Held your hand, as if the temperature at the fingertips wound

  • 1、人越嬉越懒,嘴越吃越馋。
  • 2、I just don't have the ideal. My ideal is you.
  • 3、I just don't have the ideal. My ideal is you.

  • 4、承认自己的恐惧毫不可耻,可耻的是你因害怕而裹足不前。
  • 5、那些曾经想念的人,想念的事。时间久了,再也不是想念,只是单纯的想起!
  • There are still and moving, no disease and no pain.
  • 6、There are still and moving, no disease and no pain.
  • 7、哪怕别的赢不了人家,我们心态好就是完胜。
  • 8、你是我的女人,你的眼睛和下体只能为我而湿。
  • 9、To catch fish, first weave a net; to build a bridge, first pile.
  • 10、把我放进你的记忆里,不要管其他的。
  • 11、The past cannot pass, the future never comes.
  • 12、Literary drama relies on mouth, military drama relies on leg.
  • 13、把活着的每一天看作生命的最后一天。

  • 14、两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮!
  • 15、宁叫嘴受穷,莫教病缠身。
  • 16、Without me, the earth would still turn, but with me, the earth would be different!
  • 17、It's better to make up for everything than to eat it.
  • 18、文戏靠嘴,武戏靠腿。
  • 19、A good horse never stops ploughing, a good ox never stops ploughing.
  • The seed is impure, and it kills the living.
  • 20、The seed is impure, and it kills the living.
  • 21、没有友谊的滋润灌溉,生命只是一种浪费。
  • 22、Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties.
  • 23、Say forever, I do not know how scattered.

  • 24、承认自己的恐惧毫不可耻,可耻的是你因害怕而裹足不前。
  • 25、In reality encounter love, not sweet greasy hair, is bitter and sad, I yearn for light.
  • 26、饭菜清淡,身体强健。
  • 27、哪怕别的赢不了人家,我们心态好就是完胜。
  • 28、If your tool has only one hammer, you may think that all the problems are nails.
  • 29、Some say love, it is a hunger, an endless aching need.
  • 30、静静地听,我的心呀,听那世界的低语,这是它对你求爱的表示呀!
  • 31、It doesn't matter if you have a weakness.
  • 32、人怕理,马怕鞭。
  • 33、If your tool has only one hammer, you may think that all the problems are nails.

  • 34、幸福是一个动作,你给的只是个概念。
  • 35、用人不疑,疑人不用。
  • 36、种子不纯,坑死活人。
  • 37、饭菜清淡,身体强健。
  • 38、无论你走到哪里,我都会在你身后。
  • 39、南闪四边打,北闪有雨来。
  • 40、爱情是一个精心设计的谎言。
  • 41、爱你一辈子。
  • 42、若无其事,原来是最狠的报复。
  • 43、It rained heavily in May and dried up in June.

  • 44、I just don't have the ideal. My ideal is you.
  • 45、每个恋爱中的人都是诗人。
  • 46、There are still and moving, no disease and no pain.
  • 47、A good horse never stops ploughing, a good ox never stops ploughing.
  • 人人好公,则天下太平;人人营私,则天下大乱。
  • 48、人人好公,则天下太平;人人营私,则天下大乱。
  • 49、要捕鱼,先织网;要搭桥,先打桩。
  • 50、饭菜清淡,身体强健。
  • 51、Cars have lanes and horses have roads.
  • 52、Two love long, a blessing in every morning and evening!
  • 53、If your tool has only one hammer, you may think that all the problems are nails.

  • 54、In the eyes of a lover, the journey is one thousand miles.
  • 55、To catch fish, first weave a net; to build a bridge, first pile.
  • 56、种子不纯,坑死活人。
  • 57、口说如风吹,实践是真金。