
  • 1、闺蜜就是,当她睡不着的时候,你也甭想睡。
  • 2、Sometimes there’s nothing to say. Sometimes silence expresses more than words do.
  • 3、你再说你爱我,再说再说我就嫁给你
  • 4、生活其实没有我想的那么简单但好像也没那么复杂就像我喜欢吃芒果和樱桃我就得为了吃的起芒果和樱桃而努力
  • 5、有时候真的不是想要先离开,而是我发现原来你并不爱我
  • Firmly do not buy a large number of clothes, do not give their own fat space、
  • 6、Firmly do not buy a large number of clothes, do not give their own fat space、
  • 7、不是没见我哭你就以为我不在意
  • 8、你要安静的优秀,悄无声息的坚强

  • 9、因为你只是把我当做朋友不知道我看见她在你怀里心碎的声音
  • 10、Over-thinking leads to negative thoughts.
  • 11、To receive sweet and sweet words, remember to smile, and then delete、
  • 12、Firmly do not buy a large number of clothes, do not give their own fat space、
  • 13、喜欢的东西自己努力买,不要指望别人送。
  • 14、我向来桀骜不驯却为你车仰马翻(www.liyancom 伤感的短语大全)
  • 15、第二天,你还可以发搞笑的短信给他,比如:
  • 16、不是没见我哭你就以为我不在意
  • 17、爱情没有谁对谁错,只有迩死涐活。
  • Sometimes what you want isn’t always what you get, but in the end what you get is so much better than what you wanted.

    18、Sometimes what you want isn’t always what you get, but in the end what you get is so much better than what you wanted.

  • 19、I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and love today.
  • 20、你再说你爱我,再说再说我就嫁给你
  • 21、活着就意味着必须要做点什么,请好好努力。
  • 22、闺蜜就是,当她睡不着的时候,你也甭想睡。
  • 23、闺蜜,对我们来说,甚至是比情人更重要的。
  • 24、以后别再哭也别再等更别在孤独的时候细数痛苦
  • 25、旧爱的誓言像极了一个巴掌每记起一句就挨了一个耳光
  • 26、我想你在每个夜里,连梦醒时都在哭泣
  • 27、收到甜言蜜语的短信,记得微笑,然后删除。
  • 28、我会愿意陪你,帮你做很多事,比如陪你上厕所,去超市,逛操场,帮你买饭和你喜欢的东西等,而这些我都不会希望得到你的回报,因为我把你当姐妹。

  • 29、Like the things they try to buy, do not expect others to send、
  • Good bestie is to take one of your faults that half of those、
  • 30、Good bestie is to take one of your faults that half of those、
  • 31、别人一直吐槽你变了,只是因为你没有按照他的想法去活而已。
  • 32、我并不是一个善于坚持的人,但我唯一走下来的一条路便是通往你所在世界。
  • 33、I have been envious of my girlfriends have one of the world's best friend, don't think don't see each other often, the sentiment is light, tell you, alone, had our friendship, I dare run rampant in your life for a lifetime、
  • 34、我想你在每个夜里,连梦醒时都在哭泣
  • 35、旧爱的誓言像极了一个巴掌每记起一句就挨了一个耳光
  • 36、我向来桀骜不驯却为你车仰马翻(www.liyancom 伤感的短语大全)
  • 37、I will be sad when you are sad, forgive me this person is stupid, do not know how to comfort others, do not know how to make people happy, have to accompany you to cry, because I put you as a sister、
  • 38、If you confer a benefit, never remember it; if you receive one, remember it always.

  • 39、因为你只是把我当做朋友不知道我看见她在你怀里心碎的声音
  • 40、Jules Verne: Anything one man can imagine, other men can make real.
  • 41、Respect the people who find time for you in their busy schedule. But love the people who never look at their schedule when you need them.
  • 以后别再哭也别再等更别在孤独的时候细数痛苦
  • 42、以后别再哭也别再等更别在孤独的时候细数痛苦
  • 43、I’d rather live my life knowing that I’m not perfect, than spending my whole life pretending to be.
  • 44、也许不是每次孤单,都会有我的及时相伴。但我想你知道,每次当你需要,记得回头看看,总会有那么一个人守在原地,不离不弃。生命中,似乎总有一种承受不住的痛。有些遗憾,注定了要背负一辈子;生命中,总有一些精美的情感瓷器在我们身边跌碎,然而那裂痕却留在了岁暮回首时的刹那。
  • 45、你说的死亡不过是走出了时间,
  • 46、Like the things they try to buy, do not expect others to send、
  • 47、我向来桀骜不驯却为你车仰马翻(www.liyancom 伤感的短语大全)
  • 48、Have you know a bestie side, is a very happy thing、

  • 49、Emancipate yourself from the past. The only way to move forward is to stop looking back!
  • 50、你要安静的优秀,悄无声息的坚强