Do not succumb to unhappiness is great happiness

  • 1、他武功的名堂呢,称之为九天十地,菩萨摇头怕怕,劈雳金光雷电掌!一掌打出,方圆百里之内,不论人畜、虾蟹、跳蚤,全部都化成了飞灰!《鹿鼎记》
  • 2、Many times, when a person finds himself in love with a person, when he is separated from him, he suddenly fails to see the person. He knows he has been very attached to that person unknowingly.
  • 3、I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about, too, I miss you.
  • 4、我梦寐以求的爱,原来近在咫尺。
  • 5、如果你需要我,我会在这等候,我跟你是一国的。
  • 闻君喜得麟儿,恭喜恭喜。祝愿他健康成长,顶天立地如乃父;聪慧过人,自古英雄出少年;快乐每天,一生幸福永无边!
  • 6、闻君喜得麟儿,恭喜恭喜。祝愿他健康成长,顶天立地如乃父;聪慧过人,自古英雄出少年;快乐每天,一生幸福永无边!
  • 7、日子突然之间多了几丝甜蜜,空气中似乎也飘着几丝温馨,在这幸福的日子里,让鲜花给您带去美好的祝福:祝身体健康,万事如意,祝宝宝聪明伶俐,活泼可爱!
  • 8、不必承诺永远,只要爱我一天又一天。
  • 9、看穿但不说穿,很多事情,只要自己心里有数就好了,没必要说出来。
  • 10、所谓深情挚爱,就是你中有我,我中有你,原来,一个人吃饭没有两个人吃饭开心。

  • 11、如果两个人注定在一起,最终他们总会找到重温旧梦的路。
  • 12、If you know where to go, the whole world will make way for you.
  • 13、最多,你出墙一寸,我挪墙一寸,你出一尺,我挪一丈。
  • 14、It doesn't matter who you really are, what matters is what you do.
  • 15、In addition to you, and who is eligible walked around in my heart.
  • 16、在这个世界上,只有真正快乐的男人,才能带给女人真正的快乐。
  • 17、I love you not because of who you are, but for who I am before you.
  • 18、I don't have any nostalgia, although I would want to Tianya want to Cape.
  • 19、There were so many towns in the world, there were so many pubs in the town that she walked into me.
  • 爱情是兴致勃勃的外来客,是外来的自我。


  • 21、Many times, when a person finds himself in love with a person, when he is separated from him, he suddenly fails to see the person. He knows he has been very attached to that person unknowingly.
  • 22、Don't promise forever, just love me day by day.
  • 23、曾经拥有的,不要忘记。不能得到的,更要珍惜。属于自己的,不要放弃。已经失去的,留作回忆。
  • 24、Just want to find a can take me when I'm sad tears, I am happy that I can bite one's shoulders.
  • 25、爱情,这不是一颗心去敲打另一颗心,而是两颗心共同撞击的火花。
  • 26、Sometimes, many things are hard to explain, you have to do is follow your heart and hope you made the right decision.
  • 27、我喜欢我望向别处时,他望向我的目光。
  • 28、我梦寐以求的爱,原来近在咫尺。
  • 29、With the wonder of your love, the sun always shines.
  • 30、凭你的智慧,我唬得了你吗?《唐伯虎点秋香》

  • 31、幸福,是智慧圆满,功成名就;慈善捐助,无畏布施;救人于水火。
  • 32、温和的语言,是善良人家庭中决不可缺少的。
  • 33、人生三大喜,亲爱的朋友,在你喜得贵子的日子,让我诚挚地祝你和家人健康快乐!
  • The appearance of knowledge, can not doubt; do not doubt, to the appearance of knowledge.
  • 34、The appearance of knowledge, can not doubt; do not doubt, to the appearance of knowledge.
  • 35、使人幸福的不是体力,也不是金钱,而是正义和多才。
  • 36、I don't have any nostalgia, although I would want to Tianya want to Cape.
  • 37、衷心祝贺新生儿诞生,并致以最良好的祝愿!愿新生的小宝贝给你们带来数不尽的快乐!祝小宝贝:身体健康!茁壮成长。
  • 38、Just good, see you happy, so happy with your happiness.
  • 39、在我们的爱情里,我一直扮演爱你的角色,分手时别问我为什么分手,问问你自己。
  • 40、如果我多一张船票,你会不会跟我一起走?《花样年华》

  • 41、Don't forget what you have. What you can't get is more treasure. Belong to your own, do not give up. What has been lost is a memory.
  • 42、其实我是一个演员。《喜剧之王》
  • 43、如果你知道去哪,全世界都會為你讓路。
  • 44、就算是一条内裤一卷卫生纸也有它的用处。《国产凌凌漆》
  • 45、悟空,你又顽皮了,怎么能这样跟观音姐姐说话呢?《大话西游》
  • 46、我们在变化中成长。如果你拒绝了变化,你就拒绝了新的美丽和新的机遇。
  • 47、尽避还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想!
  • Happiness and happiness are simple, but the pursuit of them is a complex one.
  • 48、Happiness and happiness are simple, but the pursuit of them is a complex one.
  • 49、If you are really happy, don't always take out the sun, because more sun, sooner or later will be dried, so it's better to keep a low profile.
  • 50、让龙飞凤舞为你龙子添彩,让龙凤呈祥为你龙子增光,让龙腾虎跃为你龙子助威,让龙马精神为你龙子给力,龙年得龙子,大吉又大利,祝你行龙运,走大运,交好运,展鸿运,一生幸福!

  • 51、很多时候,一个人发现自己爱上一个人,都是在跟他分别的时候,突然一下见不到那个人了,才知道自己已经不知不觉地对那个人产生了很强的依恋。
  • 52、如果你需要我,我会在这等候,我跟你是一国的。
  • 53、花从箧里发,叶向手中春。《立春》
  • 54、你真正是谁并不重要,重要的是你的所做所为。《蝙蝠侠:开战时刻》
  • 55、一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你爱我。只求在我最美的年华里,遇到你。
  • 56、人没有什么好或坏,只有清澈的人和浑浊的人。
  • 57、I don't need to attend every important moment of your life. I just know that every important moment you have me in your heart.