Blooming in the darkness of the bud, do not know what is the sun

  • 1、Broken in the past, let tomorrow to continue.
  • 2、If I have to not give up, you will not accompany me until the heavens down.
  • 3、用勇气证明自己是最棒的。
  • 4、回忆本是非常美好的,只要你能让过去的都过去。
  • 5、人生就像一杯茶,不会苦一辈子,但总会苦一阵子!
  • 俊美的侧脸,盗取了某人的心。Beautiful side face steals someone's heart.
  • 6、俊美的侧脸,盗取了某人的心。Beautiful side face steals someone's heart.
  • 7、重头开始永远不会晚。
  • 8、奋起飞翔,路在脚下。

  • 9、Life is like a green leaf, with the passage of time, gradually become yellow, but his veins is less clear.
  • 10、慌慌为了张张披上了一身婚纱,一场最美好的回忆。Panic in order to put on a wedding dress Zhang Zhang, a most beautiful memory.
  • 11、You will shed tears, does not mean you mercy; I will smile, does not mean that I am all good.
  • 12、我成不了你心爱的类型和模样,你还会爱我吗?I can't do what you love. Will you still love me?
  • 13、Love is not a matter of counting the days。 It's making the days count。
  • 14、君子之骄,骄傲的是一种风骨。
  • 15、想做你,杯中茶,夜里梦,摆渡人。Want to be you, cup of tea, night dream, ferry man.
  • 16、No measure of time with you will be long enough。
  • 17、Love is making you go bananas。
  • 18、相拥体会无憾人生。Embrace and experience life without regret.

  • 19、Smile is also a kind of vitality.
  • 没有人能保护你一辈子,所以,姑娘,你要学会自己爱自己,好吗?
  • 20、没有人能保护你一辈子,所以,姑娘,你要学会自己爱自己,好吗?
  • 21、向上,加油!不要放弃!
  • 22、别放弃执着最能打动人心。
  • 23、因为是你。所以我愿意。因为是你。所以我放弃。
  • 24、我会为我的理想去奋斗。
  • 25、Memories, beautiful very hurt, memories, memories of the past but can not go back。
  • 26、人生有时就像电脑,说死机就死机,没得商量。
  • 27、Destiny never sympathy for the weak.
  • 28、I will never be late.

  • 29、你说过不会放弃我的,你说过会爱我一生一世的,为什么到最后你还是选择了离去?
  • 30、别说什么皇家子弟,只要是他,落魄才子一样入我心。Don't say anything about royal children, as long as he is down, like a gifted son into my heart.
  • 31、与其平淡过一生,不如投入爱一次,哪怕是短暂的一小时。
  • 32、谁又曾知道我笑着时背后的坚强。Who ever knew the strength behind my laughter?
  • 33、如果我一直坚持不放弃,你会不会陪我撑到天塌下去。
  • One hour of right-down love is worth an age of dully living on。
  • 34、One hour of right-down love is worth an age of dully living on。
  • 35、Love is good, no matter what love is, love has been broken, love the future is worth the aftertaste.
  • 36、Everyone said I spoil you, but you say I never spoil you.
  • 37、慌慌为了张张披上了一身婚纱,一场最美好的回忆。Panic in order to put on a wedding dress Zhang Zhang, a most beautiful memory.
  • 38、Destiny never sympathy for the weak.

  • 39、恋爱把你变得疯疯癫癫的。
  • 40、信任就像一张纸,皱了,再努力试图抚平,也恢复不了原样。
  • 41、Fly up, road in the foot.
  • 42、老虎再温顺,也改变不了吃人的本能!
  • 43、The passage of time, can make people forget a lot of things of the past, but the love between each other, will never die.
  • 44、**的人赌的起赢不起。
  • 45、心里的话,说出来可能是诗,可能是史,也可能是誓,但是留在肚子里肯定会变成屎。
  • 46、想做你,杯中茶,夜里梦,摆渡人。Want to be you, cup of tea, night dream, ferry man.
  • 47、如果是棵小草,即使在最好的企业里,你也长不成大树。
  • You say you care about me, but you always use your indifference to me, what is this.

    48、You say you care about me, but you always use your indifference to me, what is this.

  • 49、Poor and a stronger, don't drop the qingyun.
  • 50、张张给了慌慌一场美好的初恋,一场童话般的婚礼。Zhang Zhang gave panic a beautiful first love, a fairy-tale wedding.
  • 51、I like to laugh, the kind of unrestrained laughter.
  • 52、爱是美好的,无论爱在续,爱已断,爱未来都是值得回味的经历。
  • 53、你的专属的味道,让我的心紧紧依靠。
  • 54、The arrogant, proud of is a kind of character.
  • 55、你是我年少时最冒险的梦。
  • 56、The tin bus is hard and soft. Where should we go?.