
  • 1、我是你的过眼云烟,而你却是我的末世依存。
  • 2、Originally want to lengths to forget those things, the original really so forget.

  • 3、主动,是因为太在乎。不联系,是因为觉得自己多余。
  • 4、When she know because I stay in bed sometimes hot and sometimes cold gentle tears, not by a sad. Allow me to say a word to her: I'm sorry.
  • 5、男孩子就应该咧嘴大笑,而不是嘟嘴卖萌。
  • 如果我是你的嫁妆,请随身携带好,男人。
  • 6、如果我是你的嫁妆,请随身携带好,男人。
  • 7、人生就像一条单行道,一去不复返。
  • 8、有些人注定是你生命里的癌症,而有些人只是一个喷嚏而已。
  • 9、Love is a sweet pain, love is never a smooth road.
  • 10、痘要结,麻要泄。
  • 11、Walk away, scattered, the memories are light; turn back to find that you do not see, suddenly I'm confused.
  • 12、我这辈子的好运不够让你喜欢我,只够遇见你。

  • 13、孤单不是与生俱来,而是由你爱尚上个人的那一刻开始。
  • 14、Wrong relationship, just like the dead muscle, should be early excision, although I know but would hardly wished to live. is the only chance for survival.
  • 15、Laugh with you, accompany you tired, we together, accompany you through life's.
  • 16、车有车道,马有马路。
  • 17、Apologize to all of the old times, because I will give you a never to cherish.
  • 18、文戏靠嘴,武戏靠腿。
  • Life is a one-way street, never to return.
  • 19、Life is a one-way street, never to return.
  • 20、余音终究是余音,能循环不能重来。
  • 21、What is the responsibility of parents, as a new generation, our responsibility is to give up the responsibility, live out easily.
  • 22、当遗忘变成另一种开始,淡了回忆,痛最真实。

  • 23、Do a good job of not being busy and idle, and live a wonderful life of not being salty and not being light.
  • 24、错误的恋情,就像坏死的肌肉一样,应该要早日切除,虽然明知道会痛不欲生,可是是唯一活命的机会。
  • 25、Some people are destined to be cancer in your life, and some people are just a sneeze.
  • 26、Know the outcome, but also did not give up, still looking forward to.
  • 27、口说如风吹,实践是真金。
  • 28、有些人注定是你生命里的癌症,而有些人只是一个喷嚏而已。
  • 29、陪你笑,陪你累,我们相依偎,陪你走完一生有何不可。
  • 30、要捕鱼,先织网;要搭桥,先打桩。
  • 31、把不忙不闲的工作做得出色,把不咸不淡的生活过得精彩。
  • You are my woman, your eyes and the lower body can only be for me and wet.

    32、You are my woman, your eyes and the lower body can only be for me and wet.

  • 33、Happy flowers, is a day after falling into the mud moistens sadness.
  • 34、哪怕别的赢不了人家,我们心态好就是完胜。
  • 35、人在屋檐下,不得不低头。
  • 36、I want you to die earlier than me, because, I'm afraid you a person to stay in this world alone.
  • 37、我想起你描述梦想天堂的样子,手指着远方画出一栋一栋房子。
  • 38、Happy flowers, is a day after falling into the mud moistens sadness.
  • 39、有个懂我的人,是最大的幸福。
  • 40、结局和过程都有了,再去纠缠,连自己都觉得贪婪。
  • 41、我想起你描述梦想天堂的样子,手指着远方画出一栋一栋房子。
  • 42、Our story is too short to remember every detail.

  • 43、Laugh with you, accompany you tired, we together, accompany you through life's.
  • 44、总爱发誓的人,往往最爱撤慌。
  • Alone is not innate, but from the beginning of your love that moment.
  • 45、Alone is not innate, but from the beginning of your love that moment.
  • 46、爱情除了刚开始的一见钟情,其他的都一文不值。
  • 47、爱是一种甜蜜的痛苦,真诚的爱情永远不是一条平坦的道路。
  • 48、你永远是我的定格,而我只是你的过客。
  • 49、谁的寂寞覆我华裳,谁的华裳覆我肩膀。
  • 50、不要相信什么一见钟情,因为你不能一眼看出对方挣多少钱。
  • 51、我一直以为最糟糕的情况是你离开我其实最令我难过的是你不快乐。
  • 52、Without friendship, life is just a waste of life.

  • 53、宝贝,当我的情人吧,我将使你成为世界上最快乐的女孩。
  • 54、True love cannot be expressed in words, loyalty behaviour is the best explanation.