
  • 1、转眼间雨声连成一片轰鸣,天像裂开了无数道口子,暴雨汇成瀑布,朝大地倾泻下来。
  • 2、当你追求幸福时,幸福往往逃避你;但当你逃避幸福,幸福却又常常跟随你。
  • 3、一滴雨代表一个音符,听雨,如同在听自己喜欢的歌曲,熟悉而动听。
  • 4、如果你一次次伤我,早晚有一天我会让你跪着求我。
  • 5、出土笋子逢春雨节节高

    Spring is like silk, light and thin, like a wet smoke, no shape, is not to make a sound, gently moisten the earth.
  • 6、Spring is like silk, light and thin, like a wet smoke, no shape, is not to make a sound, gently moisten the earth.
  • 7、High in the gathering, play, babbling, dance and skip with joy to rush into the embrace of mother earth.
  • 8、当没人懂我的时候,我学会了不解释;当所有人都忽略我的时候,我学会了一个人。
  • 9、一股雨水从天窗悄悄地爬进来,缓缓地蠕动着,在天花板上留下弯弯曲曲的足迹。
  • 10、爱情对于男人不过是身外之物,对于女人却是整个生命。
  • 11、The wind blew away a dish of sand, your love words are hoarse, you are happy without me.
  • 12、Only for his contemporaries perfect, for their happiness and work, he can achieve their own perfection.
  • 13、Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
  • 14、如果我们追求的是幸福也就罢了,难就难在我们追求的是比别人幸福。
  • 15、We are not aware of their own happiness, because we don't know some pain, disappointment, grief at separation and joy in union is happy.

  • 16、一连下了三月雨少晴;少情
  • 17、天际边滚来了团团乌云,一瞬间倾盆大雨,从天而降。
  • 18、Happiness is not born, but to have to rely on their own; loneliness is not that no one loves you, but you do not love.
  • 19、毽子调皮地向右边飞去,眼看就要着地了,就在这千钧一发的时刻,绢绢机灵地向右边一弯腰一伸腿,毽子就像被磁铁吸住了似的,又让她给控制住了。
  • 20、顶凌麦划耪,增温又保墒。
  • Wind storm rolled up like a whip, blasted windows pumping.
  • 21、Wind storm rolled up like a whip, blasted windows pumping.
  • 22、我觉得一个**者就得应该把**利益放在第一位,为党的事业贡献自己的一切,这才是最幸福的。
  • 23、下雨天打土坯没好的
  • 24、领头的四位同学也学老师的做法,双脚向前一跳,有的站不住摔倒了,有的被麻袋绊倒了,还有的胆子小,不敢再跳,溜回了队伍。
  • 25、春雨静静地下着,伴随着暖暖的春风驱走了严冬的残痕给春姑娘披上了盛装,给人们带来了希望。

  • 26、久旱逢甘雨人人欢喜;个个喜爱
  • 27、你的诞生带给我希望,而我希望带给你幸福。
  • 28、Passing years, how to find it? You once smile, in the memory but can not open.
  • 29、久雨絮云天,雨去晴在来。
  • 30、Take things as they come, a detached, but this kind of transcendence and takes many years to develop, with straight, is actually valuable and put it down, is the true meaning of life.
  • 31、出土笋子逢春雨节节高
  • 32、要看好人,自己就先做个好人。幸福从心开始。
  • 33、下雨天不带帽临(淋)到头上
  • 34、Drizzle, quietly and silently falling, like countless silkworm mother out of silver. Tens of thousands of filaments, rippling in the air, fan fan long veil, covered with a black field.
  • 35、不见得你比别人更痛些,只不过你表达得精彩些。

    I only breathe in your smile, why are you always crying?
  • 36、I only breathe in your smile, why are you always crying?
  • 37、立秋下雨万物收,处暑下雨万物丢。
  • 38、雨天晴,晚雨难晴。
  • 39、我们吃完早饭,就到院子里一起堆雪人,刚出门,呼呼的北风像一头猛狮在怒吼。小脸蛋冻红了,手也冻僵了。
  • 40、我们吃完早饭,就到院子里一起堆雪人,刚出门,呼呼的北风像一头猛狮在怒吼。小脸蛋冻红了,手也冻僵了。
  • 41、雨珠顺着小草的茎滚下来,一滴钻到土里,又一滴钻到了小草的嘴里,找不到了。
  • 42、如果我们追求的是幸福也就罢了,难就难在我们追求的是比别人幸福。
  • 43、高空中云集,嬉戏而下,咿咿呀呀,欢蹦乱跳地扑进大地母亲的怀抱。
  • 44、It's not necessarily that you are more painful than others. It's just that you express yourself better.
  • 45、毛毛细雨,悄悄无声地飘落着,像是无数蚕娘吐出的银丝。千万条细丝,荡漾在半空中,迷迷漫漫的轻纱,披上了黑油油田野。

  • 46、Because I want to know everything thoroughly, knowing too much is often the most difficult to be happy, I know that confusion will be happier.
  • 47、久雨傍晚停,一定要天晴。
  • 48、南风暖,北风寒,东风潮湿,西风干。
  • 49、清明前后一场雨,豌豆麦子中了举。
  • 50、一滴雨代表一个音符,听雨,如同在听自己喜欢的歌曲,熟悉而动听。
  • 获得幸福的惟一途径,就是忘掉目前的幸福,以除此之外的目的作为人生目标。
  • 51、获得幸福的惟一途径,就是忘掉目前的幸福,以除此之外的目的作为人生目标。
  • 52、After breakfast, we went to the yard to make a snowman. Just after we went out, the north wind was roaring like a lion. The eggs on the little face are red and the hands are frozen.
  • 53、月色朦胧,不是起雨就是起风。
  • 54、只打雷不下雨虚张声势;干咋唬
  • 55、Take things as they come, a detached, but this kind of transcendence and takes many years to develop, with straight, is actually valuable and put it down, is the true meaning of life.

  • 56、Rain quietly underground, accompanied by the warm spring breeze to drive away the winter residual marks to spring girl put on the dress, to people brings hope.
  • 57、每个人都会有一个陈词滥调的故事,就像你已剪短的长发,时间久了还是会怀念。
  • 58、You have not been loved, you will cherish the people who love you in the future.
  • 59、不能摆脱是人生的苦恼根源之一,恋爱尤其如此。
  • 60、Happiness is a feeling, it does not depend on people's living conditions, but depends on the mentality of the people.