
  • 1、Confidence, perseverance, courage three have, the world did not do anything.
  • 2、A little more distraction to pay attention to others, less a distraction to reflect on their own.
  • 3、好问的人,只做了五分种的愚人;耻于发问的人,终身为愚人。佚名
  • 4、必须在奋斗中求生存,求发展。茅盾
  • 5、只要路是对的,就不怕路远。
  • 如果你过分珍爱自己的羽毛,不使它受一点损伤,那麽你将失去两只翅膀,永远不再能够凌空飞翔。雪莱
  • 6、如果你过分珍爱自己的羽毛,不使它受一点损伤,那麽你将失去两只翅膀,永远不再能够凌空飞翔。雪莱
  • 7、如果我们能够为我们所承认的伟大目标去奋斗,而不是一个狂热的、自私的**在不断地抱怨为什么这个世界不使自己愉快的话,那么这才是一种真正的乐趣。萧伯纳
  • 8、往公牛身上再使劲,也挤不出一滴奶来。
  • 9、态度决定一切。细节决定成败,习惯成就人生。
  • 10、In the world only can not think of people, there is no way out of the road.

  • 11、Our life is not the model of others, is the reference.
  • 12、聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。华罗庚
  • 13、困难只能吓倒懦夫、懒汉,而胜利永远属于攀登**的人。
  • 14、As long as the road is right, is not afraid of the road.
  • 15、Believe is the starting point for success, persistence is the end of success.
  • 16、古之君子如抱美玉而深藏不市,后之人则以石为玉而又炫之也。朱熹
  • 17、For the hope of tomorrow, let us forget today's pain.
  • 18、Value time can make life more valuable.
  • 19、Climbing the mountain is of extremely, admire the snow Mowei cold.
  • 20、Our life is not the model of others, is the reference.

    In order not to damage and great success, God can not a drop of bitter taste in infiltration.
  • 21、In order not to damage and great success, God can not a drop of bitter taste in infiltration.
  • 22、珍惜时间可以使生命变的更有价值。
  • 23、If you can live again, everyone will be successful.
  • 24、The power that prevents us from flying is the fear that comes from our hearts.
  • 25、成功就是简单的事情不断地重复做。
  • 26、Do not forgive all sentient beings, do not forgive all sentient beings, is suffering from your own.
  • 27、Not to find an excuse for failure, only to find a way to success.
  • 28、宁愿辛苦一阵子,不要辛苦一辈子。
  • 29、Would rather hard for a while, do not work hard for a lifetime.
  • 30、你可以用爱得到全世界,你也可以用恨失去全世界。

  • 31、There is a kind of edge, let go after the scenery, there is a heart, adhere to the Chinese side is sincere.
  • 32、每个人都有错,但只有愚者才会执迷不悟。
  • 33、不为失败找借口,只为成功找方法。
  • 34、无论做什麽事情,只要肯努力奋斗,是没有不成功的。牛顿
  • 35、The stage extends as far as the heart goes! Only think of, can not do without!
  • 人得自知,既然没种去死,那就找点乐子活下去。
  • 36、人得自知,既然没种去死,那就找点乐子活下去。
  • 37、A little more distraction to pay attention to others, less a distraction to reflect on their own.
  • 38、Value time can make life more valuable.
  • 39、奋斗这一件事是自有人类以来天天不息的。孙中山
  • 40、无论头上是怎样的天空,我准备承受任何风暴。拜伦

  • 41、用尽一切去奔赴一场未知的梦。
  • 42、成功的关键在于相信自己有成功的能力。
  • 43、Just for the sake of saving the boatman, always downstream target.
  • 44、Most people, in the vast majority of the time, can only rely on their own.
  • 45、成功就是简单的事情不断地重复做。
  • 46、你应将心思精心专注于你的事业上。日光不经透镜屈折,集于焦点,绝不能使物体燃烧。毛姆
  • 47、Everyone has mistake, but only fools.
  • 48、About a person's success, not the ability, but the choice.
  • 49、学习是劳动,是充满思想的劳动。乌申斯基
  • 50、Today's advantage will be replaced by tomorrow's trend, grasp the trend, grasp the future.

    Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is a mystery, in the face of today, do your best!
  • 51、Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is a mystery, in the face of today, do your best!
  • 52、Give people money is the worst, giving the ability Zhongce, giving the concept is the best policy.
  • 53、人的理想志向往往和他的能力成正比。约翰逊
  • 54、No one can conquer fate without contempt, suffering and struggle.
  • 55、求学的三个条件是:多观察多吃苦多研究。加菲劳
  • 56、The number of things in your head is related with your future prospects.
  • 57、The poor man is that music is not the purpose of prostitution, Hao xiong.
  • 58、Today's advantage will be replaced by tomorrow's trend, grasp the trend, grasp the future.
  • 59、I have the good heart of the Xi, although nine still not regret.
  • 60、Think you can and can't do, in fact, just at the moment.
