
  • 1、Woman, you will not follow me, I will eat you.
  • 2、弃一方天下,爱一人永恒
  • 3、The world is such a me, do not take me as a matter.
  • 4、有些事未必经历了就会懂
  • 5、I listen to you, I can't hear you.
  • Now look up to forty-five degrees, in order not to let the tears flow down.
  • 6、Now look up to forty-five degrees, in order not to let the tears flow down.
  • 7、七秒忘七年忆
  • 8、Don't ever I mention once, just don't want to return to once so just then he completely forgot.
  • 9、I see, I can't see you.

  • 10、用感情生活的人,生命是悲剧。
  • 11、I am so confused, what do I do without you.
  • 12、我穿着西服不是出现在你的婚礼就是出席你的葬礼
  • 13、总是在难过的不能再坚持的时候一个人躲在一个地方静静哭泣。
  • 14、At least the memories will be forever, like the same sky, with me.
  • 15、Even if I am not in your side, you are still my hero.
  • 16、You are so confused, what do you do without me.
  • 17、别来对我放电,我家相公的醋坛子会打翻的 ミ
  • 18、听说禽兽最软弱的地方是爱人的心脏。
  • 19、谢谢你给的温柔,在我最需要你的时候。

  • 20、男人,你要不爱我我我我我就缠着你。
  • 21、I said it didn't matter, he will be more than I hurt you, keep your little naughty.
  • 22、I will always be, even lonely into the sea.
  • 23、希望你一辈子不放手
  • 24、女人希望锁住男人裤上的拉链。
  • 25、Because of you and I will be so so crazy.
  • 26、Know you fall in love with you know you see through you are not simple.
  • 27、你在南方的艳阳里大雪纷飞。
  • 28、这样的念,千回百转。
  • 29、别问我怎么了,我只和你说一句,我心痛▉别问我怎么了,我只和你说一句,我心疼

  • 30、我重要还是游戏重要你说吧▉我敢打游戏不敢打你你说呢
  • 31、用感情生活的人,生命是悲剧。
  • 32、嗨,帅哥,给你定个目标爱我’▉嘿,美女,给你找个地方脱光’
  • 33、我们都一样,被爱情伤了又伤。▉我们都一样,受了伤却不投降。
  • 有些人,过去了就过去了不必在意。
  • 34、有些人,过去了就过去了不必在意。
  • 35、Without any deviation, such as fantasy scene with perfect handle.
  • 36、That is just the last time.
  • 37、Because of you and I will be so so crazy.
  • 38、择一城终老,遇一人白首
  • 39、If you love her, I let you go with her, never ever meet again.

  • 40、The love of this life are unsuspectingly, destined to be together.
  • 41、The loneliness of the night shows your memories.
  • 42、我爱你,是多么温柔多么勇敢的力量。
  • 43、No words can describe me so dependent on you.
  • 44、一个人久了,不懂两个人的快乐。
  • 45、如果忽冷忽热的温柔是你的借口那我宁愿对你从来没认真过
  • 46、海豚不是不哭、只是因为他在海底。
  • 47、I will always be there, even if everything is pale.
  • 早晨的空虚提倡出你的论美。
  • 48、早晨的空虚提倡出你的论美。
  • 49、I laugh, only hope you can see.

  • 50、我爱一个人,小姐,大冒险,我陪你。
  • 51、前世的五百次回眸,才换来今生的一朝拥有。
  • 52、你的明天有多快乐,都不是我能给的。
  • 53、花未落
  • 54、择一城终老,遇一人白首
  • 55、I love you, how tender and how brave the power.
  • 56、I hope you love me, but you told me is ignored.
  • 57、花未落
  • 58、当林萧走出简溪家看到狼狈的顾里 那是我要的友谊