
  • 1、Shut up by me darling protection is not good, I can do for you, only this.
  • 2、There is no true love fool, only willing to do a fool.
  • 3、沉默像首悲伤的歌,捂上视线却模糊了。
  • 4、I want to love you very short poems for the sublimation of life essays.
  • 5、Back to think of us together, I can't help but a burst of heartache not once said good not to separate it? How could you have the heart to leave me like this?
  • 每一天都为你心跳,每一刻都被你感动,每一秒都为你担心。有你的感觉真好。
  • 6、每一天都为你心跳,每一刻都被你感动,每一秒都为你担心。有你的感觉真好。
  • 7、If dreams can come true, I can take the place of you to bear all the sadness.
  • 8、有时候,不是对方不在乎你,而是你把对方看的太重要。
  • 9、There is a bear is actually contain a kind of strength, there was a silence is shaking confession.
  • 10、爱一个人很苦,我却不停付出;爱一个人很累,我却沉迷相思;爱一个人很傻,我却执迷不悟。

  • 11、If I really feel guilty about it, I'm afraid you don't think I can make it, but I don't think I can make it.
  • 12、回想起我们在一起的日子,我就忍不住一阵阵的心痛不是曾经说好了不要分开的吗?你怎么忍心就这样丢下我一个?
  • 13、Some love, destined to I of silence, some people, doomed to will be missed.
  • 14、Just hold on, we will be able to reach the other side of happiness.
  • 15、如果梦想能够成真,愿我能代替你承受全都悲伤。
  • 16、For you would rather not be free!
  • 17、你是我用心用命去爱得人,到最后终究是过客,你叫我怎能不难过。
  • 18、A person's biggest weakness is not selfish, affectionate, savage, and capricious, but paranoid love a not love their own people.
  • 19、你似乎咫尺又遥远,每次都是擦肩而过,淡淡的样子,飘逸的头发,像心弦地波乱对你的心思。想对你说,爱你,是一生一世。
  • 不需言语,让我用行动告诉你,什么叫爱。


  • 21、时间会告诉我们:简单的喜欢最长远,平凡中的陪伴最心安,懂你的人最温暖。
  • 22、Like a person, there will be no pain. Love a person, may have long suffering, but you give me the joy, is also the greatest happiness in the world.
  • 23、Sometimes I hum up memories, memories of the is you hold me, hold me, kiss me, comfort me, is that you loved me.
  • 24、We have been looking for, looking for, that we all have the outcome.
  • 25、亲爱的:最近我牙齿痛,因为常常晚上想你,那感觉太甜蜜了,会蛀牙。
  • 26、Time drives not the wine of truth, but distance does not move the hand of longing. Miss you, until forever The end of life.
  • 27、我想和你在一起,几天也好。在某个地方,某个时候。
  • 28、The rain beautiful copy from rolia. Rain's departure is not also means that we should end up!
  • 29、其实喜欢很简单啊,或许是明天阳光太好,你的睫毛太翘,我想拥抱你!
  • 30、When you're sad, I'm willing to be someone you can count on.

  • 31、Just hold on, we will be able to reach the other side of happiness.
  • 32、Time drives not the wine of truth, but distance does not move the hand of longing. Miss you, until forever The end of life.
  • 33、我们一直在寻觅,寻觅,那个我们都有的结局。
  • 我们一直在寻觅,寻觅,那个我们都有的结局。
  • 34、我们一直在寻觅,寻觅,那个我们都有的结局。
  • 35、In the rainy night, longing for the distant people and all sorts of feelings in the past have risen together.
  • 36、我一直以为,我没有对不住任何人,但现在我知道,我最对不住的,就是我自己。
  • 37、When you really go to wait for a person, that person will never appear.
  • 38、如果有个人对你特别好,记得千万别把那个人弄丢了。
  • 39、If someone very good for you, remember never lost that person.
  • 40、我本向心照明月,奈何明月照沟渠。

  • 41、When people can not get, what all can don't mind, get later, what all mind a bit.
  • 42、好想做你的手机,被你揣在怀里,捧在手里,看在眼里,记在心里。最重要的还经常吻着你!
  • 43、叶子的离开不是风的召唤,而是树的舍弃。
  • 44、有时候,不是对方不在乎你,而是你把对方看的太重要。
  • 45、I do not know love you, is not a good reason.
  • 46、从前的我没学会哭泣,现在的我时常泪流满面。
  • 47、Feelings are fresh, even if put into the refrigerator, coated with preservatives, to the end will expire.
  • 今夜寂寞如海,今夜相思成灾。对你的爱已化成这片寂寞的海。想你的心已让你的影子在脑中泛滥成灾!
  • 48、今夜寂寞如海,今夜相思成灾。对你的爱已化成这片寂寞的海。想你的心已让你的影子在脑中泛滥成灾!
  • 49、沉默像首悲伤的歌,捂上视线却模糊了。
  • 50、Not I do not love, just you have violated my bottom line.

  • 51、你像明镜,今生跟你已注定;你像花朵,爱你爱到没处躲;你像绿水,我的爱只对你追;你像蓝天,一见你就疯癫。爱你,爱你!
  • 52、我之所以活到现在的全部意义,就是为了此刻能与你相遇。
  • 53、Without you, my sky is missing a color; without you, my world is a kind of missing.
  • 54、Even if you miss the fresh Narcissus blooming in the water, don't forget the valley lonely corner of wild lily in the spring.
  • 55、Even if you miss the fresh Narcissus blooming in the water, don't forget the valley lonely corner of wild lily in the spring.
  • 56、你似乎咫尺又遥远,每次都是擦肩而过,淡淡的样子,飘逸的头发,像心弦地波乱对你的心思。想对你说,爱你,是一生一世。
  • 57、The deepest and heaviest love must grow up with the time.