
  • 1、I, wait for you, believe that one day you will appear to touch my head and praise me.
  • 2、If a lazy person like me doesn't like you, why do you think I'm so attentive?
  • 3、忠诚是爱情的桥梁,欺诈是友谊的敌人。
  • 4、暗恋,是一种彻底的寂寞,有心动,有幸福,可是,更多的是,是一个人的心酸。
  • 5、我想陪你看遍世间美景,然后告诉你,它们都不及你万分之一。
  • I want to accompany you to see the beauty of the world, and then tell you, they are less than one in ten thousand of you.
  • 6、I want to accompany you to see the beauty of the world, and then tell you, they are less than one in ten thousand of you.
  • 7、I can't say anything touching. I just want to take you home.
  • 8、Give me to you, along with deep love, in exchange for your life is not enough, if not enough, the next life will also give you.
  • 9、空间的距离无奈的美丽,测试着彼此对爱的坚定,心灵的距离可悲的错误,丈量着彼此远走的爱情。

  • 10、We are like parabola, you are the focus, I am the line, how deep you think I am, how true I think you are.
  • 11、一个人的快乐不是因为它拥有的多,而是因为他计较的少。
  • 12、No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.
  • 13、不要那么相信回忆,里面的那个人,不一定同样想你。
  • 14、没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。
  • 15、You don't have so many spectators. Don't be so tired. Everyone has his own life and learns to be independent and strong.
  • 16、心里有了你,再好的我都没兴趣了,想想你自己是有多么迷人啦。
  • 17、Love at first sight is a half-life search. Long life is a lifetime dependence.
  • 18、我们就像抛物线,你是焦点,我是准线,你想我有多深,我念你便有多真。
  • Don't believe that memory, inside that person, not necessarily the same miss you.

    19、Don't believe that memory, inside that person, not necessarily the same miss you.

  • 20、Don't believe that memory, inside that person, not necessarily the same miss you.
  • 21、不管我本人多么平庸,我总觉得对你的爱很美。
  • 22、Don't want both the role of a good lover and good wife role, because the violation of fair trade.
  • 23、Nothing can not pass, just no longer return not to go.
  • 24、I can't say anything touching. I just want to take you home.
  • 25、With you in my heart, no matter how good I am, I am not interested in thinking how charming you are.
  • 26、The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but the most familiar person, gradually unfamiliar.
  • 27、I want to accompany you to see the beauty of the world, and then tell you, they are less than one in ten thousand of you.
  • 28、我不敢奢求太多,只想把瞬间当成永远,把现在都变成回忆,一点一滴。
  • 29、不管我本人多么平庸,我总觉得对你的爱很美。

  • 30、世界上有那么多的城镇,城镇有那么多的酒馆,她却走进了我的。
  • 31、Love at first sight is a half-life search. Long life is a lifetime dependence.
  • 想陪着你一起逛逛超市,做做饭,看看电视,过属于我们的简单生活。
  • 32、想陪着你一起逛逛超市,做做饭,看看电视,过属于我们的简单生活。
  • 33、世界上最遥远的距离不是生与死,而是最熟悉的人,渐渐陌生。
  • 34、像我这么懒的人,若非喜欢你,你以为我为什么如此殷勤。
  • 35、Love, is own complete, I no longer lack some what.
  • 36、没有什么过不去,只是再也回不去。
  • 37、说不出动人的情话,我只想带你回家。
  • 38、If you laugh once, I will be happy for several days. If you cry once, I will be sad for several years.
  • 39、My world will not allow you to disappear, no matter whether the ending is perfect or not.

  • 40、One day you will understand, people must first love yourself, love you I can't nothing at all.
  • 41、我见不得你受伤,更见不得你受委屈,哪怕那个人是我自己,也不可以。
  • 42、I would rather spend a short life with you than see the vicissitudes of the world by myself.
  • 43、如果人生是一段旅途,快乐与悲伤就是那两条长长的铁轨,在我身后紧紧跟随。
  • 44、The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but the most familiar person, gradually unfamiliar.
  • 有一次,我梦到我们彼此陌生,醒来后,发现原来我们彼此深爱。
  • 45、有一次,我梦到我们彼此陌生,醒来后,发现原来我们彼此深爱。
  • 46、We can forget all the world, but love was an exception.
  • 47、Met you ever secretly love the person, to wish him happiness, because you are not hope he happiness?
  • 48、Take my hand and walk with your eyes closed, and you won't get lost.
  • 49、We are like parabola, you are the focus, I am the line, how deep you think I am, how true I think you are.

  • 50、如果人生是一段旅途,快乐与悲伤就是那两条长长的铁轨,在我身后紧紧跟随。
  • 51、There are many lucky things in one's life, such as meeting you. You are the lucky thing I want to keep.
  • 52、Love doesn't love you of person, like a ship at the airport and so on.
  • 53、希望被人爱的人,首先要爱别人,同时要使自己可爱。