
  • 1、Never dare to expect, the original South line of people can accompany me to go north.
  • 2、你的就是我的,我的还是我的。
  • 3、Are the people as a father, would be rather baffling vexatious.
  • 4、Some things seem to be lost can not be found, just as some people.

  • 5、Don't come back I've been chasing my freedom.
  • 我不能从我的脑子里删除你的画面。
  • 6、我不能从我的脑子里删除你的画面。
  • 7、伤害一个人只要一句话,感动一个人却要一辈子。
  • 8、In the heart can hold some time to take not to walk the light sadness, is also one kind of happiness.
  • 9、Sometimes, we have to close our mouth, put down our pride, admit that we are wrong, this is not to admit defeat, but to grow up.
  • 10、玩笑别太过,要不都是祸。
  • 11、有些人蜜语千篇却无疾而终,有些人相伴无言却共度百年。
  • 12、Not because I love you, you can play the gangster.
  • 13、The precipitation of love is gradually buried, one day can not see its sorrow.
  • 14、If you know I don't know whether or not extremely difficult.

  • 15、我跟我的男神相爱8年了,昨天刚照完婚纱照。
  • 16、真正的爱应该超越生命的长度心灵的宽度灵魂的深度。
  • 17、有那么个名字装在心里,有些话就这么腐烂在心里。
  • 18、Eyelash Shangcheng passed under who view my heart.
  • 19、你是不是也记得多久没有说爱我。
  • In a moment of all dreams die, memories of wet my eyes.
  • 20、In a moment of all dreams die, memories of wet my eyes.
  • 21、Behind the well-being, there is a man who loves me.
  • 22、Say goodbye, no longer meet, say forget, all memory is dense.
  • 23、Never dare to expect, the original South line of people can accompany me to go north.
  • 24、How to take the initiative to find the topic is useless, he does not like you are the focus.

  • 25、Time is not cruelty. Just about it, we are too weak.
  • 26、有时候,撞的头破血流才发现,所谓的门只是墙上的一幅画。
  • 27、Toys also have something to protect, although they do not shed tears in their eyes!
  • 28、你给的伤害,已经不是我的自我安慰范围内了。
  • 29、想象你们亲吻时的场面,漫天萤火虫的纷飞。
  • 30、你的忽冷忽热,最终怂恿我放了抓你抓到快断得手。
  • 31、Don't come back I've been chasing my freedom.
  • 32、冷漠,有时候并不是无情,是一种避免被伤害。
  • 33、Say goodbye, no longer meet, say forget, all memory is dense.
  • There is a person you love is how happy you are.

    34、There is a person you love is how happy you are.

  • 35、Love withered, no matter how to save will wither.
  • 36、幸福的背后,有个执着爱我的男人。
  • 37、幸福就是开心的听完一首歌,看完一场电影。
  • 38、幸福的背后,有个执着爱我的男人。
  • 39、Sitting in front of the computer, looking at once sweet, but never go back.
  • 40、I have been in love with my boyfriend for 8 years, and I just finished my wedding photo.
  • 41、你是不是也记得多久没有说爱我。
  • 42、Sometimes, hit head broken and bleeding was found, the door is a picture on the wall.
  • 43、Do not dare to face your eyes are afraid of me every look in the confession.
  • 44、Did not experience the love of the people, do not know how to love.

  • 45、Don't come back I've been chasing my freedom.
  • 46、There is a name installed in the heart, some words so rotten in the heart.
  • 47、Youth is a heavy rain, even if a cold, but also looking forward to back it once again.
  • You give the injury, has not been my self comfort within the scope of the.
  • 48、You give the injury, has not been my self comfort within the scope of the.
  • 49、其实我们从没忘记过真相。只是我们越来越会说谎了。
  • 50、There is a name installed in the heart, some words so rotten in the heart.
  • 51、The precipitation of love is gradually buried, one day can not see its sorrow.
  • 52、都是当过爸爸的人了,就会莫名其妙的无理取闹。
  • 53、Imagine your kiss at the scene, the fireflies fly.
  • 54、My feeling is that the teacher, the teacher took us to swim in the title, the results of the teacher ashore, the students drowned.

  • 55、都是当过爸爸的人了,就会莫名其妙的无理取闹。
  • 56、你的忽冷忽热,最终怂恿我放了抓你抓到快断得手。