2023-03-09 15:06:17
- 1、人类要在竞争中求生存,更要奋斗。
- 2、Laugh, I naturally!
- 3、成功,是内心的造就。
- 4、There's nothing bad, only a bad mood.
- 5、放弃,不是生命的绝对。
6、Failure is something that should never be a man.
- 7、Success is the creation of the heart.
- 8、To give up is not the absolute of life.
- 9、The wealth of the mind is the only wealth、
- 10、牢记所得到的,忘记所付出的。
- 11、少壮轻年月,迟暮惜光辉。
- 12、It is beautiful at dusk when it is not finished today.
- 13、太阳依然升起,明天依旧灿烂。
- 14、Realize the dream with diligence, and make life with wisdom.
- 15、One does not work hard, old and sad.
- 17、I'm walking very slowly! But I never go back!
- 18、失败的是事,绝不应是人。
- 19、The heart is as clear as water is the Buddha, Buddha appeared boundless.
- 20、The heart is as clear as water is the Buddha, Buddha appeared boundless.
- 21、Give a monkey a tree, give the tiger a mountain.
- 22、时间顺流而下,生活逆水行舟。
- 23、胜利,是属于最坚韧的人。
- 24、仰天大笑出门去,我辈岂是蓬蒿人。
- 25、没有人会让我输。除非我不想赢。
26、The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today、
- 27、My tears become rain, and I can't give up wet you.
- 28、理想很丰满,现实很骨感。
- 29、大起大落谁都有,拍拍灰尘继续走。
- 30、位卑未敢忘忧国,事定犹须待盖棺。
- 31、Life in the ground, not Mr. ho.
- 32、只要我想赢,你就是个渣。
- 33、谁不向前看,谁就会面临许多困难。
- 34、Forget the pain, remember the cause of failure.
- 35、教养胜过天性。
36、Character determines destiny and chooses to change life.
- 37、Sow nothing, reap nothing、
- 38、A little more effort, a little more success.
- 39、如果要飞得高,就该把地平线忘掉。
- 40、更新你的思想,你就能获得新生。
- 41、Birth, death is also a male ghost.
- 42、Dared not country, things will still be found.
- 43、The man does not show the wind and clouds, and the sky is born with a natural eight - foot body.
- 44、自弃者扶不起,自强者击不倒。
- 45、The closer the goal is, the more difficult it is.
- 47、年轻是本钱,但不努力就不值钱。
- 48、人生来如风雨,去如微尘。
- 49、To give up is not the absolute of life.
- 50、拼一个春夏秋冬,换一生无怨无悔。
- 51、One does not work hard, old and sad.
- 52、没有糟糕的事情,只有糟糕的心情。