
  • 1、这个世界除了你,再不会有人这样让我坚定到失控。
  • 2、I can not say it why love you, but I know that you are the one I don't love others reasons.
  • 3、I wondered if it would be beautiful to stop when I crossed the road.
  • 4、突然发现在某些时候说某些话,真的很可笑。
  • 5、建筑在别人痛苦上的幸福不是真正的幸福。
  • 不要太把一个人放在心上,因为在那个人的心里你或许什么都不是。。。
  • 6、不要太把一个人放在心上,因为在那个人的心里你或许什么都不是。。。
  • 7、Rather than humble flatter a relationship, not immune as aloof.
  • 8、Under the black Datura flower field, buried a sad and desperate love?
  • 9、蜿蜒的山脊盘旋成一只张牙舞爪的龙,我们在龙角凝视,看向远方。

  • 10、也许别人给得了你安慰,也给的了劝慰告诫,却永远不知道你心底是多么的万箭穿心。
  • 11、没有爱情的人生叫受罪。
  • 12、In addition to you, this world won't someone let my firm to out of control.
  • 13、我们也曾紧紧相拥,说着永远相爱的情话。
  • 14、There is a friendship, no less than love, is not ambiguous, called blue.
  • 15、You said that because of me, so I won the world.
  • 16、人总在记忆中沉沦,为路过我们生命的那些人哭着,笑着。
  • 17、人,最不能忘记的,是在你困难时拉你一把的人;最不能结交的,是在你失败时藐视你的人;最不能相信的,是在你成功时吹捧你的人;最不能抛弃的,是和你同创业共患难的人;最不能爱的,是不看重你人格的人。
  • 18、还不想长大吗你要明白你喜欢的不一定是你的
  • 废物林修:爱一个人用尽全力这段感情散了后来也爱不起来了


  • 20、Love not only included sadness and scars, also includes the complains, envy and contempt.
  • 21、Maybe is the day the sun just, the breeze no noise, you just laughed at, so I'm tempted.
  • 22、心里是光明的,黑暗就会在你的面前退却。
  • 23、结婚九块,离婚十二块,傻子才离婚呢那么贵!
  • 24、Maybe is the day the sun just, the breeze no noise, you just laughed at, so I'm tempted.
  • 25、Building on others pain of happiness is not real happiness.
  • 26、We are like the sun and sunflower, each other is the life of each other.
  • 27、你的过去我来不及参与,你的未来我要紧紧相依。
  • 28、你要去相信去孤单去爱去恨去浪费去闯去梦去后悔去长大。
  • 29、No matter how arrogant people are, they are as crisp as ice in front of their soft ribs and can't withstand a single blow.

  • 30、建筑在别人痛苦上的幸福不是真正的幸福。
  • 31、爱别人,也被别人爱,这就是一切,这就是宇宙的法则。为了爱,我们才存在。
  • 爱情、希望、恐惧和信仰构成了人性,它们是人性的标志和特征。
  • 32、爱情、希望、恐惧和信仰构成了人性,它们是人性的标志和特征。
  • 33、Waiting for your concern, until I close my heart.
  • 34、Trust is also a kind of love. I love you, so I believe you.
  • 35、Feel do and cannot do, only between a read.
  • 36、如所有苦衷都得到原谅
  • 37、To go with you is like walking on a very clear morning.
  • 38、你从沉睡中醒来吧,你看一眼就能战胜伤害你的一切。
  • 39、A personal best. Not so good, because the more memory, the less happiness.

  • 40、废物林修:爱一个人用尽全力这段感情散了后来也爱不起来了
  • 41、Under the black Datura flower field, buried a sad and desperate love?
  • 42、他让你红了眼眶,你却还笑着原谅,原来你早就想好你要留在谁的身旁。
  • 43、我身材其实挺好,肥而不腻。
  • 44、Trust is also a kind of love. I love you, so I believe you.
  • 初恋是雾,你是雾中的玫瑰,隔着青纱看你,叫我心醉!
  • 45、初恋是雾,你是雾中的玫瑰,隔着青纱看你,叫我心醉!
  • 46、这个世界除了你,再不会有人这样让我坚定到失控。
  • 47、我是该有多幸运,才能够认识了你。
  • 48、In addition to you, this world won't someone let my firm to out of control.
  • 49、经流年梦回曲水边看烟花绽出月圆。

  • 50、A fleeting dream song watch fireworks cracked water moon.
  • 51、如所有苦衷都得到原谅
  • 52、Feel do and cannot do, only between a read.