
  • 1、Love is not a magnificent and victorious oath, but flatly light company.
  • 2、不要总是去评价别人,在你不了解别人的情况下。
  • 3、黄金时代是在我们的前面,而不在我们的后面。
  • 4、有些事情本身我们无法控制,只好控制自己。

  • 5、帮助别人解决困难和痛苦是人生最大的幸福和快乐。
  • Have you found? Many people we can't disturb.
  • 6、Have you found? Many people we can't disturb.
  • 7、How many people want to reverse time, just time don't want to.
  • 8、在人生的舞台上,敞开怀抱与每个人紧紧相拥。
  • 9、If will give, no matter how much it has helped the violence.
  • 10、Every dream, is the patience to achieve in reality.
  • 11、What is failure? Failure is the first step to something better.
  • 12、In all born with natural gifts, time is most precious.
  • 13、Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happend.
  • 14、善于掌握自己时间的人,是真正伟大的人。

  • 15、虽然这三个词看似平常,但要做到必须贵在坚持。
  • 16、Taking your hand, never know the son ugly, tears streaming down her face, no go I go.
  • 17、对不起,我做不到讨沵欢喜,只能做我自己。
  • 18、A man to give up smoking just like women to lose weight, there would always be tomorrow.
  • 19、Between the person and the person sincere caring power called smile.
  • 善于掌握自己时间的人,是真正伟大的人。
  • 20、善于掌握自己时间的人,是真正伟大的人。
  • 21、不要总是数着自己付出了多少,要记住从别人那得到了多少。
  • 22、The real managers must have not the spirit of responsibility.
  • 23、爱心是搭起友谊的桥梁,是人们心中永恒不变的璀灿明珠。
  • 24、Familiar place no scenery; Unfamiliar places have a trap.

  • 25、只要我们能善用时间,就永远不愁时间不够用。
  • 26、不会宽容别人的人,就不配受到别人的宽容。
  • 27、Those who leave and disappointed hurt, has not sent out the sound.
  • 28、A woman's beauty is important, but more important is the beauty of mind.
  • 29、Love of flowers ethereal, as usual, dusty the vicissitudes of time.
  • 30、人生,就是活着。有知的人生,就是,好好活着。
  • 31、Is the tide flooded into my mind, overflow eyes tears.
  • 32、不是每个梦都会实现,不是每个人都永远不变。
  • 33、只要人人都献出一点爱,这世界将变成美好的人间。
  • Built in the pain in my life, all life penetration clothing pain.

    34、Built in the pain in my life, all life penetration clothing pain.

  • 35、即使你身无分文,只要你拥有一颗善良的心,你就是世界上最富有的人。
  • 36、When suffering, is also a good idea to choose beliefs.
  • 37、I'm lost in your city, can't find the way home.
  • 38、要是光明算得人生第一个恋爱对象,那么恋爱不就是心的光明吗,恋爱是我们第二次的脱胎换骨。
  • 39、没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁。
  • 40、活着的时候开心点,因为我们要死很久。
  • 41、爱心是一座亮在黑夜的灯塔,使迷途航船找到港湾。
  • 42、在崎岖的道路上行走,才会知道前进的艰辛。
  • 43、Love of flowers ethereal, as usual, dusty the vicissitudes of time.
  • 44、弱者以泪洗面,强者因泪振作。

  • 45、态度决定一切。细节决定成败,习惯成就人生。
  • 46、感激是让心灵愈益清明的泪珠。
  • 47、别人的爱让你感到温暖,你的爱让别人更加幸福。
  • In front of true love, don't give up, even if you like of the person you are asked to give up.
  • 48、In front of true love, don't give up, even if you like of the person you are asked to give up.
  • 49、孝不慈父母是为愚孝,慈不孝子女是为愚慈。
  • 50、If you borrow too much money to a person, you can make the person become bad guys.
  • 51、天没降大任于我,照样苦我心智,劳我筋骨。
  • 52、I don't know what is dazed and confused, I only know that the winner is king.
  • 53、人如果没有了感恩的心,那么就失去了人最宝贵的财富之一。
  • 54、Truly powerful people never sneak god hands holding what brand.

  • 55、真正有实力的人从不偷看上帝手中握着什么牌。
  • 56、Care and bless others silently, it is an invisible alms.
  • 57、Fear hardship, bitter for a lifetime, does not fear endures hardship people bitter for a while.
  • 58、再清香的花离不开泥土的哺育,最高傲的叶子忘不了树根的恩情。