
  • 1、My name is I, who love you. The word to you, love you, scientific name hurts you, read your pet name, pseudonym of your dreams, the name you know, after your nickname Wal - Mart bubble you, in fact, my real name is teasing you! ha-ha!
  • 2、送你好菜一桌子,热热闹闹一家子,开开心心一屋子,团团圆圆过日子,和和美美一辈子!国际家庭日,祝你全家和和气气,平平安安,快快乐乐!
  • 3、时间冲不淡真情的酒,距离拉不开思念的手。想你,直到地老天荒,直到永久。
  • 4、世上只有哥哥好,有哥的孩子像块宝!有哥哥你罩着我,如沐春风,如沐阳光,心里暖洋洋。谢谢你,时常保护我的亲爱的哥哥!哥哥,小妹在此祝福你节日快乐!
  • 5、蓝蓝的天空飘着雪花,漂亮的皮鞋漏着脚丫,你我的相识是个神话,请您温柔地回个电话!
  • 家有儿女小当家,家有爸妈已白发,家有贤妻照顾家,家有良夫顶呱呱,家有三代爱常在!发份祝福表关爱!我亲爱的家人们,国际家庭日快乐!
  • 6、家有儿女小当家,家有爸妈已白发,家有贤妻照顾家,家有良夫顶呱呱,家有三代爱常在!发份祝福表关爱!我亲爱的家人们,国际家庭日快乐!
  • 7、梦见你忘却疲惫,想你想得无法入睡,别说你还无所谓,收下我的红玫瑰,你不爱我是你不对!

  • 8、小小家庭,幸福无比,甜蜜四溢,装满温馨,交好运气,事事如意,无忧无虑,快乐第一,国际家庭日祝:合家幸福,万事如意。
  • 9、脚步走多远,家是灵魂相系的地方;事业多坎坷,家是补充能量的地方;心灵多孤寂,家是永远思念的地方。国际家庭日,愿你拥有幸福家庭,天天将快乐温馨欣赏!
  • 10、I do not know love you, is not a good reason.
  • 11、Nothing is more warm than home, nothing is more precious than family.
  • 12、在我家里,每到吃晚饭的时候,就有筷子声在动来动去,这不是贪嘴,而是我们把菜夹给对方,让他吃多点好东西,这便是我家的幸福带来温馨的家庭。
  • 13、I gave my everything to you, you smiled, is happiness.
  • 14、我把我的一切都给了你,你笑了,就是幸福。
  • 15、Like a person, there will be no pain. Love a person, may have long suffering, but you give me the joy, is also the greatest happiness in the world.
  • 16、The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved。生活中最大的幸福就是,坚信有人爱着我们。
  • 17、家是你远在他乡梦中永远的思念,家是你疲惫时休息的港湾,家是亲人之间爱的源泉,家是你事业成功的起点,家是我们永远的爱恋。515世界家庭日,愿幸福在你的身边!

  • 18、当你看到这条短信息时,你已经中了猛烈无比的爱毒,唯一的解药就是嫁给我,不用考虑了,咱们结婚吧!
  • 19、My name is I, who love you. The word to you, love you, scientific name hurts you, read your pet name, pseudonym of your dreams, the name you know, after your nickname Wal - Mart bubble you, in fact, my real name is teasing you! ha-ha!
  • Your information I hate to delete, your smiling face I can't forget, your true feelings I already know, my heart beat sound don't want you to hear!
  • 20、Your information I hate to delete, your smiling face I can't forget, your true feelings I already know, my heart beat sound don't want you to hear!
  • 21、Home is a warm and enjoy the care of the nest, home is also a need to be responsible for the field of thanksgiving!
  • 22、收此信息你就是喜欢我了,删除你就是暗恋我了,回信息你就是想嫁我了,不回则答应嫁给我,修改就死都是我的人,储存则下辈子都归我。
  • 23、在人生的海洋中打拼疲惫之后,回到属于我的这个家,在家人无言关爱的目光中,无语的默默抚慰中,修复自己千疮百孔的心灵之舟,这个小港,风平浪静,没有灯红酒绿的浮躁,没有莺歌燕舞的妖娆,只有温情,只有安宁。
  • 24、遇总是点点头,想说总是难开口,视线相交的一瞬间,我已感觉到你的温柔。
  • 25、不需言语,让我用行动告诉你,什么叫爱。
  • 26、If I really feel guilty about it, I'm afraid you don't think I can make it, but I don't think I can make it.
  • 27、Love a person is very bitter, but I did not stop to pay; love a person is very tired, I was addicted to Acacia; love a person very silly, I was stubborn.

  • 28、家是停靠的港湾,它的温暖足以融化一切忧愁;家是起飞的站台,它的力量助你飞跃梦想天堂;家是温馨的摇篮,它的一切是我们最终的牵挂;国际家庭日,愿你家庭美满,欢乐无限!
  • 29、A very warm and very warm, it can relieve the people in the cold winter, bring comfort to the soul.
  • 30、家是停靠的港湾,它的温暖足以融化一切忧愁;家是起飞的站台,它的力量助你飞跃梦想天堂;家是温馨的摇篮,它的一切是我们最终的牵挂;国际家庭日,愿你家庭美满,欢乐无限!
  • 31、家也完结不了。离开了老家,建立起新家;树大孽丫,老人把儿女从大家分岀,小树自强,儿女把小家建得风风光光;拆散一个家,是为了组装另一个家;云游天下,便四海为家,独身一人,便自成一家。
  • 32、Fish said to water: you can not see my tears, because I am in the water. "I could feel your tears cause you are in me." answered water.
  • 33、国际家庭日到来,送你一个家庭,里面住着开心快乐、吉祥如意、幸福美满、健康长寿、平安富贵,愿你收到后家庭幸福,合家团圆。
  • Your information I hate to delete, your smiling face I can't forget, your true feelings I already know, my heart beat sound don't want you to hear!
  • 34、Your information I hate to delete, your smiling face I can't forget, your true feelings I already know, my heart beat sound don't want you to hear!
  • 35、Nothing is more warm than home, nothing is more precious than family.
  • 36、Give you a heart of the home, tired, I will always wait for you
  • 37、For you would rather not be free!

  • 38、工作可以忙碌,生活可以奔波,家要常常看望;心情可以糟糕,情绪可以放纵,家永远给你依靠。国际家庭日,祝愿家和万事兴,财源滚滚来!
  • 39、Girlfriend wanted: character, like you, and you looks identical, appearance and you run in the same groove, lovely roughly the same with you, I feel you perfectness.
  • 40、我是一个笨蛋,但是请相信我,我并不是有意的。能原谅我吗?亲爱的。
  • 41、Without you, my sky is missing a color; without you, my world is a kind of missing.
  • 42、国际家庭日到了,让我们紧密团结在家的周围,以追求幸福为中心,坚持轻松快乐,坚持愉悦舒爽,开心拼搏、如意进取,为把家庭建设得更加平安、和睦而奋斗!
  • 43、People say: "love a person is not in return.". But I want you to give me back -- let me give you all my love in my life!
  • 44、Everybody wants happiness。 No one wants pain。 But how can you make a rainbow without a little rain?所有人都想得到幸福,不愿承担痛苦,但是不下点小雨,哪来的彩虹?
  • 45、亲情是成长的摇篮,在她的哺育下,你才能健康成长;亲情是力量的源泉,在她的浇灌下,你才能茁壮成长;亲情是灵魂的圣火,在她的照耀下,你才能事业有成;亲情是治疗伤痛的灵药,在她的抚慰下,你才能百痛全消。鸟需要蓝天显示雄姿,蛛需要编网横行天下,而人需要亲情来维系一生。
  • 46、The vast sea, with your name and navigation; so cold, hold your name heating; long life, with your name out.
  • 47、See your smile, I will meet, see you happy, I will be content, when happiness falls on you, I will silently bless you.

    Dreaming in the memory is not as good as waiting for the paradise in the hell。哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。
  • 48、Dreaming in the memory is not as good as waiting for the paradise in the hell。哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。
  • 49、在人生的海洋中打拼疲惫之后,回到属于我的这个家,在家人无言关爱的目光中,无语的默默抚慰中,修复自己千疮百孔的心灵之舟,这个小港,风平浪静,没有灯红酒绿的浮躁,没有莺歌燕舞的妖娆,只有温情,只有安宁。
  • 50、Happiness is free without any burden of the psychological.
  • 51、A woman has to be able to live well.It's very important to own sth. which can't be taken away.一个女人一定要有自己过好日子的能力,要有别人没法拿走的东西,这很重要。
  • 52、无论有几个兄弟姐妹,每一个都是独生子女,这就是父母与孩子。
  • 53、小小家庭,幸福无比,甜蜜四溢,装满温馨,交好运气,事事如意,无忧无虑,快乐第一,国际家庭日祝:合家幸福,万事如意。
  • 54、Every morning when I get up,seeing you and the sunshine,that's the future I want。每天早上睁开眼睛,看到你和阳光都在,这就是我想要的未来。
  • 55、早晨,家是窝在被窝里的温暖;中午,家是饭后父母的唠叨,黄昏,家是你我匆忙赶回的地方。国际家庭日,走进温馨的港湾,走进我们的家,感受家的温暖,体味亲情的幸福!