2023-02-04 18:28:51
- 1、The excellency of hogs is fatness,of men virtue。猪的优点在于肥壮,人的优点在于美德。
- 2、阳光总在风雨后,请相信有彩虹!
- 3、属于我的,它一定会来到我的身边!
- 4、It is easy to be wise after the event。事后诸葛亮容易当。
- 5、就算全世界都否定我,还有我自己相信我。
- 6、Don't throw stones at your neightbours,if your own windows are glass。假如你家的窗户是玻璃做的,别用石头打你的邻居。
- 7、人生有几步是需要跑的,特别是当你年轻的时候。
- 8、He who has an art has everywhere a part。一招鲜,吃遍天。
9、3By falling we learn to go safely。吃一堑,长一智。
- 10、为什么不去考呢?又不是考不上。
- 11、勇士搏出惊涛骇流而不沉沦,懦夫在风平浪静也会溺水。
- 12、努力的要为自己活一次,呼吸一次。
- 13、为什么不去考呢?又不是考不上。
- 14、You have to believe in yourself。That's the secret of success。人必须有自信,这是成功的秘密。
- 15、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful inpiduals above the crowd: a little bit more。成功的秘诀就是四个简单的字:多一点点。
- 16、痛苦你来吧,失去了再多又怎样,有本事你就来得更猛些啊,看看谁怕谁!
- 17、昨天已逝,明日是谜,面对今朝,尽力而为!
- 18、Success is a simple thing to do.
- 20、What you lose on the swings you gainon the roundabouts。失之东隅,收之桑榆。
- 21、你可以用爱得到全世界,你也可以用恨失去全世界。
- 22、人生有几步是需要跑的,特别是当你年轻的时候。
- 23、What you lose on the swings you gainon the roundabouts。失之东隅,收之桑榆。
- 24、宁愿辛苦一阵子,不要辛苦一辈子。
- 25、The number of things in your head is related with your future prospects.
- 26、努力的要为自己活一次,呼吸一次。
- 27、Big mouthfuls ofter choke。贪多嚼不烂。
- 28、让我们在考研的征程中坚定必胜的信念,一起努力吧!
- 30、你脑子里东西的多寡,就关系着你将来的前途。
- 31、There is no disputing about tastes。人各有所好。
- 32、I have the good heart of the Xi, although nine still not regret.
- 33、All the real problems are never solved, but forgotten.
- 34、Birds of a feather flock together。物以类聚,人以群分。
- 35、What's lost is lost。流水落花春去也。
- 36、你要做的就是让成功的速度大于父母老去的速度。
- 37、流水在碰到抵触的地方,才把它的活力解放。
- 38、蜗牛一步一步往上爬,我会有我的明天。
- 40、我将用意志和**战胜一切。
- 41、态度决定一切。细节决定成败,习惯成就人生。
- 42、Most people, in the vast majority of the time, can only rely on their own.
- 43、阻碍我们飞翔的力量,是来自我们内心的恐惧。
- 44、What's learnt in the cradle lasts till the tomb。小时学过的,至死不忘记。
- 45、If you are brave, you are your best friend.
- 46、珍惜时间可以使生命变的更有价值。
- 47、There is no garden without its weeds。没有不长杂草的花园。
- 48、痛苦你来吧,失去了再多又怎样,有本事你就来得更猛些啊,看看谁怕谁!
49、You can get the whole world with love, you can also lose the world with hate.
- 50、Being on sea,sail; being on land,settle。随遇而安。
- 51、The key to success is to believe in your ability to succeed.
- 52、To make the crown, don't waste every day.
- 53、The warriors fight the hack flow without destruction, coward will drown in in smooth water.
- 54、Do not speak ill of others in their absence。不要在别人背後说他们的坏话。
- 55、Confidence, perseverance, courage three have, the world did not do anything.