
  • 1、给人金钱是下策,给人能力是中策,给人观念是上策。
  • 2、Not too far away from us, but we insist too little.
  • 3、为了明天的希望,让我们忘了今天的痛苦。
  • 4、For the hope of tomorrow, let us forget today's pain.
  • 5、妥协对任何友谊都不是坚固的基础。泰戈尔

  • 6、新路开始常是狭窄的,但它却是自己延伸拓宽的序曲。
  • 7、The power that prevents us from flying is the fear that comes from our hearts.
  • 8、没有失败,只有暂时的不成功。
  • 9、Would rather hard for a while, do not work hard for a lifetime.
  • 10、There is a kind of edge, let go after the scenery, there is a heart, adhere to the Chinese side is sincere.
  • 11、Just for the sake of saving the boatman, always downstream target.
  • 12、既靠天,也靠地,还靠自己。
  • 13、绝大多数人,在绝大多数时候,都只能靠自己。
  • 14、Attitude determines everything. Details determine success or failure, the habit of success in life.
  • 15、The persistent pursuit of the greatest happiness of the people, is the winner.

  • 16、你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。
  • 17、不爱了还要假装爱,爱着却要装作不爱,都是一件非常痛苦的事开始的开始总是甜蜜的,后来就有了厌倦、习惯、背弃、寂寞、绝望和冷笑。
  • Most people, in the vast majority of the time, can only rely on their own.
  • 18、Most people, in the vast majority of the time, can only rely on their own.
  • 19、友谊和花香一样,还是淡一点的比较好,越淡的香气越使人依恋,也越能持久。席慕蓉
  • 20、你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。
  • 21、Everyone has mistake, but only fools.
  • 22、Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is a mystery, in the face of today, do your best!
  • 23、如果可以重新活一次,每个人都将是成功者。
  • 24、To strike and defeat is a stepping stone to success, rather than a stumbling block.
  • 25、每件事最后都会是好事。如果不是好事,说明还没到最后。

  • 26、Forget all the past smoke, selfless world wide.
  • 27、家!甜蜜的家!天下最美好的莫过於家。
  • 28、善人同处,则日闻嘉训;恶人从游,则日生邪情。范晔
  • 29、Everyone has mistake, but only fools.
  • No one can conquer fate without contempt, suffering and struggle.
  • 30、No one can conquer fate without contempt, suffering and struggle.
  • 31、没有一种不通过蔑视、忍受和奋斗就可以征服的命运。
  • 32、Not only by day, but also by the ground, but also by their own.
  • 33、The new road often start is narrow, but it is their extension to broaden the overture.
  • 34、世界上只有想不通的人,没有走不通的路。
  • 35、All the real problems are never solved, but forgotten.

  • 36、善人同处,则日闻嘉训;恶人从游,则日生邪情。范晔
  • 37、如果说,友谊能够调剂人的感情的话,那么友谊的又一种作用则是能增进人的智慧。培根
  • 38、There is no failure, only temporary success.
  • 39、打击与挫败是成功的踏脚石,而不是绊脚石。
  • 40、觉得自己做得到和做不到,其实只在一念之间。
  • 41、往公牛身上再使劲,也挤不出一滴奶来。
  • 贪图省力的船夫,目标永远下游。
  • 42、贪图省力的船夫,目标永远下游。
  • 43、不怕苦,吃苦三五年;怕吃苦,吃苦一辈子。
  • 44、Not too far away from us, but we insist too little.
  • 45、执着追求并从中得到最大快乐的人,才是成功者。

  • 46、朋友一千个还太少,敌人一个也嫌多。阿·巴巴耶娃
  • 47、生命是盛开的花朵,它绽放得美丽,舒展绚丽多资;生命是精美的小诗,清新流畅,意蕴悠长;生命是优美的乐曲,音律和谐,宛转悠扬;生命是流淌的江河,奔流不息,滚滚向前。
  • 48、相见情已深,未语可知心。李白
  • 49、Believe is the starting point for success, persistence is the end of success.
  • 50、朋友一千个还太少,敌人一个也嫌多。阿·巴巴耶娃