不知脚趾疼。
  • 仇人相见,分外眼红。
  • 21、仇人相见,分外眼红。
  • 22、立秋摘花椒,白露打胡桃。
  • 23、Constancy builds the road to heaven and courage opens the door of wisdom.
  • 24、Home free space, planting sesame millet.

  • 25、爱上的猴子也觉标致,看中的狗熊也漂亮。
  • 26、仇人相见,分外眼红。
  • 27、I advise you not to spare the golden thread clothes, but to spare the time when you were a teenager.
  • 28、Labor makes a man live long. Laziness begets old age, but diligence prolongs life.
  • 29、情侣靠爱情生活,正象云雀靠韭葱生活一样。
  • 30、不穿尖头鞋,不知脚趾疼。
  • 31、Fall in love with the monkeys also Peugeot, look at the bear also beautiful.
  • 32、爱情和仇恨,二者皆盲目。
  • 33、Coarse tea, light rice, long running water.
  • 34、要爱又兼要理性是不可能的。

  • 35、心要常操,身要长劳。
  • Sweet potato epithelial dung, long trench running root.
  • 36、Sweet potato epithelial dung, long trench running root.
  • 37、Fall in love with the monkeys also Peugeot, look at the bear also beautiful.
  • 38、Watershed melon, ten years nine years blind.
  • 39、Good and evil do as others do, and good and evil do their own tricks.
  • 40、Wisdom is not in old age, but in the brain.
  • 41、Lovers live by love, as larks live by leeks.
  • 42、珍珠挂在颈上,友谊嵌在心上。
  • 43、If an axe chops down a tree, it is reasonable not to fall.
  • 44、人是铁,饭是钢,三日不吃饿得慌。

  • 45、家有闲地,种芝麻黍稷。
  • 46、刮风走小巷,下雨走大街。
  • 47、蹦蹦跳跳,灵丹妙药。
  • 48、When enemies meet, their eyes are red.
  • 49、爱情和仇恨,二者皆盲目。
  • 50、立秋摘花椒,白露打胡桃。
  • 鸟贵有翼,人贵有志。
  • 51、鸟贵有翼,人贵有志。
  • 52、Good and evil do as others do, and good and evil do their own tricks.
  • 53、Lotus blossoms in silt ponds, leaving poor families with talented people.
  • 54、When enemies meet, their eyes are red.

  • 55、非关道德合,只为钱相知。
  • 56、不穿尖头鞋,不知脚趾疼。
  • 57、When a patient is in a hurry to seek medical treatment, he burns incense in every temple.
  • 58、The fountain water block dies, the fire of love not out.
  • 59、Rationality is in the matter, good steel is in the edge.