
  • 1、Your happiness I come to the building, your stubborn me to compromise, you confused me to make up for.
  • 2、What you want to do is that others can not be replaced, then you do not blame who, is that you do not use!
  • 3、清晨曙光初现,幸福落你身边;中午艳阳高照,微笑在你心间;傍晚日落西山,欢乐伴你一天。
  • 4、How are you? And the coming year let me faithful blessing you in the New Year with warm and sweet, wish you a happy New Year。
  • 5、A short message, a sincere greetings, representing the care and miss, contains the blessings and encouragement, I wish a happy New Year, family happiness!
  • 生活不是单行线,此路不通赶紧拐弯。
  • 6、生活不是单行线,此路不通赶紧拐弯。
  • 7、自私和不耐烦是行事做人的致命伤。
  • 8、Actually lose is not terrible, terrible is lost can not afford to drum up the courage to face the world.
  • 9、我不知如何用期待的心为你祝福,在繁忙的工作中请接受我真挚的诚意和问候!
  • 10、No plan can eliminate. Just under the brow, but on the heart.

  • 11、你不能左右天气,但你可以改变心情。
  • 12、Quiet night, the moon, in the light, to me, deep thoughts。 Sweet and stars, shining flash, pass me, beautiful wishes, bless you, dream, dream sweet, beautiful dream。
  • 13、请不要固守你的沈默,不要为等待而等待。愿我爱的帆,能驶进你心的港湾。
  • 14、No umbrella child, must strive to run!
  • 15、倒不是怕他会跟上来,而是怕我的心没有随我的脚步跟上来。
  • 16、人与人之间的距离,要保持好,太近了会扎人,太远了会伤人。
  • 17、此情无计可消除。才下眉头,却上心头。
  • 18、No umbrella child, must strive to run!
  • Love someone, take care of him to protect him to his freedom, is the real elegant love.
  • 19、Love someone, take care of him to protect him to his freedom, is the real elegant love.
  • 20、说忙不忙,说闲不闲,放飞心灵休闲;说近不近,说远不远,真心朋友思念;说多不多,说少不少,假日快乐绵绵!

  • 21、There is only one thing in the world that can withstand the impact of life: a peaceful heart.
  • 22、人生最遥远的距离不是,生与死,而是我站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你。
  • 23、我已经给了你足够的时间从我的身边逃走现在,时间到。
  • 24、I do not know why, as long as you are in me, my heart is no longer on tenterhooks.
  • 25、Dumplings yuanxiao round, round, round and round circle circle holidays! New Year, spring, and a great year! Best wishes for you and your family: camfrog peace happy Lantern Festival!
  • 26、Actually lose is not terrible, terrible is lost can not afford to drum up the courage to face the world.
  • 27、我们没书没笔,但是我们有颗不想挂科的心。
  • 28、You are the only man in my life that makes me so exciting, you are all I have in my life.
  • 29、恋爱,总有风险,成功失败各占一半。想要爱得起,先要输得起!
  • 30、自私和不耐烦是行事做人的致命伤。

  • 31、Most people want to transform the world, but few people want to change their own.
  • There is only one thing in the world that can withstand the impact of life: a peaceful heart.
  • 32、There is only one thing in the world that can withstand the impact of life: a peaceful heart.
  • 33、请不要固守你的沈默,不要为等待而等待。愿我爱的帆,能驶进你心的港湾。
  • 34、成绩不好并不代表未来就没出息。
  • 35、The king of the road will be bumpy, please destroy to the throne of the king of thorns.
  • 36、野草遮不住太阳的光芒,困难挡不住勇敢者的脚步。
  • 37、明知爱不到,却爱得死心塌地,明知爱得毫无结果,却爱得死去活来。
  • 38、有了你,我的生活变的无限宽广,有了你,世界变得如此迷人。
  • 39、Knowing that love not to love, but love without knowing hell-bent, results, but love half alive.
  • 40、For women, money and age are not the safety factors in marriage!

  • 41、崇高的理想就象生长在高山上的鲜花。如果要搞下它,勤奋才能是攀登的绳索。
  • 42、一个人的成功不取决于他的智慧,而是毅力。
  • 43、自私和不耐烦是行事做人的致命伤。
  • 44、Life is the most distant distance is not, life and death, but I stand in front of you, you do not know I love you.
  • Not afraid that he will follow up, but my heart is not afraid of the pace with me up.
  • 45、Not afraid that he will follow up, but my heart is not afraid of the pace with me up.
  • 46、Encounter is always nodded, would like to say is always difficult to open, the sight of the intersection of the moment, I have felt your tenderness.
  • 47、Please don't stick to your silence, don't wait for the waiting. May I love you can sail into the bay of the heart.
  • 48、崇高的理想就象生长在高山上的鲜花。如果要搞下它,勤奋才能是攀登的绳索。
  • 49、Missing is like a river, flowing to the sea, to my heart.
  • 50、您好吗?又是新年来临让我虔诚的祝福您在新的一年中拥有温馨与甜蜜祝新年愉快。

  • 51、Please don't stick to your silence, don't wait for the waiting. May I love you can sail into the bay of the heart.
  • 52、Says busy, idle idle, can relax the leisure; Say nearly not nearly, said, is it far true friend miss; Say how much, said little, happy holiday continuous!
  • 53、Alone is not born, but by the moment you fall in love with a person.
  • 54、忆归期,数归期,梦见虽多相遇稀,何日重逢,不再分离?