I love you none of your business。
2023-03-29 10:54:48
- 1、如果,如果可以,我只希望,从来没有遇见你。
- 2、I appreciate your eyes gentle and warm, you suddenly frozen, in person, for me to bear.
- 3、感情久了就不是爱了而是依赖,当失去后那不是痛而是不舍。
- 4、想和你重新认识一次,从你叫什么名字开始。
- 5、消逝 friendship ▼
- 6、Don't ask me what I've done, I don't even know.
- 7、Time is getting late.
- 8、别人一个小小动作就让我想起你很久很久。
- 10、人是改变不了事情的,只有事情改变人。
- 11、Love can be an instant thing, also can be a lifetime thing.
- 12、习惯一个人自由漫步在喧闹的城市,笑看身边人间百态。
- 13、Ask how sorrowful you are.
- 14、Would rather do regret, also don't miss regret.
- 15、我莫名奇妙的笑了,只因为想到了你。
- 16、你说你在乎我,你却老是用你那无所谓的态度对我爱理不理,这算什么。
- 17、人生有时就像电脑,说死机就死机,没得商量。
- 18、莪对迩思念的力量,足以让花儿开了。
19、I don't want anything without you.
- 20、人的一生有很多幸运,比如遇见你,原来你是我最想留住的幸运。
- 21、指尖的情丝。
- 22、夜亡者 Seventee
- 23、人皮娃娃 - Torocat
- 24、Sometimes life is like a computer, said the crash will crash, not negotiable.
- 25、You give care, is my reason to be happy.
- 26、有时候心灵有些空洞,有点点心疼的时候。
- 27、世界那么大,我走的太远了,心太累了。可是却无能为力,我拯救不了自己。
- 28、You don't have anything to put me down. Because you never thought of my heart.
29、Think of a person, a voice. For the next place of acacia.
- 30、Heart will be tired of love will be cold, this is the process of emotional.
- 31、When you feel tired, because you are on the way of life.
- 32、Once upon a time, in a short period of time, we thought he was a deep love of a person.
- 33、把爱写成兵临城下的不朽传奇、那么、你会不会不辞冰雪披荆斩棘地奔赴而来。
- 34、曾几何时,在一段短暂的时光里,我们以为自己深深的爱着的一个人。
- 35、I am happy to love you.
- 36、我领略过你眼里的温柔热烈以后,你忽然的冰冻,判若两人,留给我去承受。
- 37、The more happiness is shared with others, the more valuable it is.
- 38、Study of slag(学渣)
- 40、Alice☆灵魂
- 41、恶灵空间 Theevilspirit
- 42、I hope you can reject everyone in my name in the future.
- 43、不管怎样,内心深处,始终是你。
- 44、Who is the evening beauty dancing for?
- 45、也许我扪爱得太容易乐,一句我爱沵就可以相爱,一句我想沵就可以占据我的心。
- 46、Some people, who is not saying a word, finally, have nothing to say.
- 47、人的一生有很多幸运,比如遇见你,原来你是我最想留住的幸运。
- 48、The symbol of youth, in the moment of shaking heaven and earth solidified into a sad note.
49、Cherish the present people.
- 50、Want to have a person, even if the life lost, also won't throw me.
- 51、世界那么大,我走的太远了,心太累了。可是却无能为力,我拯救不了自己。
- 52、Not because I am persistent, but because you deserve it.
- 53、爱情是,让人想着,然后用一辈子去忘记。
- 54、You are in my heart, make everything sweet.
- 55、曾经以为那些星星也很好看的,直到一不小心望到了你的眼睛。
- 56、躺在向日葵上,即使沮丧,也能朝着阳光。
- 57、uperficial° 浮浅
- 58、此间流年,有太多太美好的谎言。