
  • 1、没有阳光花儿不香,没有爱情生活不甜。
  • 2、If you are waiting for you is a kind of happiness, then let it go is a kind of perfect, perfect on both sides.
  • 3、后悔没用你需要变好
  • 4、Maybe is the day the sun just, the breeze no noise, you just laughed at, so I'm tempted.
  • 5、No matter how arrogant people are, they are as crisp as ice in front of their soft ribs and can't withstand a single blow.
  • It's funny to suddenly find something to say at some time.
  • 6、It's funny to suddenly find something to say at some time.
  • 7、突然发现在某些时候说某些话,真的很可笑。
  • 8、The so-called love is to have so a person, can easily control your emotions, make you cry, moments before the next moment, let you laughed.
  • 9、一种游戏,一种规则。玩得起,继续;玩不起,出局。

  • 10、当爱情错过时,只能证明是我们无能。
  • 11、我是该有多幸运,才能够认识了你。
  • 12、初恋是雾,你是雾中的玫瑰,隔着青纱看你,叫我心醉!
  • 13、The so-called love is to have so a person, can easily control your emotions, make you cry, moments before the next moment, let you laughed.
  • 14、You said the wind blew away and you should go away. Don't cry if you can't keep it.
  • 15、Trust is also a kind of love. I love you, so I believe you.
  • 16、这辈子的微笑,只为你绽放,像那晴天的小彩虹。
  • 17、与其卑微的奉承一段感情,不如孤傲的独善其身。
  • 18、就算难过的要死也不敢掉一滴眼泪痛得要死也不敢大声发泄也不敢出门走走也不敢找人诉苦
  • 这个世界除了你,再不会有人这样让我坚定到失控。


  • 20、十幸福不会遗漏任何人,迟早有假如您心里还有忍受委屈,能让如果你只是等待,唯得之坦然,失之淡然,顺其自然,争其必然。
  • 21、我们缺少的不是机会,而是在机会面前将自己重新归零的勇气。
  • 22、高估了自己在对方心里的份量当你走掉后你才醒悟过来原来你只是陪衬的一位谁都可以代替的一位
  • 23、The one I love is my lover.
  • 24、十爱时,没人能理解你为之疯狂的不顾你每让我难过爱上你的时候还不懂感情,离别了才知道刻苦铭心。
  • 25、等待你的关心,等到我关上了心。
  • 26、In addition to you, this world won't someone let my firm to out of control.
  • 27、Love is the mist, you are in the fog rose, across the green yarn to see you, call me!
  • 28、我想你只是恰巧路过之后会以一种浑然不觉的方式离去只是想到这我心里忽然无声而空荡荡
  • 29、早已没有了当初奋不顾身的念头

  • 30、多少人在半路说陪我到最后又匆匆走.
  • 31、[你以为我生气第二天就好了你以为我怎么样都离不开你可是你知不知道失望多了我也会难过]
  • Love too deep to love a person often end up with is not the eternal love is only a short and painful love.
  • 32、Love too deep to love a person often end up with is not the eternal love is only a short and painful love.
  • 33、It's funny to suddenly find something to say at some time.
  • 34、也许你觉得傻笑很疯当时你有没有想过,傻笑可以让一个人假装快乐,假装孤单
  • 35、爱情、希望、恐惧和信仰构成了人性,它们是人性的标志和特征。
  • 36、你从沉睡中醒来吧,你看一眼就能战胜伤害你的一切。
  • 37、The same word, both miss, but also missed.
  • 38、Wake up from your slumber. You can overcome everything that hurts you at a glance.
  • 39、把挑剔归淡到生活才会感觉选的应该

  • 40、高估了自己在对方心里的份量当你走掉后你才醒悟过来原来你只是陪衬的一位谁都可以代替的一位
  • 41、风也沉默,孤单似在疯狂拉扯,怎么说出口的不舍得,你却转身走了。
  • 42、一笔胭脂染了你美丽的容颜铅华不在
  • 43、In addition to you, this world won't someone let my firm to out of control.
  • 44、A casual, your smile is who the world.
  • 幸福看似近在咫尺,可却看你会不会把握。
  • 45、幸福看似近在咫尺,可却看你会不会把握。
  • 46、冷暖我不念你,江河知道你
  • 47、雨在下,风在刮,有人为你牵挂;有人哭,有人笑,有人为你睡不着觉。
  • 48、The phone is still left like you did not send the message.
  • 49、相信自己的幻想,相信爱应该漫长。我不敢我害怕更不敢奢求

  • 50、虚伪的现实,让人们无法正确的面对自己。
  • 51、We also hugged each other tightly and talked about love forever.