

  • 2、想起那个遥远的童年。
  • 3、即使生活有一千个理由让你哭,你也要找到一个理由让自己笑,因为这就是人生,我们能做的只是让自己更加坚强。
  • 4、余生太短,何必将就!
  • 5、Probably because he loved his reason, it seems that it is difficult to fall in love with someone else.
  • Happiness, is not how you spoil me, how warm me, but when you are around, the other does not matter.
  • 6、Happiness, is not how you spoil me, how warm me, but when you are around, the other does not matter.
  • 7、我怕我的记忆像沙漏,越来越少,总有一天会模糊。
  • 8、今生就要在一起,我不要下辈子。
  • 9、活下去,需要理由。
  • 10、If one day, I become very powerful, thank you ever forced me.
  • 11、He hurt you, but your heart still loves him.

  • 12、The world's only a name, will make me feel dolorous, as it has a root invisible line, a head firmly in my heart, a head clenched in your hands. Honey, I miss you all the time!
  • 13、今天,我只为自己而写。
  • 14、若能守望到老,何惧天涯海角。
  • 15、因为珍惜,所以不会轻易想得到什么,也不会失去什么。
  • 16、想做一个很酷的人,两手插兜绝不回头。
  • 17、心志要坚,意趣要乐,伤感散文。
  • 18、Hard work is to live better, not to live more tired、
  • 19、Despair, don't want to let the people around sad, but all finally hurt all people.
  • Happiness, is not how you spoil me, how warm me, but when you are around, the other does not matter.
  • 20、Happiness, is not how you spoil me, how warm me, but when you are around, the other does not matter.
  • 21、在那里究竟有甚么在等待我们?只想为你跳动。

  • 22、爱情像糖衣,我囫囵吞下,享受瞬间的甜蜜。
  • 23、在那里究竟有甚么在等待我们?只想为你跳动。
  • 24、Even if life has one thousand reasons to make you cry, you have to find a reason to laugh, because this is life, we can do is to make ourselves more strong.
  • 25、水没有鱼会更清澈,鱼没有水则会死。
  • 26、今生就要在一起,我不要下辈子。
  • 27、不相信天意,却摆脱不了命运,不是刻意,却主宰不了,身不由己。
  • 28、When he does not love you, your hard to retain will only be seen as a shameless entanglement.
  • 29、沉淀自己,是最好的升华!
  • 30、曾经念念不忘得事,却在我们念念不忘中被我们遗忘了。
  • 31、没有谁,会在同一个角落,永远的寻找唯一的心灵慰藉。

  • 32、破碎的勇敢,终将深埋地心!
  • 33、红颜渐褪双鬓灰,人生难免千万莫心悲。
  • I fear my memory is like an hourglass, with fewer and fewer days.
  • 34、I fear my memory is like an hourglass, with fewer and fewer days.
  • 35、Love I will love my parents, brothers, sisters, love my family and friends, selfless dedication for me, otherwise it is not true love.
  • 36、The world's only a name, will make me feel dolorous, as it has a root invisible line, a head firmly in my heart, a head clenched in your hands. Honey, I miss you all the time!
  • 37、There is always a person, has been living in the bottom of my heart, but disappeared in the life.
  • 38、When he does not love you, your hard to retain will only be seen as a shameless entanglement.
  • 39、想做一个很酷的人,两手插兜绝不回头。
  • 40、我们纵有百般无奈,也得接受事实。
  • 41、同桌的她常在课上偷偷折纸星,说是要送给她喜欢的人。

  • 42、我们的快乐无处可逃。
  • 43、那云朵不是我们平时所见的白花花的云朵,而是五彩缤纷的。
  • 44、Probably because he loved his reason, it seems that it is difficult to fall in love with someone else.
  • 45、我不是你想的那么强大,在转身那一刻,我带上墨镜,只为掩饰我眼中的泪水,我用尽了所有力气和热情来呵护你,可总被你伤的片体鳞伤,是的,我们往往在最在乎的事物面前最没价值,我不后悔我所付出的,但我在也没勇气走下去了,我怕,到最后我连唯一的尊严都留不住……如果生命果真是无常我愿坦然面对而不慌有你在我身旁有你给我力量抱着你抱着你就够。
  • 46、人生得意须尽欢,胡吃海喝需尽兴让旅游成为生活的一部分,让心情成为生活的主角。
  • 47、若能守望到老,何惧天涯海角。
  • 余生太短,何必将就!
  • 48、余生太短,何必将就!
  • 49、我怎么能不难过,毕竟这世界上没有第二个你。
  • 50、不要在乎别人的讥笑,你不努力的样子,才是最可笑的。
  • 51、爱我就要爱我的父母、兄弟、姐妹,爱我所有的亲人朋友,无私的为我奉献,否则就不是真爱。

  • 52、心志要坚,意趣要乐,伤感散文。
  • 53、心灵的弹性,惟有靠感悟去保持,多点感悟,多点感动,多点感动,多点成功。
  • 54、大概是因为爱过他的原因,好像很难再爱上别人。
  • 55、Even if life has one thousand reasons to make you cry, you have to find a reason to laugh, because this is life, we can do is to make ourselves more strong.
  • 56、Love I will love my parents, brothers, sisters, love my family and friends, selfless dedication for me, otherwise it is not true love.