Even if we did not have a proof of the past, I still protect you

  • 1、Suddenly discovered that once the stranger, suddenly become my whole world.
  • 2、抓住了手就别放,爱对了人就走下去。
  • 3、Trust is like a piece of paper, wrinkled, and trying to heal and recover from the same.
  • 4、You Are My World
  • 5、Once the tears, just to let us learn to distinguish.
  • 此间流年,有太多太美好的谎言。


  • 7、Sometimes life is like a computer, said the crash will crash, not negotiable.
  • 8、我只是一个陪你疯了一场,短暂狂欢的过客。
  • 9、当你觉得累的时候,是因为你在人生的上坡路上。
  • 10、独家▲ (memory)
  • 11、No one can protect you for a lifetime, so, girl, you should learn to love yourself, okay?
  • 12、To the lonel
  • 13、Empty eyes, can not find the focal length.
  • 14、Carzy丶约锭
  • 15、我的岁月献给了那个叫义务教育的女人。
  • 16、习惯一个人自由漫步在喧闹的城市,笑看身边人间百态。

  • 17、你在我心里,使一切都变成甜的。
  • -Residualhave。(残忆)
  • 18、-Residualhave。(残忆)
  • 19、假设你是一个仙人掌,我也愿意忍受所有的痛来抱着你。
  • 20、Thank you for hurting me let me see the Qingxudong injured all over the body, false love.
  • 21、离沫倾城 winter°
  • 22、消逝 friendship ▼
  • 23、Hickey ぁ (吻痕)
  • 24、你的念念不忘里,没有俄。
  • 25、给我一个勇敢地理由,我会再一次的奋不顾身。
  • 26、If I have to not give up, you will not accompany me until the heavens down.

  • 27、离沫倾城 winter°
  • 28、女人的泪水,一颗长不大的玻璃心。
  • 29、信佛,信因果,在真正的因果面前,人的力量是微不足道的。
  • 空洞的眼眸,找不到焦距所在。
  • 30、空洞的眼眸,找不到焦距所在。
  • 31、花一样的女人,往往都拥有草一样的命。
  • 32、Before I met you, I didn't want to get married, I met you, I don't think about marriage and others!
  • 33、The symbol of youth, in the moment of shaking heaven and earth solidified into a sad note.
  • 34、你走了,留给我那刻苦铭心的回忆。
  • 35、If you choose is the end of the hell, I am willing to accompany you to fall.
  • 36、When you feel tired, because you are on the way of life.

  • 37、My love for a long time, but not to the end.
  • 38、Heart will be tired of love will be cold, this is the process of emotional.
  • 39、生命的序曲只是几声哭泣,而结局却是一声叹息。
  • 40、世人贪婪,总想寻找两全,但这世间难有什么两全之策。人生百年,不过是教人如何取舍。
  • 41、You Are My World
  • I'm just a crazy with you a brief Carnival traveler.
  • 42、I'm just a crazy with you a brief Carnival traveler.
  • 43、生命的价值不在于时间的长短,而在于你如何利用它。蒙田
  • 44、To the lonel
  • 45、Hold your hand and don't let it go.
  • 46、If you can't smile, let yourself cry.

  • 47、真正的爱情需要等待,谁都可以说爱你,但不是人人都能等你。
  • 48、俄依旧可以高傲,不在乎沵扪的心跳。
  • 49、负荷- Sameal゜
  • 50、你的念念不忘里,没有俄。